trackpy is a Python package providing tools for particle tracking. Read the walkthrough to skim or study an example project from start to finish.
More Examples and Tutorials:
- Load frames from a video file, a multi-frame TIFF, or a folder of images.
- Save data in a variety of formats; handle large or concurrent jobs; access partial data sets while they are processed.
There are many similar projects. (See table below.) Our implementation is distinguished by succinct and flexible usage, a thorough testing framework ensuring code stability and accuracy, scalability, and complete documentation.
Several researchers have merged their independent efforts into this code. We would like to see others in the community adopt it and potentially contribute code to it.
- The widely-used particle locating algorithm originally implemented by John Crocker and Eric Weeks in IDL is reimplemented in Python. Wherever possible, existing tools from widely-used Python modules are employed.
- This reimplemention is full-featured, including subpixel precision verified with test cases.
- The module is actively used and tested on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, and it uses only free, open-source software.
- Frames of video can be loaded from a video file (AVI, MOV, etc.), a multi-frame TIFF, or a directory of sequential images (TIFF, PNG, JPG, etc.).
- Results are given as DataFrames, high-performance spreadsheet-like objects from Python pandas which can easily be saved to a CSV file, Excel spreadsheet, SQL database, HDF5 file, and more.
- Particle trajectories can be characterized, grouped, and plotted using a suite of convenient functions.
- To verify correctness and stability, a suite of 150 tests reproduces basic results.
- Both feature-finding and trajectory-linking can be performed on arbitrarily long videos using a fixed, modest amount of memory. (Results can be read and saved to disk throughout.)
- Feature-finding works on images with any number of dimensions, making possible some creative applications.
- Trajectory-linking is supported in 2 and 3 dimensions.
- Uncertainty is estimated following a method described in this paper by Savin and Doyle.
- High-performance components (C extensions, FFTW support, numba support) are used only if available. Since these can be tricky to install on some machines, the code will automatically fall back on slower pure Python implementations as needed.
The tutorials above are the best place to start. There is also complete documentation for every function in the package.
Installation is simple on Windows, OSX, and Linux, even for Python novices.
To get started with Python on any platform, download and install Anaconda. It comes with the common scientific Python packages built in.
If you are using Windows, I recommend 32-bit Anaconda even if your system is 64-bit. (One of the optional dependencies is not yet compatible with 64-bit Python.)
Open a command prompt. That's "Terminal" on a Mac, and "Start > Applications > Command Prompt" on Windows. Type these lines:
conda install numpy=1.7.1 scipy=0.13.0 matplotlib=1.3 pandas=0.13.0 numba=0.11 PIL pyyaml
conda install pip
pip install
pip install
In the command prompt, type
ipython notebook
This will automatically open a browser tab, ready to interpret Python code. Follow the tutorials to get started.
You can install any of the dependencies using pip or Anaconda, which comes with some of the essential dependencies included.
If you are using Windows, I recommend 32-bit Anaconda even if your system is 64-bit.
(One of the optional dependencies, opencv
, is not readily compatible with 64-bit
Essential Dependencies:
You will also need the image- and video-reader pims, which is, like trackpy itself, part of the organization.
You can install pims and trackpy using pip:
pip install
pip install
Or, if you plan to edit the code, you can install them manually:
git clone
cd pims
python develop
cd ..
git clone
cd trackpy
python develop
Optional Dependencies:
to speed up the band pass, which is one of the slower steps in feature-findingPyTables
for saving results in an HDF5 file. This is included with Anaconda.- [
] for accelerated feature-finding and linking. This is included with Anaconda. Installing it any other way is difficult; we recommend sticking with Anaconda. Currently we support v0.11 but not v0.12.
Pims has its own optional dependencies for reading various formats. You can read what you need for each format here on pims` README.
The code is under active development. To update to the current development version, run this in the command prompt:
pip install --upgrade
A version 0.1 has been tagged and the v0.1.x branch will get bug
fixes. This version does not depend on pandas
On the current master branch, which the instructions above would download, we have made significant changes:
- merging most of Dan Allan's
module - replacing
- making
iterative - merging Nathan Keim's KDTree-based linking, which is 2X faster on typical data
- merging Nathan Keim's numba-acceleration, falling back on pure Python if numba is not available
- providing access to different linking strategies through
keyword arguments (Type
for details.) - reworking out-of-core (on-disk) processing of large data sets to suit
- Daniel Allan feature-finding, uncertainty estimation, motion characterization and discrimination, plotting tools, tests
- Thomas Caswell multiple implementations of sophisticated trajectory-linking, tests
- Nathan Keim alternative trajectory-linking implementations and major speed-ups
Author(s) | Project URL | Programming Language |
Crocker and Grier | | IDL |
Crocker and Weeks | | IDL |
Blair and Dufresne | | MATLAB |
Maria Kilfoil | | MATLAB and Python |
Graham Milne | | LabVIEW |
Ryan Smith and Gabe Spalding | | stand alone/IDL GUI |
Peter J Lu | | C++ (identification only) |
Thomas A Casswell | | C++ |
This package was developed in part by Daniel Allan, as part of his PhD thesis work on microrheology in Robert L. Leheny's group at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. The work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number CBET-1033985. Dan can be reached at [email protected].
This package was developed in part by Thomas A Caswell as part of his PhD thesis work in Sidney R Nagel's and Margaret L Gardel's groups at the University of Chicago, Chicago IL. This work was supported in part by NSF Grant DMR-1105145 and NSF-MRSEC DMR-0820054. Tom can be reached at [email protected].