WeChart is a tool aiming to provide a software capable to detect whenever a token change it's prices on the most common dexes alive ( pancakeswap/biswap/uniswap/etc.. ), based on the chain where the scraper is running, in the most efficient way possibile and track it as a record on a database (mongodb)
⚠️ To run this tool you will need a commercial full-node provider. ✔️ I'm personally using https://github.com/self-node-official since you won't have any monthly fee, but a one-time fee for the full-node setup (compared to 400$ - 600$ per month of the other services around). Or you can follow their guides and setup a node by yourself.
The price scraper
listens for the latest swap made to blockchain, based on the token's liquidity pair reserves you can calculate the tokens prices, the router of the swap and the pair of the tokens.
Install mongodb
sudo apt install -y mongodb
Install nodejs
sudo apt install nodejs
Install npm
sudo apt install npm
Download the repo
Navigate to the repo from the termian
cd /path/to/tokenChartingRepo
Install the repo dependencies
npm i
Start the scraper
If you want it to restart on crash follow this commands:
- Install pm2
sudo npm install pm2 -g
- Make pm2 restart the scraper if the server crash
pm2 startup
- Run the scraper
pm2 start npm --name "charting-bot-restarter" -- run restarter
- Save the pm2 running processes
pm2 save
- For see the current active pm2 processes
pm2 status
- For see the scraper logs
pm2 logs charting-bot
- Install pm2
If you don't want it to restart on crash
npm run scraper
If you know a more efficent way, or any other better than this please let the community know this by opening an issue with infos about your ideas! ❤️ . This repo can be used not only with pancakeswap but also with any kind of other exchange platform on any chain that is similar to pancakeswap.
- multi chain scraping ( almost done ) [ currently bsc only ] 🟡
- multi chain server querying [ currently bsc only ] 🔴
- Inside the repo you can find a rest api built with
that you can use to query the scraped prices - Run the server with
npm run server
- GET.
: Retrun the token price - GET.
: Return the history of the token in the specified time range ( use unix timestaps to specify the time ranges ) - there are more endpoints not documented yet
For anyu bug or issue please report it, i'll try to reply as soon as i can 👍