Install KubeCube according to the documentation.
Step 1: Download Installer v1.2 and run it.
$ export CUSTOMIZE="true";curl -fsSL${KUBECUBE_VERSION}/ | bash
Step 2: Modify the config file /etc/kubecube/manifests/install.conf
# k8s version you want to install
Step 3: Run the installer
$ bash /etc/kubecube/manifests/
Step 4: Waiting for installation to complete. The installation is complete when you see the following information
Welcome to KubeCube!
Please use 'admin/admin123' to access
You must change password after login
Step 5: Delete the validatingwebhook of Nginx-Ingress, due to this K8s issue.
kubectl delete validatingwebhookconfiguration ingress-nginx-admission
Add Node according to the documentation.
Be attention: the node need to be able to access k8s master node through ssh.
Step 1: Download installer v1.2
$ export CUSTOMIZE="true";curl -fsSL${KUBECUBE_VERSION}/ | bash
Step 2: Modify the config file /etc/kubecube/manifests/install.conf
MASTER_IP="<the master node IP>"
# +optional
# the user who can access master node, it can be empty
# +optional
# the port specified to access master node, it can be empty
# when NODE_MODE="master" or "control-plane-master"
# +optional
# must be empty when ACCESS_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH set
# password for master user to access master node
# +optional
# must be empty when ACCESS_PASSWORD set
# ACCESS_PRIVATE_KEY for master user to access master node
ACCESS_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH="<path of ssh private key>"
Step 3: Run the installer
$ bash /etc/kubecube/manifests/
Step 4: Waiting for installation to complete. The installation is complete when you see the following information.
This node has joined the cluster:
* Certificate signing request was sent to apiserver and a response was received.
* The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details.
Run 'kubectl get nodes' on the control-plane to see this node join the cluster.
Follow the conformance suite instructions to test it.
Download sonobuoy binary release.
$ go get -u -v
Run sonobuoy
$ sonobuoy run --mode=certified-conformance
Check the status
$ sonobuoy status
Once the status commands shows the run as completed, you can download the results tar.gz file
$ sonobuoy retrieve