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File metadata and controls

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This page will document the software part of the VdMot_Controller


Feature list software

  • responsive design
  • user login
  • status page
    • valves: index, description, position, mean current, status, assigned temperature sensor with temperature value
    • temperature sensors: description, temperature, index
  • setup page
    • network interface: wifi or ethernet (RJ45)
    • wifi: user and password
    • valves: description/name, assignment of temperature sensor, calibration request
    • temperature sensors: description/name
    • mqtt: server ip, server port, user name and password
    • settings: save, recover
  • control page
    • integrated software PI-controller for valves
    • gets target and actual temperature via MQTT/JSON/1-wire
  • update page
    • flash STM32 by file upload
    • flash ESP32 by direct send chunks

ESP32 user interface

  • home page
  • status page
  • network page
  • config page
  • setup valve control page
  • about page
  • update page
  • esp32 update page
  • stm32 update page

JSON Interface WTH32

WTH32 supports following commands


"/valves" : read the values of all connected valves

command description units
"idx" Index of the valve 0..11
"name" Name of the valve defined in config
"state" State of the config
"pos" Actual position 0..100%
"meanCur" Average current of the valve mA
"targetPos" Target position 0..100%
"temp1" Temperature of assigned channel 1, send only if assigned °C
"temp2" Temperature of assigned channel 2, send only if assigned °C

"/temps" : read all the temperatures values, except assigned to a valve

command description units
"id" Index of the valve 0..33
"name" Name of the sensor defined in config
"temp" Temperature of the sensor °C

"/netinfo" : read the network info

command description units
"ethWifi" detected lan interface 0 = eth, 1 = wifi
"dhcp" DHCP detected 0 = no, 1 = yes
"ip" Ip address of the system
"mac" MAC address of the system
"mask" Mask Ip of the system
"gw" Gateway of the system
"dns" DNS Server of the system

"/sysinfo" : read the static system info

command description units
"wt32version" Version of the WTH32 software
"wt32cores" Number of WTH32 cores
"wt32coreRev" Revision of the WTH32 cores
"stm32version" Version of the STM32 software

"/sysdyninfo" : read the dynamic system info

command description units
"locTime" Location time
"heap" Free heap memory KBytes
"wifirssi" RSSI of wifi
"wifich" WiFi channel
"stmStatus" Status of the STM32

"/netconfig" : read the network configuration

command description units
"ethWifi" Configuration lan interface 0 = Auto, 1= Eth, 2=Wifi
"dhcp" DHCP enable 0 = disable, 1 = enable
"ip" Local Ip address if dhcp not enabled
"mask" Mask Ip of the system
"gw" Gateway of the system
"dns" Dns server of the system
"userName" Username if login required
"ssid" SSID if wifi selected
"timeServer" Url of the sntp server or pool
"timeOffset" Time offset of zone seconds
"timeDST" Daylight saving time 0 = off, 1 = on
"syslogLevel" Level of the syslog 0 = Off, 1 = Small, 2 = Detail, 3 = Atomic
"syslogIp"!Ip address of the syslog client
"syslogPort" :Port of the syslog client

"/protconfig" : read the protocol configuration

command description units
"prot" Kind of protocol 0 = off, 1 = Mqtt
"ip" Ip address of protocol client
"port" Port of the protocol client
"interval" Interval transfer data ms
"pubTarget Transfer target data 0 = no, 1 = yes
"user" Username if authorization required

"/valvesconfig" : read the valves configuration

command description units
"calib" Calibration data
"dayOfCalib" Days of calibration Bit 0 = Sunday, Bit 1 = Monday, Bit 2 = Tuesday, Bit 3 = Wednesday, Bit 4 = Thursday, Bit 6 = Friday, Bit 7 = Saturday
"hourOfCalib" Hour of calibration
"cycles" Number of movements of the motor to start the calibration
"motor" Characteristics of the motor
"lowC" Max. current value of low position
"highC" Max. current value of high position
"valves" Array of valve configuration
"name" Name of the valve
"active" Activate the valve
"tIdx1" Index 1 of the assigned temperature sensor 1..34, 0 = not assigned
"tIdx1" Index 2 of the assigned temperature sensor1..34, 0 = not assigned

"/tempsconfig" : read the temps configuration

command description units
"name" Name of the sensor
"active" Activate the sensor
"id" Sensor id
"offset" Offset, will be added to the measured value °C


You can use curl to test the communication or set parameters by hand. Example:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"pubTarget":0}'

"/netconfig" : saves the network configuration

command description units
"ethWifi" Configuration lan interface 0 = Auto, 1= Eth, 2=Wifi
"dhcp" DHCP enable 0 = disable, 1 = enable
"ip" Local Ip address if dhcp not enabled
"mask" Mask Ip of the system
"gw" Gateway of the system
"dns" Dns server of the system
"userName" Username if login required
"pwd" Password if login required
"ssid" SSID if wifi selected
"timeServer" Url of the sntp server or pool
"timeOffset" Time offset of zone seconds
"timeDST" Daylight saving time 0 = off, 1 = on
"syslogLevel" Level of the syslog 0 = Off, 1 = Small, 2 = Detail, 3 = Atomic
"syslogIp" Ip address of the syslog client
"syslogPort" :Port of the syslog client

"/protconfig" : saves the protocol configuration

command description units
"prot" Kind of protocol 0 = off, 1 = Mqtt
"ip" Ip address of protocol client
"port" Port of the protocol client
"interval" Interval transfer data ms
"pubTarget Transfer target data 0 = no, 1 = yes
"user" Username if authorization required
"pwd" Password if authorization required

"/valvesconfig" : saves the valves configuration

command description units
"calib" Calibration data
"dayOfCalib" Days of calibration Bit 0 = Sunday, Bit 1 = Monday, Bit 2 = Tuesday, Bit 3 = Wednesday, Bit 4 = Thursday, Bit 6 = Friday, Bit 7 = Saturday
"hourOfCalib" Hour of calibration
"cycles" Number of movements of the motor to start the calibration
"motor" Characteristics of the motor
"lowC" Max. current value of low position
"highC" Max. current value of high position
"valves" Array of valve configuration
"name" Name of the valve
"active" Activate the valve
"tIdx1" Index 1 of the assigned temperature sensor 1..34, 0 = not assigned
"tIdx1" Index 2 of the assigned temperature sensor1..34, 0 = not assigned

"/tempsconfig" : saves the temps configuration

command description units
"name" Name of the sensor
"active" Activate the sensor
"id" Sensor id
"offset" Offset, will be added to the measured value °C

"/cmd" : execute a command

command description units
example payload : {"action":"reboot"}
"reboot" reboots the system
"saveCfg" saves the configuration
"resetCfg" resets the configuration except network settings
"restoreCfg" restore factory settings
"fDelete":filename deletes a file
"clearFS" delete all files
"scanTempSensors" scans the temperature sensors
"vCalib" execute the valve calibration
"vAssembly" sets all valves to assembly position

MQTT Interface WTH32

Main topic is defined by entry Config Site -> Network -> Station.
Valve Subtopic is defined by entry Config Site -> Valves -> Name row.
Temperature Subtopic is defined by entry Config Site -> Temperature sensor -> Name row.
example: VdMotFloor/valves/Kitchen/target

following MQTT topics are supported

topic direction description
maintopic/common publish system state of ESP32 - OK 0, Info 1, Error 2
maintopic/common/heatControl subscription heat control switch: 0 - Manual, 1 - On, 2 - Off, default: 0
maintopic/common/parkPosition subscription park position: 0...100, default: 10
maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/target subscription setpoint for valve position (0...100 %)
maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/target publish setpoint for valve position (0...100 %)
only if Config Site -> Protocol -> Publish -> Target is checked
maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/tValue subscription actual temperature value for integrated valve position control
maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/tTarget subscription temperature setpoint for integrated valve position control
maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/actual publish actual position of valve (0...100 %)
maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/state publish actual state of valve (IDLE, OPENING, CLOSING, BLOCKING, OPENCIRCUIT, UNKNOWN)
maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/meancur publish mean current of valve (mA)
maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/temperature publish temperature of linked 1-wire sensor (1/10 °C)
maintopic/temps/temperaturesubtopic/id publish id of 1-wire sensor, 8 byte hex
maintopic/temps/temperaturesubtopic/value publish temperature of sensor (°C)


option description
Config Site -> Protocol -> Publish -> Target publishes target value of valves, please see hints
Config Site -> Protocol -> Publish -> All temps publishes all 1-wire sensor values even if not linked to a valve
Config Site -> Protocol -> Publish -> Path as root publishes an empty topic prior to the maintopic
e.g.: /maintopic/valves/valvesubtopic/...


Some MQTT broker dont work with VdMot Controller when publishing and subcribing to the same topic.
If such problems oocur, please try to uncheck Config Site -> Protocol -> Publish -> Target.

command list STM32

STM32 supports following commands

This commands are send from ESP32 to STM32. The commands can not directly be send by LAN/WiFi.

command description answer units comment
stgtp x y set target position of valve x to y % - x=0...11, y=0...100%
gtgtp x get target position of valve x gtgtp target_position 0...100%
gvlvd x get data of valve x gvlvd valve_index position meancurrent status 1st_temperature 2nd_temperature % mA - 1/10°C 1/10°C
stons start new 1-wire search - - get result via gonec and goned
gonec get count of 1-wire devices gonec count -
goned x get data (adress and temperature) of 1-wire sensor with index x goned 8ByteHexAddress temperature hex 1/10°C
gvlon x get 1-wire settings for valve x gvlon x 8ByteHexAddressFirstSensor 8ByteHexAddressSecondSensor - hex hex example: 'gvlon 2 28-84-37-94-97-FF-03-23 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 '
stsnx x y set first 1-wire sensor index y to valve x - x=0...11, y=0...33 will be saved in eeprom
stsny x y set second 1-wire sensor index y to valve x - x=0...11, y=0...33 will be saved in eeprom
staop x set valve x open - 0...11, 255 usefull for installation, opens quickly one (x) or all valves (x=255) so they can be mounted
staln x set learning for valve x - 0...11, 255 performs learning cycle for one (x) or all valves (x=255)
stlnm x set learning movement counter - 0...32000 after x movement requests to valve a new learning cycle will be perfomed
stlnt x set learning time - 0...1000000 after x seconds a new learning cycle will be perfomed
gvers get version gvers version_string tbd
smotc x y set motor characteristics: x endpoint threshold low (inv), y endpoint threshold high - x=5...50 y=5...50 endpoint detection will be performed with these current values, will be saved in eeprom
gmotc get motor characteristics - x endpoint threshold low (inv), y endpoint threshold high see smotc
stvls set valve sensors to valve x - - example: 'stvls 1 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 '

OTA update of ESP32 and STM32


  • STM32 can be reset via ESP32 pin
  • STM32 BOOT0 pin is not accessible by ESP32 cause of BlackPill board design
  • the alternative approach: STM32 jumps to internal bootloader after receiving a magic sequence from ESP32 right after start-up
  • idea of general procedure for STM32 update via ESP32
    • ESP32 switches to UART config 9600 8E1 - the even parity is important for STM32 bootloader
    • reset STM32 via ESP32 GPIO
    • STM32 starts up and listens for 2 seconds at UART for magic sequence (UART config: 9600 8E1)
    • ESP32 sends the magic sequence "DEADBEEF"
    • STM32 answers with "BEEFIT"
    • STM32 jumps to internal bootloader
    • ESP32 waits for some time
    • now ESP32 can use STM32 internal bootloader to program it
    • reset STM32 via ESP32 GPIO
    • ESP32 switches back to default UART config 115200 8N1
    • STM32 update finished