An experimental public domain scraper for the THOMAS legislative information system managed by the Library of Congress.
- Fetches and parses HTML for almost all information on bills. (Everything but related committees.)
- Parses the semantics of Congressional action into metadata and vote outcomes.
- Tracks the past and present state of a bill.
- Includes a suite of unit tests for action semantics and state tracking.
It's recommended you first create and activate a virtualenv with:
virtualenv virt
source virt/bin/activate
You don't have to call it "virt", but the project's gitignore is set up to ignore it already if you do.
Whether or not you use virtualenv:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To start grabbing everything:
python bills
You can supply a few kinds of flags. To limit it to 10 House simple resolutions in the 111th congress:
python bills limit=10 bill_type=hres congress=111
To get only a specific bill, pass in the ID for that bill. For example, S. 968 in the 112th congress:
python bills bill_id=s968-112
The script will cache all downloaded pages, and will not re-fetch them from the network unless a force flag is passed:
python bills force=True
To run this project's unit tests:
python test/
The script will cache downloaded pages in a top-level cache
directory, and output bulk data in a top-level data
Two bulk data output files will be generated for each bill: a JSON version (data.json) and an XML version (data.xml). The XML version attempts to maintain backwards compatibility with the XML bulk data that has provided for years.
Just about everything. More data:
- Complete bill information
- Amendment information
- Name normalization of members of Congress
- Name normalization for Congressional committees and subcommittees
And general improvements:
- Hasn't been yet run over THOMAS' entire contents
- Data quality checks
- Use a proper command line flag parser, and syntax