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File metadata and controls

921 lines (833 loc) · 31 KB

REmote DIctionary Server

  • purposes (use cases)
    • Primary data storage (key:value, fast data ingestion, geo-based search, leaderboards, ...)
    • In-memory cache (http session storage, rate-limits - decrease amount of request to expensive API with fixing/sliding window ...)
    • Services decoupling (glue between microservices - pub/sub, streams)
  • (extensions)[]
  • simple nodejs app
  • commands
  • data types

    string is underpinning data for all data structures

  • REdis Serialization Protocol - RESP
  • pipeline

    pipeline == batch commands, will return result ONLY when ALL commands will be finished commands

    • PIPELINED - start batching
    • EXEC - execute all commands at once
    SET my-value 200
    INCR my-value
  • transactions
    • commands:
    • Within a transaction, changes are made by a command visible to subsequent commands in the same transaction
    • MULTI - start transaction
    • EXEC ( OK - successfully applied, nil - discard) / DISCARD - execute or discard transaction
    • no rollback ( single operation )
    • no nested transactions
    • don't check validity of command during queueing
    • wrong operation on datatype (increase string) just skipping the step, don't throw exception
    • WATCH/UNWATCH - optimistic lock ( DISCARD transaction when someone will change key )
      • should be executed !!before!! MULTI
      • EXEC will execute UNWATCH for all transactions
    • full example
      SET my-value 200
      WATCH my-value
      INCR my-value
    • terminate server
  • no native indexes
    • use "secondary index" - build "inverted index"
    • use "faceted search" - build intersection of "inverted indexes" to find target search criteria
    • use "hashed search" - build set with hash-key ( long name of relations between data cardinality )
  • reject all types of 'write' operations in case of "Out of Memory"
  • redis built in C, all modules (Shared Objects) should be written in C or interoperate with it ( Foreign Function Interface )
  • module loading
    • redis.conf
    • command line: --loadmodule /usr/lib/redis/modules/
    • through Redis Enterpirse GUI
  • module vs lua scripting
  • LUA scripting in Redis, lua playground

Redis Lua script debugger
like transaction will execute script atomically
if execution timeout exceed limit - all other clients will receive "BUSY" answer

# EVAL script numkeys key [key ...] arg [arg ...]
# !!! KEYS and ARGV - 1-based arrays 

HSET hash-key field1 hello field2 world

EVAL "return'HGET', 'hash-key', 'field1')" 0
EVAL "return'HGET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])" 1 hash-key field2
EVAL "return'HMGET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1], ARGV[2])" 1 hash-key field2 field1
EVAL "return'HSCAN', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])" 1 hash-key 0

EVAL "local var1='hello world' return var1" 0
EVAL "local current_year=2019 return current_year+4" 0
SET current_year 2019
GET current_year
EVAL "local'GET', 'current_year') return current_year+4" 0

load scripts, cache script

# EVAL "return'HGET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])" 1 hash-key field2
SCRIPT LOAD "return'HGET', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"
EVALSHA 4688a0f6e1e971a14e2d596031751f0590d37a92 1 hash-key field2

ticket purchasing example

   local customer_hold_key = 'hold:' .. ARGV[1] .. ':' .. KEYS[1]
    local requested_tickets = tonumber(ARGV[2])
    local purchase_state ='HGET', KEYS[2], 'state')

    local hold_qty ='HGET', customer_hold_key, 'qty')
    if (hold_qty == nil) then
        return 0
    elseif requested_tickets == tonumber(hold_qty) and
           purchase_state == 'AUTHORIZE' then

        -- Decrement the number of available tickets'HINCRBY', KEYS[1], "available:General", -requested_tickets)

        -- Delete the customer hold key'DEL', customer_hold_key)

        -- Set the purchase to 'COMPLETE''HMSET', KEYS[2], 'state', 'COMPLETE', 'ts', ARGV[3])

        return 1
      return 0

state machine example

local current_state ='HGET', KEYS[1], 'state')
    local requested_state = ARGV[1]

    if ((requested_state == 'AUTHORIZE' and current_state == 'RESERVE') or
        (requested_state == 'FAIL' and current_state == 'RESERVE') or
        (requested_state == 'FAIL' and current_state == 'AUTHORIZE') or
        (requested_state == 'COMPLETE' and current_state == 'AUTHORIZE')) then'HMSET', KEYS[1], 'state', requested_state, 'ts', ARGV[2])
        return 1
        return 0

managing scripts

# remove all scripts
# terminal current script
# debug command


  • MODULE LIST - print all modules
  • MODULE LOAD /usr/lib/redis/modules/
  • MONITOR - show all executed commands ( for debugging purposes only !!! )
  • debugging via linux shell, collaboration between client and server
    sudo ngrep -W byline -d lo -t '' 'port 6379'
    sudo ngrep -W byline -d docker0 -t '' 'port 6379'
  • DBSIZE - print current DB size
  • SLOWLOG GET 2 - investigating slow operations
  • FLUSHALL [async] # remove all keys

Key Spaces ( any binary represenation up to 512 Mb )

  • Flat key space
  • No automatic namespacing
  • Logical Databases ( Database zero )
  • Naming conventions ( case sensitive, example user:{unique id of user}:followers

getting a list of existings keys

keys list

  • keys
KEYS customer:15*
KEYS cus:15*
  • scan
SCAN 0 MATCH customer*

retrieve values by key, save collection

# return None if value is empty
TYPE <key>
  • if value is of type string -> GET
  • if value is of type hash -> HGETALL
  • if value is of type lists ->
    • LRANGE ( hgetall )
  • if value is of type sets ->
  • if value is of type sorted sets ->

insert values, add value

  • existence of keys
EXIST {key}
# EXIST customer:1500
  • set value
# insert only if the record still Not eXists
SET customer:3000 Vitalii NX

# insert only if the record EXXists
SET customer:3000 cherkavi XX

list (always ordered ) operations

  • LLEN
  • LRANGE ( hgetall ) LRANGE my-list 0 -1
  • LINDEX ( get from specific position )
  • LPUSH ( left push )
  • RPUSH ( right push )
  • LSET
  • LINSERT ( insert after certain element )
  • LPOP ( left pop )
  • RPOP ( right pop )
  • LREM ( remove element by value )
  • LTRIM ( remove to certain length, LTRIM mylist -5 -1 - retain only last 5 elements )
    rpush mylist 1 2 3 4 5
    lstrim mylist 0 3
    lrange mylist 0 -1
    # 1 2 3

set ( unordered )

  • SADD
  • SISMEMBER ( check if value present into set )
  • SCARD # amount of elements, CARDinality
  • SREM ( remove by value )
  • SPOP ( pop random!!! element )
  • SUNION (sql:union)
  • SINTER (sql:inner join)
    sadd myset1 one two three four
    sadd myset2 three four five six
    sinter myset1 myset2
  • SDIFF ( not in )
    sadd set-three A b C 
    sadd set-four a b C
    sdiff set-three set-four # A

set ( ordered ), sorted set

  • ZRANGE <rank/index start> <rank/index stop> # inclusive
  • ZRANGEBYSCORE # inclusive
    # ZADD <key> <score> <member>
    ZADD zset 10 aaa
    ZADD zset 20 bbb
    ZADD zset 30 ccc
    ZADD zset 30 ddd
    ZRANGEBYLEX zset "[aaa" "[ddd"
    ZRANGEBYLEX zset "[aaa" "(ddd"
  • ZADD
  • ZREM
  • ZREMRANGEBYRANK < position end>
    redis:6379>zrange zset 0 -1
    1) "aaa"
    2) "bbb"
    3) "ccc"
    4) "ddd"
    5) "eee"
    redis:6379> ZREMRANGEBYRANK zset 4 5 # (not-inclusive inclusive]
    (integer) 1
    redis:6379> zrange zset 0 -1 # 
    1) "aaa"
    2) "bbb"
    3) "ccc"
    4) "ddd"
  • ZCOUNT # inclusive ZCOUNT -inf +inf ZCOUNT (-inf +inf) # exclusive
  • ZINTERSTORE <key1, key2.... [number of keys]> WEIGHTS AGGREGATE <SUM|MIN|MAX> # intersection of sets (WEIGHT can be specified for all elements) and ordered-sets with multiplication factor WEIGHTS and way of AGGREGATion
  • ZUNIONSTORE <key1, key2.... [number of keys]> WEIGHTS AGGREGATE <SUM|MIN|MAX> # union of sets (WEIGHT can be specified for all elements) and ordered-sets with multiplication factor WEIGHTS and way of AGGREGATion

hash value (map, dictionary), set value, read hash value, save object

hash has only one level, can't be embeddable individual field cannot be expired

# HEXISTS <key> <field>
HEXISTS myhash three

# HSET <key> <field1> <value1> <field2> <value2>
HSET myhash one 1 two 2 three 3

# HSETNX <key> <field> <value> # set only if not exists
HSETNX myhash one 2
HSETNX myhash four 4

# HDEL <key> <field>
HDEL myhash one

# HGET <key> <field>
HGET myhash one
# HMGET <key> <field1> ... <field.> # return multiply values 
HMGET myhash one two

# HGETALL <key>
HGETALL myhash

# HLEN <key> # return amount of all fields
HLEN myhash

# HKEYS <key> # return only names of fields
HKEYS myhash

# HSCAN <key> <number> MATCH <pattern>
HSCAN myhash 0 MATCH *o*
HSCAN myhash 0 MATCH *ou*

# HINCRBY <key> <field> <value>
HINCRBY myhash four 3
HINCRBYFLOAT myhash four 3.2

increase value

INCR <key> # for integer
# SET my-personal-key 10
# SET my-personal-key "10"
# INCR my-personal-key
# INCRBY my-personal-key 3
# INCRBYFLOAT my-personal-key 2.5

geo value

under the hood - SortedSet,
where Score is 52bit GeoHash == Long+Lat
geohash online retrieving can be fulfilled by Distance, by Radius
geospatial standards:

GEOADD key longitude latitude member

Longitude: -180..180
Latitude: -85.05112878..85.05112878

GEOADD sites:geo -122.147019 37.670738 56
GEOADD sites:geo -122.007419 37.5506959 101

nature of the data under the hood

GEOADD test:geopoints 139.75 35.69333 "Budokan"
GEOADD test:geopoints 139.76632 35.666 "Olympic"
GEOADD test:geopoints 139.64007 35.4433 "Yokohama"
ZRANGE test:geopoints 0 -1 WITHSCORES

GEOHASH test:geopoints "Budokan" "Olympic" "Yokohama"
GEOPOS test:geopoints "Budokan" "Olympic" "Yokohama"

querying goedata

measurements: m, km, mi, ft georadius

#GEODIST key member1 member2 [unit]
GEODIST test:geopoints "Budokan" "Olympic"  km

# GEORADIUSBYMEMBER key member value unit
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER test:geopoints "Budokan" 3.5 km
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER test:geopoints "Budokan" 3.5 km WITHCOORD

GEORADIUS sites:geo -122.007419 37.5506959 5 km
GEORADIUS sites:geo -122.007419 37.5506959 5 km WITHDIST WITHCOORD

GEORADIUSBYMEMBER test:geopoints "Budokan" 5 km WITHHASH
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER test:geopoints "Budokan" 5 km WITHHASH WITHDIST STORE search_result
# saving search results into new key
GEORADIUSBYMEMBER test:geopoints "Budokan" 5 km STORE search_result
ZRANGE search_result 0 -1 WITHSCORES
GEOPOS search_result "Budokan" "Olympic" "Yokohama"

# intersection between two keysets

# union for two keysets

# removing data
ZREM key member

bit data

bitfield represenation
bitfield setvalue
set using histogram symbol

limit - i64 or u63

# sign - i
# unsign - u
BITFIELD mybit SET u8 0 42
BITFIELD mybit SET u8 #0 0
BITFIELD mybit GET u8 0
BITFIELD mybit INCRBY u8 0 3
BITFIELD mybit INCRBY u8 #0 0

GET mybit

GETBIT mybit #0
SETBIT mybit #0 1

# total amount of bit with value 1
# total amount of bit with value 1 with byte!!! offset
BITCOUNT mybit 1

# perform OR (AND, XOR, NOT) opertion with bitfields
BITOP OR mybit mybit

expiration for key

EXPIRE {key} {seconds}
PEXPIRE {key} {miliseconds}

EXPIREAT {key} {timestamp}
PEXPIREAT {key} {miliseconds-timestamp}

check expiration, check TimeToLive, how many seconds will live

TTL {key}

check living time


remove expiration


set with TTL

# miliseconds
SET customer:3000 warior PX 60000
# seconds
SET customer:3000 warior EX 60

moving members, cut/paste members

SMOVE "source set" "destination set" "member name"


# delete key and value with blocking until removing associated memory block
DEL {key}

# delete key without blocking
UNLINK {key}

client architecture
clients libraries
connection types
redis-java types


  • subscribers listening only for new messages
  • published message will not be saved/stored ( if no subscribers are listening - lost forever ) - fire and forget
  • message is just a string ( unstructured )
  • no unique id for message Pub/Sub vs Streams
SUBSCRIBE <channel name>
UNSUBSCRIBE <channel name>
PUBLISH <channel name> <value>

patterned subscriber

if channel is not exists but you are subscribed already - you will get all messages patterns

# subscribe for all channels
# subscribe for channel with any letter (ch-1, ch-2) at the end

administration of pub/subscribe

PUBSUB <subcommand>
# list of active channels to subscribe
# number of subscribers for a channel
PUBSUB NUMSUB <channel name>
# number of patterned subscribers ( how many psubscribe commands are active right now)
PUBSUB NUMPAT <channel name>


logically infinite, but server doesn't have infinite memory removing old messages ( XTRIM ) should be performed manually ( all messages are saving in memory permanently )

# XINFO GROUPS <name of stream >
# XINFO STREAM <key == stream name>
# XINFO CONSUMERS <key == stream name> < name of consumer group >
XINFO CONSUMERS numbers numbers-group

# print all clients, print consumers
# consumer set name, nameconvention: hostname-applicationName-processId
# get user name
  • control stream length ( removing redundant messages )
    • by size of stream: during adding new element
    # strict number of elements ( not recommended )
    XADD <stream name> MAXLEN <max elements size> <name of current key or *> <field name> <field value>
    # more efficient by resources consumption
    XADD <stream name> MAXLEN ~ <max elements size> <name of current key or *> <field name> <field value>
    • by size of stream: background process
    # certain number of elements 
    XTRIM <stream name> MAXLEN <max elements size>
    # recommended ( approximate amount of elements )
    XTRIM <stream name> MAXLEN ~ <max elements size>
    • by using EXPIRE with special name of STREAM based on date/time

streams pub sub storage and delivery

# XADD <name of stream> <unique ID, or *> <field-name> <field-value>
# return generated ID ( in case of * ) like "<miliseconds>-<add digit>" or specified by user ID
# XADD my-stream * my-field 0
XADD numbers * n 6
XADD numbers * n 7

# approximate size: XADD <key> MAXLEN ~ <maxlen of stream > <unique ID, or *> <field-name> <field-value>
XADD numbers MAXLEN ~ 10 * n 9
# certain size: XADD <key> MAXLEN <maxlen of stream > <unique ID, or *> <field-name> <field-value>
XADD numbers MAXLEN 10 * n 9

# XDEL <stream name> ID ID...
  • STREAMS are using path compression for keys ( fieldname compression ) - less memory consumption in comparing with SET path compression

  • calculate amount of messages

# XLEN <stream name>
XLEN numbers
  • print all messages
# XRANGE <stream name> - +
XRANGE numbers - +
# XREVRANGE <stream name> + -
XREVRANGE numbers + -
  • read specific messages
# XREAD COUNT <count of values or -1 > STREAMS <stream-name stream-name2> <start id or 0>
# xread is waiting for last known client id, not inclusive; multistream
XREAD COUNT 1 STREAMS numbers 1570976182071-0
# XREAD BLOCK <milisec> STREAMS <stream-name> <last message id or '$' for last message> # waiting milisec (0-forever) for first new message

assign consumer to partition
consumer groups
consumer groups
consumer in groups

# create stream if it is not exist
XGROUP CREATE <name of stream> <name of group> <message id>
XGROUP CREATE <name of stream> <name of group> <message id> MKSTREAM

# create group, start from first message
# XGROUP CREATE my-stream my-group0 0

# create group, start from next new message
# XGROUP CREATE my-stream my-group0 $

# remove group and delete all consumers associated with group
XGROUP DESTROY <stream> <name of group>

consumer group starts with

# XGROUP DELCONSUMER <stream> <group> <user name>
XGROUP DELCONSUMER numbers numbers-group terminal-upper
# Use XPENDING and XCLAIM to identify messages that may need to be processed by other consumers and reassign them
# read all messages from Pending Entries List ( not acknowledged )
XREADGROUP GROUP numbers-group terminal-lower STREAMS numbers 0
# read new messages ( acknowledgement is not considering )
XREADGROUP GROUP numbers-group terminal-lower STREAMS numbers >
# read new messages ( switch off acknowledgement )
# The message delivery semantics will change from at-least-once to at-most-once.
# Redis will consider all messages returned by XREADGROUP to be acknowledged.
XREADGROUP GROUP numbers-group NOACK terminal-lower STREAMS numbers >
# read messages from stream <numbers> with group <numbers-group> with consumerA and after messageID ( non inclusive ) 1570997593499-0
XREADGROUP GROUP numbers-group consumerA STREAMS numbers 1570997593499-0
# read with waiting for new
XREADGROUP GROUP numbers-group terminal-lower COUNT 1 BLOCK 1000 STREAMS numbers 1570976183500
# read new messages with waiting for 1000 miliseconds ( acknowledgement is not considering )
XREADGROUP GROUP numbers-group terminal-lower COUNT 1 BLOCK 1000 STREAMS numbers >
  • Pending Entries List
    pending entries list

for adding consumer to ConsumerGroup (create consumer) - just read message via XREADGROUP, automatically will be created Pending Entries List ( if NOACK not applied )
for removing consumer ( also Pending Entries List will be removed)

  • review pending messages
    • list of consumers with pending messages
  # XPENDING <stream name> <group name>
  XPENDING numbers numbers-group
  • list of messages that pending by consumer
  # XPENDING <stream name> <group name> <begin> <end> <count>
  XPENDING numbers numbers-group - + 3
  # XPENDING <stream name> <group name> <begin> <end> <count> <consumer>
  XPENDING numbers numbers-group - + 3 terminal-lower
  • re-assign message to another consumer
  XPENDING numbers numbers-group 
1) (integer) 9
2) "1570976179060-0"
3) "1571005063764-0"
4) 1) 1) "consumerC"
      1) "1"
   1) 1) "terminal-lower"
      1) "8"

read list of pending messages

  XPENDING numbers numbers-group - + 3
1) 1) "1570976179060-0"
   2) "terminal-lower"
   3) (integer) 451374622
   4) (integer) 1
2) 1) "1570976182075-0"
   2) "terminal-lower"
   3) (integer) 451372154
   4) (integer) 1
3) 1) "1570976183508-0"
   2) "terminal-lower"
   3) (integer) 451371190
   4) (integer) 1
  # re-assing one of the message that belong to <consumer-1> to <consumer-2>
  XCLAIM numbers numbers-group consumerC 1000 1570976182075-0
  XPENDING numbers numbers-group
1) (integer) 9
2) "1570976179060-0"
3) "1571005063764-0"
4) 1) 1) "consumerC"
      2) "2"
   2) 1) "terminal-lower"
      2) "7"  
  • message acknowledges, removing from entry from Pending Entries List by certain customer
# XACK <key of stream> <name of the group> <messageID>
XACK numbers numbers-group 1570976179060-0
  • change last-delivered-id for group
# XGROUP SETID <stream name> <group name> <message id>
XGROUP SETID numbers numbers-group 0
XGROUP SETID numbers numbers-group $
# XTRIM <stream name> MAXLEN <length of latest messages in stream >
# more memory efficiency optimization
# XTRIM <stream name> MAXLEN ~ <length of latest messages in stream >
# trimming after adding value 
# XTRIM <stream name> MAXLEN ~ <length of latest messages in stream > <ID or *> <field-name> <field-value>
  • data structure ( reading can be blocked and non-blocking )
    new data structure
  • acts like append-only list ( immutable, order cannot be changed)
    append only
  • each entries are hashes ( immutable )
    entry as a map
  • entries have unique ID - time entries
    default id
  • supports ID-based range queries
    range queries
  • fan-out


java library

# add TimeSeries values
TS.ADD sites:ts:1:tempC 1562707932573 18.0
TS.ADD sites:ts:1:tempC 1562707992573 18.5
TS.ADD sites:ts:1:tempC 1562708052573 19.0
TS.ADD sites:ts:1:tempC 1562708152573 19.5

# retrieve values by timerange
TS.RANGE sites:ts:1:tempC 1562707932573 1562708152573

# retrieve values by timerange with aggregation
TS.RANGE sites:ts:1:tempC 1562707932573 1562708152573 AGGREGATION AVG 120000

rdbms vs nosql vs redisearch
redis index domain
redis index processing

  • list of stop-words
  • advantages of using secondary indexing
    • optimizing memory usage
    • deals with large documents
    • optimizing for high scale and speed
    • flexibility by docoupling storage from index
    • unify multiply data storages
  • UNLINK, DEL, TTL not affected index
  • only RedisEnterprise can cluster RediSearch ( not compatible with Redis Cluster )
  • RediSearch - one index per database ( documents are living there with document ID - unique in one DB)
  • field types for indexing:
    • text
    • numeric
    • tag ( collection of flags/words, no stemming )
    • geo
  • redisearch commands
  • redisearch vs rdbms
  • TF-IDF - TermFrequency - Inverse Document Frequency
TF-IDF = 1 + ln( number of documents / ( 1 + documents with term ) )
Document Score = "amount of words" * TF-IDF
  • explain query cli
# FT.EXPLAINCLI <index> <query> 
  • search examples
    • simple search ( INTERSECT by default - boolean and )
    # FT.SEARCH <index> <query> LIMIT <offset> <count>
    # use explanation to understand what is going on under the hood
    # FT.EXPLAINCLI permits garage LIMIT 0 0
    # number of documents, without results
    FT.SEARCH permits garage LIMIT 0 0
    # OR condition ( UNION )
    FT.SEARCH permits garage|carport LIMIT 0 0
    # AND condition ( INTERSECT )
    FT.SEARCH permits "garage carport" LIMIT 0 0
    • AND condition with NOT ( INTERSECT NOT) AND condition with NOT
    # AND condition with NOT
    FT.SEARCH permits "garage carport -government" LIMIT 0 0
    • wildchar
    FT.SEARCH permits car*
    • optional search ( OPTIONAL ), increase score of document ( boost up document weights in return result )
    FT.SEARCH permits "garage ~kiosk"
    • certain search ( EXACT )
    FT.SEARCH permits "\"big garage\""
    • levenstein search with distance 1
      levenstein search
    FT.SEARCH permits "%lock%"
    • parens
    FT.SEARCH permits "(underground parkade)|(parking lot)"
    parens more comples
    # image above
    FT.SEARCH permits "(underground parkade)|(parking lot) demolish"
    # or with not 
    FT.SEARCH permits "(underground parkade)|(parking lot) -demolish"
    FT.SEARCH permits "(underground parkade)|(parking lot) -(demolish|remove)"
    • field search, specify field name for search ( not across all fields )
    FT.SEARCH permits "@building_type:new @description:construction"
    • AND
      FT.SEARCH permits "@building_type:new @description:construction"
    • OR
      FT.SEARCH permits "@building_type:new @description:construction|done"
      FT.SEARCH permits "(@building_type:new @description:construction) | (@building_type:new @description:fdone)"
    • SLOP garbage between words
      • text only
      • limit to field ( otherwise all fields will be considered like one text line )
    FT.SEARCH slop-fox "@phrase: (brown lazy john)" SLOP 5
    # more strict - order should be the same
    FT.SEARCH permits "retail construction" SLOP 5 INORDER
    • search with numeric fields
    FT.SEARCH permits "@construction_value:[1 300]" LIMIT 0 0
    FT.SEARCH permits "@construction_value:[1 300]|@description:in_process" LIMIT 0 0
    FT.SEARCH permits "@construction_value:[10 300]|@description:in_process" LIMIT 0 0
    # find certain numeric number - low/high ranges are equals
    FT.SEARCH permits "@construction_value:[1000 1000] demolish garage" LIMIT 0 0
    • TAG
    # example of querying by tag
    FT.SEARCH permits @zoning:{rf1}
    # print all available tags
    FT.TAGVALS permits zoning
    • AND
    FT.SEARCH permits "@zoning:{rf1} @zoning:{rf1}"
    • OR
    FT.SEARCH permits @zoning:{rf1|rf6}
    • NOT
    FT.SEARCH permits "@zoning:{AGU} @zoning:{DC2} -@zoning:{PU|CSC|US}"
    • GEO

    value in field: [longitude latitude radius m|km|mi|ft ] geo search

    FT.SEARCH permits "@location:[-113.477 53.558 1 km]" LIMIT 0 0  
    FT.SEARCH permits "@location:[-113.50125915402455, 53.57593507222605 1 km] @neighbourhood:{Westwood|Eastwood}" LIMIT 0 0
    FT.SEARCH permits "retail construction" HIGHLIGHTS
    FT.SEARCH permits "retail construction" HIGHLIGHTS LIMIT 0 1
    FT.SEARCH permits "retail construction" HIGHLIGHTS FIELDS description
    FT.SEARCH permits "retail construction" HIGHLIGHTS FIELDS description TAGS <strong> </strong>
    FT.SEARCH permits "retail construction" HIGHLIGHTS FIELDS 1 description TAGS "<strong>" "</strong>"
      • LEN - amount of words to be output
      • FRAG - amount of fragments
      • SEPARATOR - sepearator for fragments
    FT.SEARCH permits "work" RETURN 1 description 
    FT.SEARCH permits "work" RETURN 2 description location
    FT.SEARCH permits "work" RETURN 1 description SUMMARIZE FIELDS 1 description FRAGS 1 LEN 5 SEPARATOR ,
    FT.SEARCH permits "work" RETURN 1 description SUMMARIZE FIELDS 1 description FRAGS 1 LEN 5 SEPARATOR , HIGHLIGHT TAGS <strong> </strong>
    FT.SEARCH permits "work" RETURN 1 description SUMMARIZE FIELDS 1 description FRAGS 1 LEN 5 SEPARATOR , HIGHLIGHT TAGS <strong> </strong> LIMIT 100 5