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A simple single layer recurrent neural network for character classification. The activation between nodes utilizes the tanh function and the outputs o(t) are used as the argument to the softmax function to obtain the vector y of the probabilities over the output. The loss is the negative log-likelihood of the true target y(t) given the inputs so far.

The code works by first using to convert the characters in a .txt file into a character vectors of length 127 consisting of 0 except for the coordinate associated with the ASCII representation of the character.

Once a text file has been converted it can be processed by RNN. RNN is initialized using the entire data and a user chosen integer value for the hidden connections. The network then proceeds to set the appropriate sizes for the input, hidden, and output matrices.

How It Works

The network works in two steps. The first step involves initializing the network and the second step involves training the network.

For step 1 we simply make the following declarion: rnn = RNN(data, hidden_size, spec_rad = 1.01, eps=0.0001)

Step 2 involes training the network and is performed by calling `train(self, seq_length, epochs, eta, decay_rate=0.9, learning_decay=0.0, randomize=False, print_final=True)` and selecting values for the parameters:

seq_length: Integer value for the desired length of the subsubsequence
epochs: Integer value for the number of iteration to train over.
eta: Learing rate for gradient descent.
decay_rate: Decay parameter for the moving average. The value must lie between [0, 1) where smaller values indicate shorter memory. The default value is set to `0.9`
learning_decay: Annealing parameter for the exponetial decay. The smaller values indicate milder annealing of the learning rate. The default value is set to `0.0`
randomize: If set to `True` then the subsequences will be shuffle before beign processed further. The default value is set to `False`.
print_final: Prints the final output at the end of evey epoch. The default value is set to `True`.


  1. Goodfellow Ian, Bengio Yoshua, Courville Aaron, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016,