This is a microservice designed to sit along side teamcity and take requests from the TCWebHook plugin and act upon them.
Install virtualenvwrapper:
sudo pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
source /usr/local/bin/
Presuming you have virtualenvwrapper and python 3.6+ installed already:
mkvirtualenv abcbot
workon abcbot
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install pytest:
pip3 install pytest
Run tests:
pytest -v
The bot is deployed to a secure environment where the necessary secrets are provided to it. For example, if using docker:
Setup the .env file:
cp .template.env .env
vim .env # Edit as needed
docker build -t my-docker-tag .
Use the .env file when running the container:
docker run -it --env-file=.env my-docker-tag
Running the tests is your best bet for local development. But, if you insist on running a server locally:
./ [-l --log-file LOG_FILE] [-p --port PORT]