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An introduction to Angular.js covering single-page-app concepts, related libraries and angular features by example.

by Curran Kelleher March 2014

  • "What HTML would have been, had it been designed for building web-apps"
  • Implements futuristic Web standards now (Web Components and Model Driven views)
  • Created by Misko Hevery in 2009
  • Open Source, supported by Google
  • Extremely well documented
  • Vibrant community of users
  • Gaining traction in industry

Data Binding Frameworks

Foundational Libraries

The following libraries lay the foundation for many data binding frameworks:

  • Underscore - a widely adopted functional programming utility library, providing functional primitives such as map, reduce, each and filter. Lo-Dash is a replacement for Underscore that boasts performance increases, bug fixes and additional features. Underscore can be used in conjunction with Angular.
  • Backbone - a tried and true bare bones MVC framework that provides fundamental features such as events, observable properties, and class-like inheritance. Backbone also has foundational support for routing based on hash fragments and RESTful synchronization with a CRUD backend for persistence. Backbone was one of the first on the JavaScript MVC library scene, and surely influenced Angular.
  • jQuery - an industry standard library for DOM manipulation and AJAX.
    • Angular includes a jQuery-like API with jqLite
  • AMD - an industry standard for separating JavaScript projects across many files using modules. The top AMD implementation is Require.
  • Promises - an industry standard pattern for dealing with asynchronous control flow. The top Promises implementation is Q. Async.js is another great asynchronous control flow library, from the Node.js community.
    • Angular includes a Q-like API with the $q service
  • Handlebars - one of the top templating libraries. Handlebars is derived from Mustache, which provides logic-less templates.


Angular Learning Resources

It is straightforward to teach yourself about Angular, as there are so many learning resources on the Web.


Introductory tutorials and guides:

Design and implementation of Angular:

Angular and D3

by Curran Kelleher March 2014