This project uses Turf.js to create a google.maps.Circle
replacement, as a Mapbox GL JS compatible GeoJSON object.
Allowing the developer to define a circle using center coordinates and radius (in meters). And, optionally, enabling
interactive editing via draggable center/radius handles. Just like the Google original!
Include mapbox-gl-circle.min.js in
the <head>
of your HTML file to add the MapboxCircle object to global scope:
<script src=''></script>
Or even better, fashionably importing it using a module bundler:
npm install --save mapbox-gl-circle
const MapboxCircle = require('mapbox-gl-circle');
// or "import MapboxCircle from 'mapbox-gl-circle';"
A google.maps.Circle
replacement for Mapbox GL JS, rendering a "spherical cap" on top of the world.
var myCircle = new MapboxCircle({lat: 39.984, lng: -75.343}, 25000, {
editable: true,
minRadius: 1500,
fillColor: '#29AB87'
myCircle.on('centerchanged', function (circleObj) {
console.log('New center:', circleObj.getCenter());
myCircle.once('radiuschanged', function (circleObj) {
console.log('New radius (once!):', circleObj.getRadius());
myCircle.on('click', function (mapMouseEvent) {
console.log('Click:', mapMouseEvent.point);
myCircle.on('contextmenu', function (mapMouseEvent) {
console.log('Right-click:', mapMouseEvent.lngLat);
({lat: number, lng: number} | [number, number]) Circle center as an object or[lng, lat]
number Meter radiusoptions
boolean? Enable handles for changing center and radius (optional, defaultfalse
number? Minimum radius on user interaction (optional, default10
number? Maximum radius on user interaction (optional, default1100000
string? Stroke color (optional, default'#000000'
number? Stroke weight (optional, default0.5
number? Stroke opacity (optional, default0.75
string? Fill color (optional, default'#FB6A4A'
number? Fill opacity (optional, default0.25
boolean? Adjust circle polygon precision based on radius and zoom (i.e. prettier circles at the expense of performance) (optional, defaultfalse
Object? Property metadata for Mapbox GL JS circle object (optional, default{}
Subscribe to circle event.
string Event name;click
Function Event handler, invoked with the target circle as first argument on 'centerchanged' and 'radiuschanged', or a MapMouseEvent on 'click' and 'contextmenu' eventsonlyOnce
boolean? Remove handler after first call (optional, defaultfalse
Returns MapboxCircle
Alias for registering event listener with onlyOnce=true, see #on.
Returns MapboxCircle
Unsubscribe to circle event.
Returns MapboxCircle
mapboxgl.Map Target map for adding and initializing circle Mapbox GL layers/data/listeners.before
string? Layer ID to insert the circle layers before; explicitly passnull
to get the circle assets appended at the end of map-layers array (optional, default'waterway-label'
Returns MapboxCircle
Remove source data, layers and listeners from map.
Returns MapboxCircle
Returns {lat: number, lng: number} Circle center position
Returns MapboxCircle
Returns number Current radius, in meters
number Meter radius
Returns MapboxCircle
Returns {sw: {lat: number, lng: number}, ne: {lat: number, lng: number}} Southwestern/northeastern bounds
npm install
npm start
npm run browserify
npm pack
npm run docs
- Performance improvements for Firefox and Edge on slow computers (#64, #59)
- Deprecated Docker build step
- Transferring core project into SmithMicro organization,
mblomdahl/mapbox-gl-circle -> smithmicro/mapbox-gl-circle
- Handle center/radius drag interactions over Mapbox GL markers
- Watch for removal of map container and handle removal
- Improved move animation (#55)
- Add optional
argument to MapboxCircle.addTo (#50) - Updated center/radius handle interactions to make performance issues more subtle
- Fix bug where the circle would always show a horizontal resize cursor on radius handles, irrespective of position (top/bottom/right/left)
- Bug fixes with respect to cursor style when hovering over editable-and-clickable circles SPFAM-1293
- Added support for passing
options to MapboxCircle constructor
- Bug fix for handling map.setStyle updates
- Added package version property to circle class
- README updated with Getting Started section
- Improved usage examples
- Bug fixes:
- Creating circle instances with bundler import failed
- Docker build serving the wrong
- Performance and stability fixes
- MapboxCircle now supports subscribing to
(right-click) events
- Added setters and getters for center/radius
- MapboxCircle now allows subscribing to events and fires
on user modification - Improved API documentation + moved it into README / Usage
- More bug fixes:
- The circle can now successfully remove itself from the map
- Multiple circles may be added to the map and edited without causing too much conflict
- Initial center/radius drag interaction no longer fails
- Bug fixes; passing
editable: false
when creating a circle is now respected, along with any styling options
Publishing releases as
and pre-releases as@next
to -
CI update for Docker image, now publishes releases and pre-releases to SMSI internal Docker registry,
- CI updates, now integrates with GitHub and builds reliably (with unique version names) under
- Added first-draft Jenkinsfile and started including
- Revised
- Removed dead code and unused methods
- Restructured library, moving
circle.js -> lib/main.js
andindex.js -> example/index.js
- Refactored helper functions from
into MapboxCircle class, obsoleted index.html with DOM updates in example/index.js - Refactor into MapboxCircle into new-style ES6 class
- Made MapboxCircle.animate() and a bunch of properties private, added overridable defaults for fillColor/fillOpacity
- Updated ESLint config to respect browser/commonjs built-ins and added docs to MapboxCircle in order to align with ESLint JSDoc requirements
- Updated project details in package.json and committed first-draft API documentation
Updated circle from Mapbox sample.
Now provides handles for modifying position/radius. Seems to also do better performance wise.
The initial 1.0.0 release is a modified version of the archive we got from Mapbox.
Live demo of the original can be found here: