This Python-based API for the Indexing Initiative Scheduler facility was created to provide users with the ability to programmatically submit jobs to the Scheduler Batch and Interactive facilities instead of using the web-based interface.
Three programs are accessible via the Web API: MetaMap, the NLM Medical Text Indexer (MTI), and SemRep. The functionality in these programs includes: automatic indexing of MEDLINE citations, concept-based query expansion, analysis of complex Metathesaurus strings, accurate identification of the terminology and relationships in anatomical documents, and the extraction of chemical binding relations from biomedical text.
See Indexing Initiative's Web API page ( for more information.
To access either the the Interactive Mode or Batch Mode facilities, you must have accepted the terms of the [UMLS Metathesaurus License Agreement] (, which requires you to respect the copyrights of the constituent vocabularies and to file a brief annual report on your use of the UMLS. You also must have activated a [UMLS Terminology Services (UTS) account] ( See [UTS Account Information page] ( for information on how we use UTS authentication.
The SKR Web API requires at least Python 3.8 and two packages: Requests ( and Requests-HTML ( to run. It's possible that it will work with earlier versions of Python 3 but that hasn't been tested.
Installing prequisites using pip:
python3 -m pip install requests requests-html
Building the wheel package from sources:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade build
python3 -m build --no-isolation
Installing the wheel package into your virtual environment:
python3 -m pip install dist/skr_web_api-0.1-py3-none-any.whl
To run the examples, you'll need a UTS API key which available in your UTS profile.
A simple example of submitting file to generic batch with validation to be processed by SemRep:
>>> email = 'username@address'
>>> apikey = '<UTS apikey>'
>>> inputfilename = 'doc.txt'
>>> inst = Submission(email, apikey)
>>> inst.init_generic_batch("semrep", "-D")
>>> inst.set_batch_file(inputfilename)
>>> response = inst.submit()
>>> print('response status: {}'.format(response.status_code))
response status: 200
>>> print('content: {}'.format(response.content))
... output omitted ...
An example of processing a string using interactive MetaMap service:
>>> email = 'username@address'
>>> apikey = '<UTS apikey>'
>>> inputfilename = 'doc.txt'
>>> inst = Submission(email, apikey)
>>> inputtext = "A spinal tap was performed and oligoclonal bands were \
detected in the cerebrospinal fluid.\n"
>>> inst.init_mm_interactive(inputtext)
>>> response = inst.submit()
>>> print('response status: {}'.format(response.status_code))
response status: 200
>>> print('content:\n {}'.format(response.content.decode()))
/dmzfiler/II_Group/MetaMap2020/public_mm/bin/SKRrun.20 /dmzfiler/II_Group/MetaMap2020/public_mm/bin/metamap20.BINARY.Linux --lexicon db -Z 2020AB -N
USER|MMI|5.18|Diagnostic lumbar puncture|C0553794|[diap]|["Spinal Tap"-tx-1-"spinal tap"-noun-0]|TX|2/10|
USER|MMI|5.18|Oligoclonal Bands|C4048246|[lbtr]|["Oligoclonal Bands"-tx-1-"oligoclonal bands"-noun-0]|TX|31/17|
USER|MMI|5.18|Oligoclonal Bands (protein)|C0069426|[aapp,imft]|["Oligoclonal Bands"-tx-1-"oligoclonal bands"-noun-0]|TX|31/17|
USER|MMI|5.18|Oligoclonal protein measurement|C0202205|[lbpr]|["Oligoclonal Bands"-tx-1-"oligoclonal bands"-noun-0]|TX|31/17|
USER|MMI|5.18|Spinal Puncture|C0037943|[hlca]|["Spinal Tap"-tx-1-"spinal tap"-noun-0]|TX|2/10|
USER|MMI|3.61|Cerebrospinal Fluid|C0007806|[bdsu]|["Spinal Fluid, Cerebro"-tx-1-"cerebrospinal fluid"-noun-0]|TX|70/19|
USER|MMI|3.61|In Cerebrospinal Fluid|C0007807|[ftcn]|["cerebrospinal fluid"-tx-1-"cerebrospinal fluid"-noun-0]|TX|70/19|
USER|MMI|3.56|Detected (finding)|C0442726|[fndg]|["Detected"-tx-1-"detected"-verb-0]|TX|54/8|
The Python source file, in the examples directory, contains source for example of submitting file to generic batch with validation.
usage: [-h] [-e EMAIL] [-a APIKEY] inputfile
Example of use:
python examples/ -e user@host -a 1234-5678-9ABC-DEF1 \
The directory examples also contains examples of using the MetaMap, MTI, and SemRep interactive services.
python examples/ -e $EMAIL -a $UTS_API_KEY
python examples/ -e $EMAIL -a $UTS_API_KEY
python examples/ -e $EMAIL -a $UTS_API_KEY