Source code: source/core/index.ts
The two functions above are exposed by the got
main interface and return a new instance of Request
Extends: Duplex
This constructor takes the same arguments as the Got promise.
When piping to
, the headers will be automatically copied.
In order to prevent this behavior you need to override the request headers in abeforeRequest
If the
option is used, this stream will be read-only.
import {promisify} from 'util';
import stream from 'stream';
import fs from 'fs';
import got from 'got';
const pipeline = promisify(stream.pipeline);
await pipeline(''),
// For POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE methods, `` returns a `stream.Writable`.
await pipeline(
new stream.PassThrough()
Please note that new stream.PassThrough()
is required in order to catch read errors.
If it was missing then pipeline
wouldn't catch any read errors because there would be no stream to pipe to.
In other words, it would only check errors when writing.
- Avoid
as it doesn't forward errors.
- While'')
will hang indefinitely until a body is provided.- If there's no body on purpose, remember to
or set the body option to an empty string.
Type: Options
The options used to make the request.
Type: IncomingMessage
The underlying IncomingMessage
Type: URL
The current URL
object in this try.
Type: URL[]
An array of URLs of consecutive requests.
Type: number
The current retry count.
- Must be overriden when retrying.
Type: string | undefined
The destination IP address.
Type: boolean
Whether the request has been aborted or not.
Type: net.Socket | tls.Socket | undefined
The socket used for this particular request.
Type: Progress
An object representing how much data have been downloaded.
Type: Progress
An object representing how much data have been uploaded.
- When a chunk is greater than
, the progress won't be emitted. The body needs to be split into chunks.
import got from 'got';
const body = Buffer.alloc(1024 * 1024); // 1MB
function* chunkify(buffer, chunkSize = 64 * 1024) {
for (let pos = 0; pos < buffer.byteLength; pos += chunkSize) {
yield buffer.subarray(pos, pos + chunkSize)
const stream ='', {
body: chunkify(body)
stream.on('uploadProgress', progress => {
Type: Timings
An object representing performance information.
To generate the timings, Got uses the http-timer
Type: boolean | undefined
Whether the response has been fetched from cache.
Type: boolean
Whether the socket was used for other previous requests.
Type: Progress
This is emitted on every time stream.downloadProgress
is updated.
Type: Progress
This is emitted on every time stream.uploadProgress
is updated.
To enable retrying when using streams, a retry handler must be attached.
When this event is emitted, you should reset the stream you were writing to and prepare the body again.
Type: number
The current retry count.
Type: RequestError
The error that caused this retry.
Type: (options?: OptionsInit) => Request
import fs from 'fs';
import got from 'got';
let writeStream;
const fn = retryStream => {
const options = {
headers: {
foo: 'bar'
const stream = retryStream ??'', options);
if (writeStream) {
writeStream = fs.createWriteStream('example-com.html');
// If you don't attach the listener, it will NOT make a retry.
// It automatically checks the listener count so it knows whether to retry or not :)
stream.once('retry', (retryCount, error, createRetryStream) => {
fn(createRetryStream()); // or: fn(createRetryStream(optionsToMerge))
Type: Options
The new options used to make the next request.
Type: IncomingMessage
The IncomingMessage
instance the redirect came from.
This are the functions used internally by Got.
Other non-documented functions are private and should not be accessible.
This function is executed automatically by Got. It marks the current stream as ready. If an error occurs before stream.flush()
is called, it's thrown immediately after stream.flush()
This function is called instead stream.destroy(error)
, required in order to exectue async logic, such as reading the response (e.g. when ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE
Type: boolean
Whether piping is disabled or not. This property is used by the Promise API.
Source code: source/core/response.ts
Extends: IncomingMessage
Type: URL
The original request URL. It is the first argument when calling got(…)
Type: URL[]
The redirect URLs.
Type: Request
The underlying Got stream.
Type: string
The server's IP address.
- Not available when the response is cached.
Type: boolean
Whether the response comes from cache or not.
Type: number
The HTTP status code.
Type: string
The final URL after all redirects.
Type: Timings
The same as request.timings
Type: number
The same as request.retryCount
Type: Buffer
- This property is only accessible when using Promise API.
The raw response body buffer.
Type: unknown
- This property is only accessible when using Promise API.
The parsed response body.
Type: boolean
The same as request.aborted
Type: boolean
If true
, the response has been fully parsed.
Type: net.Socket | tls.TLSSocket
The same as request.socket
Type: object<string, string>
The response headers.
Type: string
The status message corresponding to the status code.