Releases: Lessica/TrollRecorder
- 优化了录音列表为空时的提示界面
- 设置页面中,用 V 形图案代替了原本的箭头
- 「妙手回春」取消了冻屏效果,恢复使用相对保守的动画效果(减少性能开销)
- 设置页面的部分选项受到 iOS 隐私权限限制而被禁用
- 将 App 退到多任务后台
- 前往 iOS 设置「隐私与安全性」等页面,给巨魔录音机 App 重新授予相关隐私权限
- 将 App 从多任务后台唤醒到前台
- 被禁用的选项将立即刷新并恢复为可用状态
When "Haptic Feedback" is turned off, "Vibrate at Start" and "Vibrate at End" will no longer be affected by the device's mute switch status.
- Optimized the prompt interface when the recording list is empty.
- On the settings page, chervon icons have replaced the original arrows.
- Canceled the freezing effect of re-spring, reverting to a more conservative animation effect (reducing performance overhead).
Content Sharing
Optimized the display effect of the "Custom Export Name" placeholder.
Privacy and Security
The user experience of the following steps has been optimized:
- Some options on the settings page are disabled due to iOS privacy permission restrictions.
- Push the App to the background in multitasking.
- Go to the iOS Settings "Privacy & Security" or other pages to re-grant the relevant privacy permissions to the Troll Recorder App.
- Wake the App from the background to the foreground.
- The disabled options will be immediately refreshed and restored to the available state.
This version contains some important patches for TrollRecorder JB.
Bug Fixes
- Changes to the “Smart Cloud Archive” did not take any effect before a next background processing.
- The “Preserve All Channels” option did not take any effect when converting recordings in foreground. (#73)
- The recording process occasionally failed to launch in the TrollRecorder JB. (#74)
- Replace
to avoid process spawn issues (#74, #76, Special thanks to @opa334).
自 v1.12.0 起,GitHub 发布版本号将不包含构建号,以方便记忆。
- 修复「智能云归档」相关配置修改后未能生效的问题
- 修复当前台录音转换时,「保留所有通道」选项未能生效的问题
- 修复 TrollRecorder JB 越狱版本中,偶现录音进程无法正常启动的问题
Bug Fixes
智能云归档(iCloud Drive 支持)
每月自动为混合和组合模式的录音创建克隆,并将其存储在 iCloud 云盘中。
- 已登录 iCloud,启用 iCloud 云盘且剩余空间充足
- 连接到电源,剩余电量充足,有可用的网络连接
- App 处于多任务后台,设备屏幕已锁定且闲置一段时间
- 此功能不是用于「同步」的网盘,即当前月份的录音不会被归档
- 此功能不能立即释放储存空间,但 iCloud 云盘将在机身存储不足时自动删除本地副本
- 此功能经过精心设计,可与「删除过期录音」功能一同使用;「删除过期录音」功能不会删除 iCloud 云盘当中的内容
- 冻屏
- 重启小组件、SpringBoard 和 backboardd
- 重新启动 App
- 为购买界面新增试用状态的文字提示
- 优化「自定义导出名称」的使用体验
- 修复「自定义导出名称」可能导致文件名格式不正确的问题
New Features
Smart Cloud Archiving
Automatically create clones of recordings in mixed and combined modes every month and store them in the iCloud Drive.
Archiving and uploading are triggered when the following conditions are met:
- Logged into iCloud, iCloud Drive is enabled, and there is sufficient remaining space.
- Connected to power, with sufficient battery life, and available network connection.
- The App is in the background, the device screen is locked, and it has been idle for a while.
- This feature is not a sync cloud drive; recordings of the current month will not be archived.
- This feature does not immediately free up storage space, but the iCloud Drive will automatically delete local copies when the device storage is insufficient.
- This feature is carefully designed to be used in conjunction with the “Remove Expired Recordings” feature; the “Remove Expired Recordings” feature will not delete files in the iCloud Drive.
New Re-spring
A new method of re-spring has been implemented with the following steps, connected with animation effects:
- Freeze the screen
- Restart the widgets, SpringBoard, and backboardd
- Restart the App
Optimizations and Improvements
- Added text prompts for the trial status in the purchase interface.
- Improved the user experience of “Custom Export Name”.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where “Custom Export Name” might generate incorrect file names.
- 进一步改进授权验证策略和新手引导过程
- 修复录音详情部分字段过长显示不完整的问题(如地理位置)
- 修复通话监控服务日志可能无法正常输出到文件的问题
- 修复关闭后检查更新依旧生效的问题(感谢群友 Redamancy 指出)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some license issues.
- Fixed some issues in the new user guide.
- Fixed the issue that some fields in the recording details are too long to display completely.
- Fixed the issue that the call monitoring service log may not be output to the file normally.
- Fixed the issue that the update check still takes effect after toggling off.
- 原「制作归档」、「导出元数据」、「WebDAV 服务器」功能已移至「内容共享」标签页
- 新增「自定义导出名称」功能
- 你现在可以 优雅地 自定义录音的分享、批量导出的名称
- 特别提示:今后的版本中,自动归档(备份)功能也能够支持用户自定义的文件名称
- App 设置中新增「发行说明」入口
- 你现在可以在 App 中查看历次更新的具体内容
- 💗「关爱」为纯图标按钮添加了无障碍标签和提示信息
- 💗 调整了授权验证失败时的提示,引导用户自助排查问题
- 调整了 Havoc 账户登出时的验证策略
- 微调了 App 图标,使其主体与背景居中,更为美观
- 优化了逆地理位置的格式化文本
- 修复了「导出元数据」选项开启后,录音分享到微信无法播放的问题
- 修复了「应用程序图标」选项在卸载并重装后,实际效果被还原的问题
- 再次打开 App 设置页,App 图标将重新配置为用户选择的风格
- 巨魔录音机不支持也永远不会支持 iOS 14。
- 巨魔录音机(巨魔版本)需要从巨魔商店 TrollStore 安装,不支持任何自签。
- TrollRecorder JB,即越狱版本,不支持 RootHide 环境;此环境用户请从 TrollStore 安装和使用巨魔版本。
- 巨魔版本和越狱版本不可共存,如果同时安装,会产生一系列冲突和奇怪的问题。请卸载其中一个。
- iPhone X 及更早设备因性能过时,可能无法正常编码太长的录音。
- 对此,请使用这些设备的用户在免费试用阶段做好自测,因设备性能原因造成的使用问题,不予退款。
New Features
- The original "Create Archive", "Export with Metadata", and "WebDAV Server" features have been moved to the "Content Sharing" section.
- Added the "Custom Export Name" feature, you can now elegantly customize the name of the shared recording and do batch exports.
- Special Note: In future versions, the automatic archiving (backup) feature will also support user-customized file names.
- 💗 Added accessibility labels and hints to all image buttons.
- 💗 Adjusted the prompt when license verification fails, to guide users to troubleshoot the problem themselves.
- Adjusted the license verification strategy when the Havoc account is logged out.
- Adjusted the app icon to center the main body and background.
- Optimized the formatted address of reverse geolocation.
Compatibility Announcement
Starting from this version, TrollRecorder may perform the following environment checks and give prompts during installation and service startup:
- TrollRecorder does not support and will never support iOS 14.
- TrollRecorder must be installed from the TrollStore, and does not support any self-signing techniques.
- TrollRecorder JB, the jailbreak version, does not support the RootHide environment; users in this environment should install and use the TrollStore version.
- The TrollStore version and the jailbreak version cannot coexist. If both are installed at the same time, a series of conflicts and strange problems will occur. Please uninstall one of them.
- Due to outdated performance, iPhone X and earlier devices may not be able to encode very long recordings properly.
- Users of these devices are advised to perform self-tests during the free trial period. No refunds will be given for usage issues caused by device performance.
- 「显示与外观」新增「应用程序图标」选项
- Pro 用户现可更换新款图标
- 「本地存储」新增「导出元数据」选项
- 分享、导出或归档音频文件时写入 ID3 标签
- 🐤 自动归档功能或于下个版本推出
- 优化了大批量删除、导出时的性能及显示效果
- 「删除过期录音」功能新增「45 天前」选项
- 此功能选项设置后并不会立即执行删除,而是在随后数日执行
- 「删除过期录音」选项设置后,将为列表中即将删除的录音特别标记
New Feature
- New app icon for PRO version.
- Use it in “Appearance” option tab.
- “Export with Metadata”: Write ID3 tags to the exported audio files.
- Optimized performance for batch deleting and exporting.
- “Remove Outdated Recordings”
- Added “45 Days Ago” as an option.
- Added special marks for recordings to be deleted.
- 巨魔录音机自6月2日起,巨魔版价格由 $4.99 上调至 $6.99(约合 ¥55),与越狱版定价一致。
- 购买任一版本享另一版本 50% 折扣,特此公告。
你没看错,这周只更新了一个垃圾桶 🗑️。
- (PRO) 重新设计的“回收站”
- 你现在可以直接在 App 中恢复最近删除的录音。
- 需要提前打开「使用回收站」选项。
Price Changes
- TrollRecorder now sells at $6.99, the same as TrollRecorder JB.
Major Changes
- (PRO) Re-designed “Recycle Bin”
- Now you can restore recently deleted recordings within app.
- You need to toggle on “Use Recycle Bin” before deleting.
- 授权验证失败优先排查:订单内有礼品码需要兑换,必须用 Safari 非无痕模式登录。
- 「微信通话助理」需注意,「仅支持新版本官方微信」。即只支持 46-49 版本官方原版微信,其他各路魔改均不支持。
- 只有当微信通话结束,触发录音结束的情形下,「微信通话助理」才能生效。手动提前结束录音时此功能无效。
- 「微信通话助理」有时能够获取通话方向,有时不能。这是正常现象,随缘获取,勿要强求。
- 安装新版本后桌面小组件变白,是巨魔导致的。「妙手回春」后再回桌面点一下小组件即可恢复正常。
- 开机自启(服务保活)选项需要购买高级版,并将「巨魔录音机」小组件添加到桌面或负一屏。
Major Changes
- (TrollRecorder JB) Fixed a bug that caused the latest TrollStore version being pushed to TrollRecorder JB.
- Optimized transition animation between foreground and background.
- Optimized interaction animation when elements are pressed in settings page.
- Recording Playback: Background Audio & Media Control.
- Added Traditional Chinese (Taiwan).
- Previous version of Traditional Chinese has been renamed to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong).
- Fixed a bug that the location will be populated unintentionally when “Record with Location” option is disabled.
- App settings will be attached to feedback emails from now on.
- 🤡 优化 App 前后台切换的动态效果
- 🤡 优化设置页面条目按下的动态效果
- 🔊 优化录音回放:现已支持后台播放和媒体控制
- 📖 新增繁体中文(台湾)支持
- 原繁体中文现已调整为繁体中文(香港)
- 🩹 修复关闭「录音定位」后,「应用启动时填充位置」选项仍生效的问题。
- 📧 「通过电子邮件联系」反馈时,你的 App 偏好设置将会随附件一同发送给我们。