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A flutter package for editing video written in pure Dart with fully customizable UI. Supports crop, trim, rotation and cover selection.


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Goal of this fork

  • new trimmer style when the length of the video is greater than maxDuration
    • inside gesture scroll horizontally to change the maxDuration trim position in the video length
    • inside gesture update progress position and video seek position
    • see previous and next thumbnails out of the padding area
  • video timeline along the trimmer
  • new style of trimmer
  • add possibility to select a frame of the video as the cover
    • choose between x frames exported from the trim selection
    • default select first frame by default and when trim values changed
    • display the selected frame when cover tab is opened
    • export cover as a file

Fix bugs

  • avoid maxTrim to be smaller than minTrim
  • avoid minTrim to be bigger than maxTrim
  • synch transformation data with video or coverViever
    • synch rotation, scale and crop
    • save and init scale rect for CoverViewer and CropGrid

New Features

  • New supported actions
    • New trim (if video length > maxDuration param)
    • New widget to select a cover between x exported thumbnails from the trimmed period
New Trimmer New Cover selection


  • Super flexible UI Design.
  • Support actions:
    • Crop
    • Trim
    • Scale
    • Rotate

Installation (More info on Flutter FFMPEG)


Add on android/build.gradle file and define package name in ext.flutterFFmpegPackage variable.

ext.flutterFFmpegPackage = "min-gpl-lts"


(Flutter >= 1.20.x)

  • Edit ios/Podfile, add the following block before target 'Runner do and specify the package name in min-gpl-lts section:

      # "fork" of method flutter_install_ios_plugin_pods (in fluttertools podhelpers.rb) to get lts version of ffmpeg
      def flutter_install_ios_plugin_pods(ios_application_path = nil)
       # defined_in_file is set by CocoaPods and is a Pathname to the Podfile.
        ios_application_path ||= File.dirname(defined_in_file.realpath) if self.respond_to?(:defined_in_file)
        raise 'Could not find iOS application path' unless ios_application_path
        # Prepare symlinks folder. We use symlinks to avoid having Podfile.lock
        # referring to absolute paths on developers' machines.
        symlink_dir = File.expand_path('.symlinks', ios_application_path)
        system('rm', '-rf', symlink_dir) # Avoid the complication of dependencies like FileUtils.
        symlink_plugins_dir = File.expand_path('plugins', symlink_dir)
        system('mkdir', '-p', symlink_plugins_dir)
        plugins_file = File.join(ios_application_path, '..', '.flutter-plugins-dependencies')
        plugin_pods = flutter_parse_plugins_file(plugins_file)
        plugin_pods.each do |plugin_hash|
          plugin_name = plugin_hash['name']
          plugin_path = plugin_hash['path']
          if (plugin_name && plugin_path)
              symlink = File.join(symlink_plugins_dir, plugin_name)
              File.symlink(plugin_path, symlink)
              if plugin_name == 'flutter_ffmpeg'
                  pod plugin_name + '/min-gpl-lts', :path => File.join('.symlinks', 'plugins', plugin_name, 'ios')
                  pod plugin_name, :path => File.join('.symlinks', 'plugins', plugin_name, 'ios')
  • Ensure that flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__)) function is called within target 'Runner' do block. In that case, it is mandatory that the added function is named flutter_install_ios_plugin_pods and that you do not make an explicit call within that block.

(Flutter < 1.20.x)

  • Edit ios/Podfile file and modify the default # Plugin Pods block as follows. Do not forget to specify the package name in min-gpl-lts section.

      # Prepare symlinks folder. We use symlinks to avoid having Podfile.lock
      # referring to absolute paths on developers' machines.
      system('rm -rf .symlinks')
      system('mkdir -p .symlinks/plugins')
      plugin_pods = parse_KV_file('../.flutter-plugins')
      plugin_pods.each do |name, path|
          symlink = File.join('.symlinks', 'plugins', name)
          File.symlink(path, symlink)
          if name == 'flutter_ffmpeg'
              pod name+'/min-gpl-lts', :path => File.join(symlink, 'ios')
              pod name, :path => File.join(symlink, 'ios')

Example (The UI Design is fully customizable on the example)

Crop Video Rotate Video

Trim Video Export Video


A flutter package for editing video written in pure Dart with fully customizable UI. Supports crop, trim, rotation and cover selection.








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