Starred repositories
A pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
NodeSource Node.js Binary Distributions
Enable macOS HiDPI and have a native setting.
一分钟在线定制编译 X86/64, NanoPi R2S R4S R5S R6S, 斐讯 Phicomm N1 K2P, 树莓派 Raspberry Pi, 香橙派 Orange Pi, 红米AX6, 小米AX3600, 小米AX9000, 红米AX6S 小米AX3200, 红米AC2100, 华硕ASUS, 网件NETGEAR 等主流软硬路由
A template for building OpenWrt with GitHub Actions | 使用 GitHub Actions 在线云编译 OpenWrt 固件
proxmox ve tools script(debian9+ can use it).Including email, samba, NFS set zfs max ram, nested virtualization ,docker , pci passthrough etc. for english user,please look the end of readme.
Hestia Control Panel | A lightweight and powerful control panel for the modern web.
既然来了,就留下你的Star吧!Serv00 | CT8 | VPS | 游戏机 | sing-box(reality + hy2 + vmess-argo +tuic5)四合一无交互一键安装脚本(已适配Alpine),支持纯V6 vps,默认解锁GPT和奈飞
Transparent Proxy with Mihomo on OpenWrt.
Installer for a generic Linux system
serv00 上的一些应用,包括argo+vmess/vmess+ws/hy2/socks5/mtproto/alist/哪吒探针 等, 自动化部署、批量保号、进程防杀、消息推送
最好用的 sing-box 一键安装脚本 & 管理脚本,自动创建 REALITY 协议;支持 TUIC,Trojan,Hysteria2 等所有常见的协议
Mikrotik RouterOS inside Docker container
Setup UnblockNeteaseMusic to your machine quickly.