An unofficial coturn helm chart using the official coturn docker image.
Note that you still need to fill out the charts/coturn/values.yaml
(Autogenerated Docs can be found in charts/coturn/
helm repo add coturn
helm install coturn coturn/coturn --values values.yaml
At very least, you'll need to configure a coturn realm which is like your hostname, and is used for authentication as well.
# most coturn config parameters that you really need
# -- hostname for the coturn server realm
realm: ""
Pass in one set of credentials (username/password) directly either plaintext, or via an existing k8s secret, like this:
# most coturn config parameters that you really need
# -- hostname for the coturn server realm
realm: ""
# -- username for the main user of the turn server; ignored if you existingSecret is not ""
username: "coturn"
# -- password for the main user of the turn server; ignored if you existingSecret is not ""
password: "myverysecretpasswordthatimobviouslygoingtochangeright"
# -- existing secret with keys username/password for coturn; if this is not "" then we will ignore coturn.auth.username/password
existingSecret: ""
# -- key in existing secret for turn server user
username: username
# -- key in existing secret for turn server user's password
password: password
Currently only one user is supported, but we'd like to support adding more than that to match what is possible in the coturn/coturn:examples/etc/turnserver.conf
If you would like to use the built-in sqlite database, set externalDatabse.enabled
and postgresql.enabled
to false
in your values.yaml
like this:
enabled: false
enabled: false
We provide optional Bitnami Postgresql subchart to deploy an external database. You can use it like this:
enabled: true
enabled: false
# -- global.postgresql.auth overrides postgresql.auth
# -- username for database, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
username: "coturn"
# -- password for db, autogenerated if empty & existingSecret empty
password: "mycoolpasswordthatisplaintextforsomereason"
# -- database to create, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
database: "coturn"
# -- name of existing Secret to use for postgresql credentials
existingSecret: ""
# Names of the keys in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials
# all of these are ignored if existingSecret is empty
# -- key in existingSecret for database to create
hostname: "hostname"
# -- key in existingSecret for database to create
database: "database"
# -- key in exsiting Secret to use for the coturn user
username: "username"
# -- key in existing Secret to use for postgres admin user's password
adminPasswordKey: "postgresPassword"
# -- key in existing Secret to use for coturn user's password
userPasswordKey: "password"
You're free to use any other values you find in the Bitnami postgresql helm values under the postgresql
parameter in your values.yaml for coturn.
If externalDatabase.enabled
is set to true
, and postgresql.enabled
is set to false, you can pass in credentials from an existing postgresql database, like this:
enabled: true
# -- Currently only postgresql is supported. mariadb/mysql coming soon
type: "postgresql"
# -- required if externalDatabase.enabled: true and postgresql.enabled: false
hostname: "mypostgresserver"
# -- username for database, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
username: "coturn"
# -- password for database, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
password: "coolpasswordfordogs"
# -- database to create, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
database: "coturn"
# -- name of existing Secret to use for postgresql credentials
existingSecret: ""
# Names of the keys in existing secret to use for PostgreSQL credentials
# -- key in existing Secret to use for the db user
username: ""
# -- key in existing Secret to use for db user's password
password: ""
# -- key in existing Secret to use for the database name
database: ""
# -- key in existing Secret to use for the db's hostname
hostname: ""
enabled: false
We provide optional Bitnami MySQL subchart to deploy an external database. You can use it like this:
enabled: true
# -- username for database, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
username: "coturn"
# -- password for db, autogenerated if empty & existingSecret empty
password: "mycoolpasswordthatisplaintextforsomereason"
# -- database to create, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
database: "coturn"
# -- Use existing secret for password details.
# The secret has to contain the keys mysql-root-password, mysql-replication-password and mysql-password
existingSecret: ""
# Names of the keys in existing secret to use for MySQL credentials
# -- key in exsiting Secret to use for the coturn user
username: "username"
# -- key in existing Secret to use for coturn user's password
password: "password"
You're free to use any other values you find in the Bitnami mysql helm values under the mysql
parameter in your values.yaml for coturn.
If externalDatabase.enabled
is set to true
, and mysql.enabled
is set to false, you can pass in credentials from an existing mysql database, like this:
enabled: true
# -- Currently postgresql and mysql are supported.
type: "mysql"
# -- required if externalDatabase.enabled: true and mysql.enabled: false
hostname: "mysqlserver"
# -- username for database, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
username: "coturn"
# -- password for database, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
password: "coolpasswordfordogs"
# -- database to create, ignored if existingSecret is passed in
database: "coturn"
# -- name of existing Secret to use for mysql credentials
existingSecret: ""
# Names of the keys in existing secret to use for MySQL credentials
# -- key in existing Secret to use for the db user
username: ""
# -- key in existing Secret to use for db user's password
password: ""
# -- key in existing Secret to use for the database name
database: ""
# -- key in existing Secret to use for the db's hostname
hostname: ""
enabled: false
Source: Tutorial for turnutils_uclient and Coturn server
Install coturn:
brew install coturn
Test the connection to the server:
# example for LoadBalancer type services: turnutils_uclient -u $COTURN_USER -w $COTURN_PASSWORD \ -L $CLIENT_IP \ -y $SERVER_UDP_IP
A Successful test looks like this:
0: (18446744073709551615): INFO: Total connect time is 0 1: (18446744073709551615): INFO: start_mclient: msz=4, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0 2: (18446744073709551615): INFO: start_mclient: msz=4, tot_send_msgs=0, tot_recv_msgs=0, tot_send_bytes ~ 0, tot_recv_bytes ~ 0 3: (18446744073709551615): INFO: start_mclient: msz=4, tot_send_msgs=10, tot_recv_msgs=10, tot_send_bytes ~ 1000, tot_recv_bytes ~ 1000 4: (18446744073709551615): INFO: start_mclient: msz=1, tot_send_msgs=20, tot_recv_msgs=20, tot_send_bytes ~ 2000, tot_recv_bytes ~ 2000 4: (18446744073709551615): INFO: start_mclient: tot_send_msgs=20, tot_recv_msgs=20 4: (18446744073709551615): INFO: start_mclient: tot_send_bytes ~ 2000, tot_recv_bytes ~ 2000 4: (18446744073709551615): INFO: Total transmit time is 4 4: (18446744073709551615): INFO: Total lost packets 0 (0.000000%), total send dropped 0 (0.000000%) 4: (18446744073709551615): INFO: Average round trip delay 5.500000 ms; min = 4 ms, max = 13 ms 4: (18446744073709551615): INFO: Average jitter 1.700000 ms; min = 0 ms, max = 9 ms
This is actively maintained by both live developers and renovateBot via a scheduled Github Action. If you'd like to contribute, please read the feel free to open a PR :) If you'd like a feature or want to report a bug, please do that in the GitHub Issues. If you know coturn and k8s well enough, please also feel free to scan the issues and help others <3
This is a fork of the now deprecated iits-consulting/coturn chart. Thanks to them for getting this started.