Usage: new PrivateKey(data, network)
Description: Instantiate a PrivateKey from a BN, Buffer and WIF.
parameters | type | required | Description |
data | String | no | The encoded data in various formats. When excluded, a random key is generated |
network | Network/string | no | a Network object, or a string with the network name |
Returns: {PrivateKey} A new valid instance of a PrivateKey
Description: Instantiate a PublicKey from a Buffer
parameters | type | required | Description |
buff | Buffer | yes | A Buffer of the private key |
network | Network/String | no | a Network object, or a string with the network name. Default on livenet. |
Returns: {PrivateKey} A new valid instance of PrivateKey
Description: Instantiate a PrivateKey from a WIF string
parameters | type | required | Description |
str | String | yes | The WIF encoded private key string |
Returns: {PublicKey} A new valid instance of PublicKey
Description: Instantiate a PrivateKey from a plain JavaScript object
parameters | type | required | Description |
obj | Object | yes | The output from privateKey.toObject() |
Returns: {PublicKey} A new valid instance of PublicKey
Description: Instantiate a PublicKey from random bytes
parameters | type | required | Description |
network | Network/String | no | a Network object, or a string with the network name. Default on livenet. |
Returns: {PrivateKey} A new valid instance of PrivateKey
Description: Check if there would be any errors when initializing a PrivateKey
parameters | type | required | Description |
data | String | yes | The encoded data in various formats |
network | Network/String | no | a Network object, or a string with the network name. Default on livenet. |
Returns: {null|Error} An error if exists
Description: Check if the parameters are valid
parameters | type | required | Description |
data | String | yes | The encoded data in various formats |
network | Network/String | no | a Network object, or a string with the network name. Default on livenet. |
Returns: {Boolean} If the private key is would be valid
Description: Will return the corresponding public key
Parameters: None.
Returns: {PublicKey} - A public key generated from the private key
Description: Will return an address for the private key
parameters | type | required | Description |
network | Network/String | no | a Network object, or a string with the network name. Default on livenet. |
Returns: {Address} - An address generated from the private key
Description: Will output the PrivateKey to a WIF string
Parameters: None.
Returns: {string} A WIP representation of the private key
Description: Will return the private key as a BN instance
Parameters: None.
Returns: {BN} A BN instance of the private key
Description: Will return a buffer representation of the private key
Parameters: None.
Returns: {Buffer} A buffer of the private key
Description: Will return an object representation of the private key
Parameters: None.
Returns: {Object} A plain object with the private key properties
Description: Will output the PrivateKey encoded as hex string
Parameters: None.
Returns: {string} A hex encoded string
Description: Will return a string formatted for the console
Parameters: None.
Returns: {string} Private Key hex representation
const privateKey = new PrivateKey(...);
privateKey.toInspect() // <PrivateKey: 041ff0fe0f7b15ffaa....>