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NCHC × NTU - NVIDIA BioNeMo Protein Design Workshop 2024

Join us for an exciting hands-on BioNeMo Protein Design workshop where you’ll explore cutting-edge tools in computational biology. In this session, you’ll learn to predict the structure of proteins using Nobel Prize-winning technologies like AlphaFold2, design novel proteins that bind to specific targets with tools like RFDiffusion, and optimize these sequences for improved binding. We'll also cover evaluation techniques, such as protein docking and further predictions. Whether you're new to the field or eager to deepen your skills, this workshop will provide practical insights into the future of protein design.

Please note, the event will be held in Taiwanese.

師資陣容 (Instructor and TAs)

  • Ying-Ja Chen (NVIDIA, Instructor)
  • 紀郁祥 (NCHC, Instructor)
  • 吳郁雯 (NCHC, TA)
  • 黃介瑋 (NCHC, TA)
  • 葉昌偉 (NCHC, TA)
  • Ken Liao (NVIDIA, TA)
  • Jay Chen (NVIDIA, TA)

活動日期 (Date)

2024 年 11 月 29 日,上午 09:30 ~ 12:00 時。

活動地點 (Address)

National Taiwan University Center for Intelligent Agriculture Education and Research
Tseng Jiang Hall South Building Room 506. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Da'an Dist., Taipei City 10617, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

預備知識 (Preliminary)

  • Basic familiarity with Python, Docker, Machine learning concepts, Biomolecular data formats.

合作伙伴 (Partners)

活動行程 (Agenda)

(以下日期與時間,均以臺灣標準時間 UTC+8 為準)

2024/11/29, 09:30 AM - 12:00 PM: In-person Event

Start Time
09:30 AM 10:00 AM NCHC Introduction and Environment Setup
10:00 AM 10:20 AM Introduction to BioNeMo, NIMs and Protein Design
10:20 AM 10:30 AM Break
10:30 AM 11:40 AM Demo & Hands-on Protein Design Workflow
11:40 AM 12:00 PM Q&A + Open Discussion

Recordings: To be updated

相關資訊 (Useful Information)

注意事項 (Matters Needing Attention)

  1. 本次活動將完全以中文進行。
    This event will be conducted entirely in Mandarin Chinese.

  2. 實體課程僅限臺灣地區之人士報名參加。
    The in-person course on 2024/11/29 is open to those living in Taiwan only.

  3. 所有活動的通知訊息,都將透過 email 發送,請在報名時務必留下可以聯絡到的 email 信箱。
    All notifications for this event will be sent via email, so please provide a valid email address when applying.

  4. 本主辦單位保留接受報名及審核報名資格之權利,並於活動前寄發相關通知。
    The organizer reserves the right to accept applications and review eligibility, and will send relevant notifications before the event.

  5. 活動前如未收到核可通知,即意謂您未通過報名的審核。
    If you do not receive an approval notice before the event, it means your application has been denied.

  6. 建議您攜帶自已的筆記型電腦參加實體課程,期間將提供免費的 WiFi 連線。
    You are encouraged to bring your own devices to the in-person course, during which free WiFi connection will be provided.

聯絡窗口:葉先生 <[email protected]>

聯絡電話:(03)5776085 分機 293