To view the architecture of the ONNX networks, you can use netron
- image stream
- Two consecutive images (256 * 512 * 3 in RGB) recorded at 20 Hz : 393216 = 2 * 6 * 128 * 256
- Each 256 * 512 image is represented in YUV420 with 6 channels : 6 * 128 * 256
- Channels 0,1,2,3 represent the full-res Y channel and are represented in numpy as Y[::2, ::2], Y[::2, 1::2], Y[1::2, ::2], and Y[1::2, 1::2]
- Channel 4 represents the half-res U channel
- Channel 5 represents the half-res V channel
- Each 256 * 512 image is represented in YUV420 with 6 channels : 6 * 128 * 256
- Two consecutive images (256 * 512 * 3 in RGB) recorded at 20 Hz : 393216 = 2 * 6 * 128 * 256
- desire
- one-hot encoded vector to command model to execute certain actions, bit only needs to be sent for 1 frame : 8
- traffic convention
- one-hot encoded vector to tell model whether traffic is right-hand or left-hand traffic : 2
- recurrent state
- The recurrent state vector that is fed back into the GRU for temporal context : 512
- 5 potential desired plan predictions : 4955 = 5 * 991
- predicted mean and standard deviation of the following values at 33 timesteps : 990 = 2 * 33 * 15
- x,y,z position in current frame (meters)
- x,y,z velocity in local frame (meters/s)
- x,y,z acceleration local frame (meters/(s*s))
- roll, pitch , yaw in current frame (radians)
- roll, pitch , yaw rates in local frame (radians/s)
- probability1 of this plan hypothesis being the most likely: 1
- predicted mean and standard deviation of the following values at 33 timesteps : 990 = 2 * 33 * 15
- 5 potential desired plan predictions : 4955 = 5 * 991
- 4 lanelines (outer left, left, right, and outer right): 528 = 4 * 132
- predicted mean and standard deviation for the following values at 33 x positions : 132 = 2 * 33 * 2
- y position in current frame (meters)
- z position in current frame (meters)
- predicted mean and standard deviation for the following values at 33 x positions : 132 = 2 * 33 * 2
- 4 lanelines (outer left, left, right, and outer right): 528 = 4 * 132
laneline probabilties
- 2 probabilities1 that each of the 4 lanelines exists : 8 = 4 * 2
- deprecated probability
- used probability
- 2 probabilities1 that each of the 4 lanelines exists : 8 = 4 * 2
- 2 road-edges (left and right): 264 = 2 * 132
- predicted mean and standard deviation for the following values at 33 x positions : 132 = 2 * 33 * 2
- y position in current frame (meters)
- z position in current frame (meters)
- predicted mean and standard deviation for the following values at 33 x positions : 132 = 2 * 33 * 2
- 2 road-edges (left and right): 264 = 2 * 132
- 2 hypotheses for potential lead cars : 102 = 2 * 51
- predicted mean and stadard deviation for the following values at 0,2,4,6,8,10s : 48 = 2 * 6 * 4
- x position of lead in current frame (meters)
- y position of lead in current frame (meters)
- speed of lead (meters/s)
- acceleration of lead(meters/(s*s))
- probabilities1 this hypothesis is the most likely hypothesis at 0s, 2s or 4s from now : 3
- predicted mean and stadard deviation for the following values at 0,2,4,6,8,10s : 48 = 2 * 6 * 4
- 2 hypotheses for potential lead cars : 102 = 2 * 51
lead probabilities
- probability1 that there is a lead car at 0s, 2s, 4s from now : 3 = 1 * 3
desire state
- probability1 that the model thinks it is executing each of the 8 potential desire actions : 8
meta 2
- Various metadata about the scene : 80 = 1 + 35 + 12 + 32
- Probability1 that openpilot is engaged : 1
- Probabilities1 of various things happening between now and 2,4,6,8,10s : 35 = 5 * 7
- Disengage of openpilot with gas pedal
- Disengage of openpilot with brake pedal
- Override of openpilot steering
- 3m/(s*s) of deceleration
- 4m/(s*s) of deceleration
- 5m/(s*s) of deceleration
- Probabilities1 of left or right blinker being active at 0,2,4,6,8,10s : 12 = 6 * 2
- Probabilities1 that each of the 8 desires is being executed at 0,2,4,6s : 32 = 4 * 8
- Various metadata about the scene : 80 = 1 + 35 + 12 + 32
pose 2
- predicted mean and standard deviation of current translation and rotation rates : 12 = 2 * 6
- x,y,z velocity in current frame (meters/s)
- roll, pitch , yaw rates in current frame (radians/s)
- predicted mean and standard deviation of current translation and rotation rates : 12 = 2 * 6
recurrent state
- The recurrent state vector that is fed back into the GRU for temporal context : 512
- .onnx model can be run with onnx runtimes
- .dlc file is a pre-quantized model and only runs on qualcomm DSPs
- single image (640 * 320 * 3 in RGB):
- full input size is 6 * 640/2 * 320/2 = 307200
- represented in YUV420 with 6 channels:
- Channels 0,1,2,3 represent the full-res Y channel and are represented in numpy as Y[::2, ::2], Y[::2, 1::2], Y[1::2, ::2], and Y[1::2, 1::2]
- Channel 4 represents the half-res U channel
- Channel 5 represents the half-res V channel
- normalized, ranging from -1.0 to 1.0
- 39 x float32 outputs (parsing example)
- face pose: 12 = 6 + 6
- face orientation [pitch, yaw, roll] in camera frame: 3
- face position [dx, dy] relative to image center: 2
- normalized face size: 1
- standard deviations for above outputs: 6
- face visible probability: 1
- eyes: 20 = (8 + 1) + (8 + 1) + 1 + 1
- eye position and size, and their standard deviations: 8
- eye visible probability: 1
- eye closed probability: 1
- wearing sunglasses probability: 1
- poor camera vision probability: 1
- face partially out-of-frame probability: 1
- (deprecated) distracted probabilities: 2
- face covered probability: 1
- face pose: 12 = 6 + 6