Neptune is a virtual application that produces a sound upon key activation, resembling a physical mechanical keyboard. Unlike its real-life counterpart, Neptune spares you from disturbing those nearby. It bears a striking resemblance to mechvibes, but with notable advantages: superior speed, being coded in Go instead of JavaScript and Electron, thus eliminating excessive RAM and CPU consumption.
By default i provide pre-built binaries for both Linux and Windows, I’d include MacOS as well if i had a MacOs machine to build the app, although it is possible to cross-compile from Linux to MacOs its very troublesome and requires building a toolchain and whatnot.
Both Windows And Linux binaries are for x86_64 architecture only. More to come soon. Headover to the Releases and download the appropriate build for your machine.
To install Neptune your Linux distribution just run .
mkdir Neptune && tar -xf Neptune.tar.xz -C Neptune/ && cd Neptune; sudo make install
To build Neptune you’ll have to satisfy few requirements.
- Golang version >1.21
- GCC or Clang compiler
- Mingw64 (Windows)
- o64-clang / Clang (MacOS)
CGO_ENABLED=1 GO111MODULE=on go build . # Be inside of Neptune Directory.
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=1 CC=x86_64-w64-mingw32-gcc CXX=x86_64-w64-mingw32-g++ go build -ldflags -H=windowsgui .
By default nk-cream keysounds are embedded in the app so it doesn’t require any assets. If you want to add your own Keysounds, a guide will be published soon.
If you wanna consider supporting this project by donating, please spare some cash Here
Written by ybenel