This utility will parse the functions in the AFC code that begin with cmd_
and generate
docs based on their docstring.
For example, the following function:
def cmd_AFC_RESUME(self, gcmd):
This function clears the error state of the AFC system, sets the in_toolchange flag to False,
runs the resume script, and restores the toolhead position to the last saved position.
Example: `AFC_RESUME`
gcmd: The G-code command object containing the parameters for the command.
self.in_toolchange = False
Will result in the following documentation being generated:
_Description_: This function clears the error state of the AFC system, sets the in_toolchange flag to False,
runs the resume script, and restores the toolhead position to the last saved position.
Usage: ``AFC_RESUME``
Example: ``AFC_RESUME``
Adding NO_DOC: True
in the docstring will cause no documentation to be generated such as in
def cmd_LANE_MOVE(self, gcmd):
This function handles the manual movement of a specified lane. It retrieves the lane
specified by the 'LANE' parameter and moves it by the distance specified by the 'DISTANCE' parameter.
Usage: `LANE_MOVE LANE=<lane> DISTANCE=<distance>`
Example: `LANE_MOVE LANE=leg1 DISTANCE=100`
gcmd: The G-code command object containing the parameters for the command.
Expected parameters:
- LANE: The name of the lane to be moved.
- DISTANCE: The distance to move the lane.
NO_DOC: True
lane = gcmd.get('LANE', None)
distance = gcmd.get_float('DISTANCE', 0)
CUR_LANE = self.printer.lookup_object('AFC_stepper ' + lane)
CUR_LANE.move(distance, self.short_moves_speed, self.short_moves_accel)
This utility will also parse the macros in config/macros/AFC_macros
and generate a short description
based on the description in the macro.
This should be run any time there is significant changes to the docstrings.