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An angular.js directive for video.js

With vjs-video you can easily incorporate video into your Angular projects using the roubust HTML video player video.js. The directive also adds additional features such as data-binded media sources and a responsive video container (for video.js 4.x). vjs-video works with 4.x and 5.x versions of video.js just in case you're not ready to upgrade.


  • video.js (4.x or 5.x)
  • angular.js >= 1.3


Bower Install

The recomended method for installing vjs-video is via bower however it also is available in npm.

bower install vjs-video

Next include angular, video.js, the vjs-video directive and it's corresponding css.

<html ng-app="app">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="bower_components/video.js/dist/video-js/video-js.css" />
  <body ng-app="app">
    <script src="bower_components/angular/angular.js"></script>
    <script src="bower_components/video.js/dist/video-js/video.js"></script>
    <script src="bower_components/vjs-video/dist/vjs.directive.js"></script>

If you are leveraging wiredep in your build workflow, all the required script and stylesheet includes will be injected into your html file.

Basic usage

The vjs-video directive is designed to be non-invasive and easy to use. Add the directive to a video tag styled for video.js and that's all that's needed to initialize the video.js libaray on your video.

Before using the directive, be sure to include it as a dependency within your angular app:

    .module('app', [ '']);

Add the directive to a video tag, using video.js parameters as normal and it will initialize your video tag

<video class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="auto"
       width="640" height="264" poster="poster.jpg" vjs-video>
    <source src="example_video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

Responsive Container

The vjs-video-container directive implments responsive sizing for your video.js videos. By default it assumes a wide screen 16:9 ratio however any custom ratio can be supplied.

NOTE: Responsive video comes shipped with video.js 5.0 and should be used instead of this directive; however if used with 5.0, the vjs-video-container aspect ratio values are passed through to video.js.

The following example wraps a video.js instance within a responsive container with a ratio of 4:3.

When using vjs-video-container be sure to attach all the directive attributes (such as vjs-setup or vjs-media) as attributes to the vjs-video-container element rather than on the enclosed video tag. The attributes only should be attached when using in conjunction with the vjs-video directive on a video tag.

Also be sure to never mix usage of vjs-video-container with vjs-video. The vjs-video directive accepts the same directive attributes except vjs-ratio and shouldn't be used if a video tag is wrapped inside of a vjs-video-container.

<vjs-video-container vjs-ratio="4:3">
    <video class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="auto" poster="poster.jpg">
        <source src="example_video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

Directive Attributes

The vjs-directive supports optional attributes to extend capabilities.

  • vjs-setup - an alternative to using data-setup on the video element
  • vjs-media - an alternative way of defining for sources and tracks
  • vjs-ratio - (only works for vjs-video-container with vidoe.js < v5.x) defines the aspect ratio in the format width:height.


You can use vjs-setup instead of the data-setup attribute video.js uses if you would prefer to define all of the properties on the scope vs an inline JSON string.

The following example will set the loop option for the video.js instance using the vjs-setup attribute:


<video class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="auto"
       width="640" height="264" vjs-video vjs-setup="options">
    <source src="" type='video/mp4' />


    .controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function (scope) {

        scope.options = {
            loop: true


The vjs-media option expects a reference to an object that contains a sources, tracks, and/or poster element. Whenever the vjs-media value is changed, video.js is reinitialized given the new data.

The following example defines a poster image, two sources and one track in a scope variable that is processed by vjs-video.


<video class="video-js vjs-default-skin" controls preload="auto"
       width="592" height="252" vjs-video vjs-media="mediaToggle">


    .controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function (scope) {
        scope.mediaToggle = {
            sources: [
                    src: 'images/happyfit2.mp4',
                    type: 'video/mp4'
                    src: 'images/happyfit2.webm',
                    type: 'video/webm'
            tracks: [
                    kind: 'subtitles',
                    label: 'English subtitles',
                    src: 'assets/subtitles.vtt',
                    srclang: 'en',
                    default: true
            poster: 'images/screen.jpg'


The vjs-ratio attribute only works in conjunction with the vjs-video-container directive when using video.js 4.x but can be used with either the vjs-video or vjs-video-container directives when using version 5 of video.js. The value should list width and then height separated by a : (w:h). The value can be the actual width and height or the least common denominator such as 16:9.

Getting a reference to the videojs instance

There are times will you will want to get access to the video object that video.js creates. The vjs directive dispatches an event after initialization and can be accessed by listening on the scope for the vjsVideoReady event.

    .controller('MainCtrl', ['$scope', function (scope) {
        scope.$on('vjsVideoReady', function (e, data) {
            //data contains `id` and `vid`
            console.log('video id:' +;
            console.log('video.js instance:' + data.vid);
            console.log('video.js controlBar instance:' + data.controlBar);

The second parameter of the callback is a data object which contains the following:

  • id: the CSS id value for the video
  • vid: the video.js object that represnts the video
  • controlBar: the controlBar element of the video.js object

Build & development

Run grunt for building and grunt serve for preview.


Running grunt test will run the unit tests with karma.

Release History


  • added vjs-ratio support to vjs-video directive when using video.js >= 5.x (#19)


  • fixed issue where vjs-ratio threw an angular error in certain cases (#15)
  • added reference to a video's controlBar in the vjsVideoReady callback (#17)


  • added checks for mixed use of the vjs-video and vjs-video-container directives (#13)
  • updated documentation for clarity and fixed typos


  • fixed issue where vjs-video didn't consistently work on mobile devices (#10)
  • updated GitHub pages site to be more mobile friendly


  • initial release of vjs-video