- Hosts = end system
- running network apps
- communication links
- fiber, copper, radio, satellite
- transmission rate: bandwidth
- packet switches: forward packets (chunks of data)
- routers and switches
- protocols control sending, receiving of messages
- e.g., TCP, IP, HTTP, Skype, 802.11
- Internet standards
- RFC: Request for comments
- IETF: Internet Engineering Task Force
- infrastructure that provides services to applications:
- Web, VoIP, email, games, e- commerce, social nets, ...
- provides programming interface to apps
- hooks that allow sending and receiving app programs to “connect” to Internet
- provides service options, analogous to postal service
- human protocols:
- “what’s the time?”
- “I have a question”
- introductions
- network protocols:
- machines rather than humans
- all communication activity in Internet governed by protocols
protocols define format, order of messages sent and received among network entities, and actions taken on message transmission, receipt
- Why layering?
- dealing with complex systems:
- explicit structure allows identification, relationship of complex system’s pieces
- modularization eases maintenance, updating of system
- change of implementation of layer’s service transparent to rest of system
- e.g., change in gate procedure doesn’t affect rest of system
- dealing with complex systems:
- application
- supporting network applications
- presentation*
- allow applications to interpret meaning of data, e.g., encryption, compression, machine- specific conventions
- session*
- synchronization, checkpointing, recovery of data exchange
- transport
- process-process data transfer
- network
- routing of datagrams from source to destination
- IP, routing protocols
- link
- data transfer between neighboring network elements
- Ethernet, 802.111 (WiFi), PPP
- physical
- bits “on the wire”
- confidentiality
- only sender, intended receiver should “understand” message contents
- sender encrypts message
- receiver decrypts message
- only sender, intended receiver should “understand” message contents
- message integrity
- sender, receiver want to ensure message not altered (in transit, or afterwards) without detection
- access and availability
- services must be accessible and available to users
- authentication
- sender, receiver want to confirm identity of each other
- eavesdrop: intercept messages
- actively insert messages into connection
- impersonation: can fake (spoof) source address in packet (or any field in packet)
- hijacking: “take over” ongoing connection by removing sender or receiver, inserting himself in place
- denial of service: prevent service from being used by others (e.g., by overloading resources)
- Denial of Service (DoS): attackers make resources (server, bandwidth) unavailable to legitimate traffic by overwhelming resource with bogus traffic
- select target
- break into hosts around the network(botnet)
- send packets to target from compromised hosts
- broadcast media (shared Ethernet, wireless)
- promiscuous network interface reads/records all packets (e.g., including passwords!) passing by
- wireshark software used for end-of-chapter labs is a (free) packet-sniffer
- send packet with false source address
- malware can get in host from:
- virus: self-replicating infection by receiving/executing object (e.g., e-mail attachment)
- worm: self-replicating infection by passively receiving object that gets itself executed
- spyware malware can record keystrokes, web sites visited, upload info to collection site
- infected host can be enrolled in botnet, used for spam. DDoS attacks
- Security policy: actions the entities of the system are allowed to take and which ones are prohibited
- Security mechanisms: to ensure the secure policy:
- Physical and hardware controls
- Locks and doors, guards at entry, general physical site planning
- Security devices such as firewalls, IDS/IPS, etc.
- Authentication hardware
- Smart card applications and circuit boards controlling access to disk drives
- Software Controls
- Software development controls
- Operating system controls
- Controls within software programs
- Controls needed at input, processing, and output levels
- Balance between ease of use and level of security controls
- Encryption
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Auditing
- Physical and hardware controls
Conversion of messages from a comprehensible form into an incomprehensible one and back again at the other end, rendering it unreadable by interceptors or eavesdroppers without secret knowledge
- Cryptography uses the processes of Encryption and Decryption. The system it uses is called Cryptosystem
- Cryptosystem also uses Encryption Algorithm – which is a set of rules for encryption and decryption
$m$ plaintext message - a comprehensible form -
$K_A$ key – secret knowledge -
$K_A(m)$ ciphertext, encrypted with key - an incomprehensible form $m = K_B(K_A(m))$ - Cryptography protects from interruption, modification and fabrication
- symmetric key crypto: Bob and Alice share same (symmetric) key:
$K_s$ - requires sender, receiver know shared secret key
- radically different approach [Diffie-Hellman76, RSA78]
- sender, receiver do not share secret key
- public encryption key known to all
- private decryption key known only to receiver
- RSA: Rivest, Shamir, Adelson algorithm
- Definition
Authentication is the process whereby one party is assured (through acquisition of corroborative evidence) of the identity of a second party involved in a protocol, and that the second has actually participated.
- The elements needed to ascertain the identity:
- Corroborative evidence
- Process between (at least) two parties
- Involvement and participation of the second party
- Corroborative evidence: factors that are unique to an entity
- Classic categorisation
- Possession: Something the entity/user has
- Physical key, phone to send SMS messages to
- Inherence: Something the user is
- Biometrics: fingerprints, iris scan, face and voice recognition
- Knowledge: Something the user knows
- Passwords, security questions (mother’s maiden name, etc.)
- Possession: Something the entity/user has
Goal: Bob wants Alice to “prove” her identity to him
Alice says “I am Alice”
- Failure scenario:
- Impersonation: An attacker could impersonate Alice and claim to be her by saying "I am Alice". If the system only relies on this simple approach, the attacker could gain access to Alice's account or data.
- Replay attack: An attacker could record Alice saying "I am Alice" and replay that recording later to gain access to the system.
- Man-in-the-middle attack: An attacker could intercept the communication between Alice and the system and modify the message so that it appears to be from Alice. This type of attack could allow the attacker to gain access to the system.
- Eavesdropping: If the communication between Alice and the system is not secure, an attacker could eavesdrop on the conversation and learn Alice's claim to be Alice. The attacker could then use that information to impersonate Alice and gain access to the system.
Alice says “I am Alice” in an IP packet containing her source IP address
- Failure scenario:
- Trudy can create a packet “spoofing” Alice’s address: an attacker could spoof the source IP address in the packet to make it appear as if the packet came from Alice's IP address, even if it did not. The attacker could then send this packet to the system, claiming to be Alice.
Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her secret password to “prove” it.
- Failure scenario:
- Playback attack: Trudy records Alice’s packet and later plays it back to Bob. If the secret password is not only valid for a single authentication attempt.
Alice says “I am Alice” and sends her encrypted secret password to “prove” it.
- Failure scenario:
- record and playback still works if the encryption algorithm and key used for encrypting the password remain the same over time
- to prove Alice “live”, Bob sends Alice nonce, R. Alice must return R, encrypted with shared secret key
- nonce: number (R) used only once-in-a-lifetime
- use nonce, public key cryptography
- Bob computes
$K^+_A(K^-_A(R)) = R$ and knows only Alice could have the private key, that encrypted R such that$K^+_A(K^-_A(R)) = R$
cryptographic technique analogous to hand-written signatures:
- Sender (Bob) digitally signs document, establishing he is document owner/creator.
- Verifiable, nonforgeable: recipient (Alice) can prove to someone that Bob, and no one else (including Alice), must have signed document
- Simple digital signature for message m:
- Bob signs
$m$ by encrypting with his private key$K^-_B$ , creating “signed” message,$K^-_B(m)$
- Bob signs
- Suppose Alice receives msg m, with signature:
$m$ ,$K^-_B(m)$ - Alice verifies
$m$ signed by Bob by applying Bob’s public key$K^+_B$ to$K^+_B(m)$ then checks$K^+_B(K^-_B(m)) = m$ . - If
$K^+_B(K^-_B(m)) = m$ , whoever signed m must have used Bob’s private key. - Alice thus verifies that:
- Bob signed
$m$ - no one else signed
$m$ - Bob signed
$m$ and not$m`$
- Bob signed
- non-repudiation:
- Alice can take m, and signature
$K^-_B(m)$ to court and prove that Bob signed$m$
- Alice can take m, and signature
- computationally expensive to public-key-encrypt long messages
- goal: fixed-length, easy-to-compute digital “fingerprint”
- apply hash function
$H$ to$m$ , get fixed size message digest,$H(m)$ .
- apply hash function
- Hash function properties:
- many-to-1
- produces fixed-size msg digest (fingerprint)
- given message digest
$x$ , computationally infeasible to find m such that$x = H(m)$
- Bob sends digitally signed message
- Alice verifies signature, integrity of digitally signed message
- certification authority (CA): binds public key to particular entity, E.
- E (person, router) registers its public key with CA.
- E provides “proof of identity” to CA.
- CA creates certificate binding E to its public key.
- certificate containing E’s public key digitally signed by CA – CA says “this is E’s public key”
- When Alice wants Bob's public key:
- get Bob's certificate
- apply CA's public key to Bob's certificate, get Bob's public key
- packet filtering
- operating on TCP/IP headers only
- no correlation check among sessions
- IDS: intrusion detection system
- deep packet inspection: look at packet contents (e.g., check character strings in packet against database of known virus, attack strings)
- examine correlation among multiple packets
- port scanning
- network mapping
- DoS attack
- Signature-based systems or Anomaly-based systems
- Anonymity
- Multiplicity of points of attack
- Resource sharing
- Complexity of system
- Uncertain perimeter
- Unknown path
- Protocol flaws / protocol implementation flaws
- Network Architecture
- Network segmentation
- Architect for availability
- Avoid SPOF (single points of failure)
- Encryption
- Link encryption
- End-to-end encryption
- Secure Virtual Private Networks
- Public Key Infrastructure and Certificates
- SSL and SSH
- Strong Authentication
- One Time Password
- Challenge Response authentication
- Kerberos
- ACLs (Access Control Lists)
- Firewalls
- Packet Filters
- Stateful Packet Filters
- Applicationp roxies
- Diodes
- Firewall on end-points
- Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems
- Networkbased/hostbased
- Signature based
- Heuristics based/protocol anomaly based
- Stealth mode
- Data-Leakage Protection systems
- Network based / host based
- Content scanning/Anti-Virus/Spyware Control systems
- Network based / host based
- Secure e-mail Systems
- Policies and Procedures
- Enterprise-wide Information Security Policy – Motherhood statements
- Procedures – Detailed workflows
- Buy-in (from executives and employees)
- Review, enhancement and modification