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Starred repositories
QuestDB is a high performance, open-source, time-series database
Apereo CAS - Identity & Single Sign On for all earthlings and beyond.
A fast build system that encourages the creation of small, reusable modules over a variety of platforms and languages.
The WebRTC module for React Native
The Launcher3 fork known as "Rootless Pixel Launcher"
Save sensitive data into Android's Shared Preferences with keystore encryption/iOS's Keychain for React Native
Code sharing between iOS, Android & Web using monorepo
Document scanner, features live border detection, perspective correction, image filters and more ! π²πΈ
Display and manage media controls on lock screen and notification center for iOS and Android.
JavaFX samples to run with different options and build tools
A document scanner that automatically trims the edge with perspective transform
Android POC: dynamically loading react-native app in native app using Play Feature Delivery