In future I would like to upgrade this project making it working on both desktop and smartphone
This desktop app allows you to run some simple and intuitive bots on your instagram account. The strong point of this bot is the use of private api’s official instagram app in such a way to reduce the risk of bans or blocks of aoocunt by instagram.
- ScrapeAccountsFromHastagBot: used to extract accounts from an hastag (accounts that recently posted with the target hastag)
- ScrapeAccountsFromLocation: used to extract accounts from an instagram place (accounts that recently posted with the target location)
- ScrapeFollowersBot: used to extract accounts from the followers of public instagram user (private only if following)
- FollowLikeLastsPicBot use the extracted followes: for follow and left some likes at lasts pics
- UnfollowBot use the followed list of FollowLikeLastsPicBot (or just a list of accounts) to unfollow all person in the list
- DMBot use a list of accounts to send them a Direct Message
- Comments barrage, continue to comment a post
use this bot at you own risk!
This code is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by Instagram or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. This is an independent and unofficial instagram bot.
just download and start:
- go to release page
- download the plug and play zip
- extract the zip
- now you have the bot folder, open the exefile inside it