EasyDeL (Easy Deep Learning) is an open-source library designed to accelerate and optimize the training process of
machine learning models. This library is primarily focused on Jax/Flax and plans to offer easy and fine solutions to
train Flax/Jax Models on the TPU/GPU
both for Serving and Training
install go on ubuntu be like
sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install golang -y
and you need Jax>=0.4.10 and FJutils>=0.0.15
on TPUs be like
you can install other version too but easydel required at least version of 0.4.10
!pip install jax[tpu] -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/libtpu_releases.html -q
on GPUs be like
pip install --upgrade pip
# CUDA 12 installation
# Note: wheels only available on linux.
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda12_pip]" -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html
# CUDA 11 installation
# Note: wheels only available on linux.
pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda11_pip]" -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/jax_cuda_releases.html
To install EasyDeL, you can use pip:
pip install easydel
Tutorials on how to use and train or serve your models with EasyDel is available at examples dir
- Llama (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - Llama2 (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - GPT-J (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - LT (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - MosaicMPT (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - GPTNeoX (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - Falcon (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - Palm (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - T5 (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing) - OPT (Support
)(Supports gradient checkpointing)
- LLama GPT-J MosaicMPT Falcon supports Flash Attention
you can also tell me the model you want in Flax/Jax version and ill try my best to build it ;)
you can read docs or examples to see how JAXServer
works but let me show you how you can simply host and serve a
chat model (70B model is supported too)
python -m examples.serving.causal-lm.llama-2-chat \
--repo_id='meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf' --max_length=4096 \
--max_new_tokens=2048 --max_stream_tokens=32 --temperature=0.6 \
--top_p=0.95 --top_k=50 \
--dtype='fp16' --use_prefix_tokenizer
you can use all of the llama models not just 'meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf'
'fp16' Or 'fp32' , 'bf16' are supported dtype
make sure to use --use_prefix_tokenizer
and you will get links or api to use model from gradio app chat/instruct or FastAPI apis
RLHF or Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback is going to be available in the next versions of EasyDel
with using EasyDel FineTuning LLM (CausalLanguageModels) are easy as much as possible with using Jax and Flax and having the benefit of TPUs for the best speed here's a simple code to use in order to finetune your own MPT / LLama or any other models supported by EasyDel
download converted model weights in order to finetune or convert the weights of the model you want to use transform in the library example
import jax
from EasyDel.transform import mpt_convert_pt_to_flax_7b
from fjutils.utils import save_ckpt
number_of_layers = 32 # its 32 hidden layers for Mpt 7B
device = jax.devices('cpu')[0] # offload on CPU
pytorch_model_state_dict = None # StateDict of the model should be this one
flax_params = mpt_convert_pt_to_flax_7b(pytorch_model_state_dict, number_of_layers, device)
save_ckpt(flax_params, 'flax_param_easydel')
now it's time to finetune or model
import jax.numpy
from EasyDel import TrainArguments, CausalLMTrainer
from datasets import load_dataset
from EasyDel.configs import configs
max_length = 4096
conf = configs.mpt_configs['7b']
conf['max_sequence_length'] = max_length
conf['max_seq_len'] = max_length
train_args = TrainArguments(
# right now you should use model supported with remote code from huggingface all model are supported and uploaded
optimizer='lion', # 'adamw', 'lion', 'adafactor','warm_up_cosine' are supported
scheduler='linear', # 'linear' or 'cosine' or 'none'
max_steps=None, # None to let trainer Decide
do_eval=False, # it's optional but supported
backend='tpu', # default backed is set to cpu so you must define you want to use tpu cpu or gpu
max_length=max_length, # Note that you have to change this in the model config too
sharding_array=(1, -1, 1), # the way to shard model across gpu,cpu or TPUs using sharding array (1, -1, 1)
# everything training will be in fully fsdp automatic and share data between devices
dataset = load_dataset('TRAIN_DATASET')
dataset_train = dataset['train']
dataset_eval = dataset['eval']
trainer = CausalLMTrainer(train_args,
model_and_extra_outputs = trainer.train()
print(f'Hey ! , here\'s where your model saved {model_and_extra_outputs.last_save_file_name}')
you can then convert it to pytorch for better use I don't recommend jax/flax for hosting models since pytorch is better option for gpus
To use EasyDeL in your project, you will need to import the library in your Python script and use its various functions and classes. Here is an example of how to import EasyDeL and use its Model class:
from EasyDel import JAXServer, FlaxLlamaForCausalLM, LlamaConfig
from EasyDel.transform import llama_from_pretrained
from transformers import AutoTokenizer
import jax
model_id = 'meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf'
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id, trust_remote_code=True)
params, config = llama_from_pretrained(model_id, jax.devices('cpu')[0])
model = FlaxLlamaForCausalLM(
server = JAXServer.load_from_params(
predictions = server.process(
'String To The Model'
EasyDeL is an open-source project, and contributions are welcome. If you would like to contribute to EasyDeL, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request. The team behind EasyDeL will review your changes and merge them if they are suitable.
EasyDeL is released under the Apache v2 license. Please see the LICENSE file in the root directory of this project for more information.
If you have any questions or comments about EasyDeL, you can reach out to me