Copyright (c) Malcolm Sparks. All rights reserved.
by Malcolm Sparks
A logging facility in Clojure is provided by the module. This searches the JVM classpath for one of the various logging frameworks to delegate logging statements to.
While this is very useful, logging in Java has always been complicated to configure correctly. Fortunately, the two major logging 'back-ends' in Java (log4j and 'java.util.logging') support programmatic configuration so it is easy to replace the configuration file mechanisms with something that is easier and more flexible for Clojure programmers.
This library supports easy configuration via Clojure rather than Java properties files and XML. It is the author's belief that these confusing configuration formats reflect the static nature of the Java language itself and that Clojure should not inherit such complexity.
This library is dual-licensed under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0 and the AGPL version 3. Use whichever one suits your need.
Start by using :use
(or :require
) in your namespace declaration (or similar).
(ns my-ns
[clj-logging-config.log4j :only logger]))
Configure the logging system declaring a logger with set-logger!
and just start using it.
(info "Just a plain logging message, you should see the level at the beginning")
When using log4J it is common to set a pattern against the logger. Full syntax can be found in org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout
. For example, to set a pattern which just displays the message, do this:
(set-logger! :pattern "%m%n")
(info "A logging message, just the message this time")
Or this.
(set-logger! :pattern "%d - %m%n")
(info "A logging message with the date in front")
In the same way you can set the level of the logger. For example, so that the logger only prints warnings, you can do this :-
(set-logger! :level :warn)
Or if you want to use the Log4J Java class, you can do that as well :-
(set-logger! :level org.apache.log4j.Level/WARN)
You can also set the appender to one of the appenders provided by the logging package you are using. For example, if you're using the log4j backend you can do this.
(set-logger! :out (org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender.))
Or even provide your own appender function.
(set-logger! :out (fn [ev] (println (:message ev))))
You can also set filters in the same way. Filters are useful but rarely used in Log4J because they're a pain to configure - not now :-
(set-logger! :filter (fn [ev] (not (re-seq #"password" (:message ev)))))
For filters and appenders the underlying logging event is converted to a Clojure map (with the original event bound to the :event
key, should you need it)
For completeness you can also set the additivity of the logger - the default is true but you can set it to false. Addivity is described in the Log4J user-guide - so we won't repeat it here.
(set-logger! :additivity false)
It (almost) goes without saying that you can combine all these options together :-
(set-logger! :level :warn
:additivity false
:pattern "%p - %m%n"
:filter (constantly true))
There are some combinations that doesn't make sense (such as using :pattern
and :layout
together). In these cases an exception will be thrown.
Traditionally, java logging configuration has suffered from these issues :-
Bootstrapping - how do you get started quickly if you don't know the file format? Where can you get a copy of an example file?
Configuration file eclipsing - too many packages ship with their configuration files all set up in the jar. The logging package picks up the first one it can find. If your classpath is badly you can find that your configuration isn't being read at all, leading to frustration.
Inflexibility - static configuration files are not great for creating flexible filtering rules. Too often you want to have finer grained control, create your own appender functions and filters, or allow different threads to log to different files. Such things are difficult to specify in config if you're not using Clojure.
clj-logging-config is designed to get you up and running with logging as soon as possible. With normal Java logging it can sometimes be a frustrating experience trying to figure out why your logging statements are getting 'lost'. For this reason, clj-logging-config does some complex things.
There are two broadly equivalent modules to support both log4j and java.util.logging. If you need to use both simultaneously (eg. as part of an integrated system where don't have control over which logging API your dependencies use), it is strongly suggested you use the bridging capabilities of slf4j.
The primary author has resisted the temptation to merge the code for the two packages into a single system- this would make the code easier to maintain but at the expense of being easy to read. This would favour optimising the experience of the author rather than the readers and maintainers. Since I expect and hope there to be more readers than authors, I have avoided this step. Also, there are subtle differences between log4j and java.util.logging and it is better that the code to support them is held in separate namespaces that share nothing between them.
The upshot of this design is that the user makes a decision about which logging package to use in the code itself. Since this package concerns logging configuration rather than the logging API, it is hoped that the cost of transitioning between java.util.logging and log4j would be minimal (and that few people would be bothered to do that anyway).
Again, if you just can't make up your mind about which package to use and need to reduce cost of change, or have to integrate code which uses different logging packages, then choose slf4j and use bridging adapters. Then use clj-logging-config to configure the backend you have chosen for slf4j. The author has built a system with clj-logging-config and slf4j and both work fine together.
(or log4j.xml
) file configures multiple loggers as the same time. You can too with set-loggers!
{:level :info :pattern "%m"}
{:level :debug})
Remember that set-logger!
mutates the configuration of logging in the JVM. That's why there's a '!' in the function name, to indicate the side-effect. It would be very nice if logging configuration could be set on a per-thread basis (see below) - that's just not how the Java logging packages are designed with everything as statics, something we must live with.
By default, appenders are added. The problem is that in some Clojure programming environments you recompile namespace frequently, which would cause a new appender to get added on each occurance. The library addresses this problem by giving every appender a name- if you don't specify it defaults to _default
. When you call set-logger!
it replaces any existing logger with the same name. If you want more control over this (for example, to add appenders to a prior logging configuration non-destructivly) you can specify the appender name explicitly :-
(set-logger! :name "access-log")
Occasionally it's useful to set the same configuration at multiple nodes of the logger hierarchy. For example, if you want to select 2 or more sub-packages to act as a single logger for the purposes of a debugging session. You can do this by replacing the logger name with a list.
["" ""]
{:level :info :pattern "%m"}
{:level :debug})
Java logging packages conventionally organise a hierarchy of loggers that mirrors the Java package hierarchy. The
module follows this convention and so does clj-logging-config
. If you don't specify a logger name it defaults to the current namespace when you use
. But you can override this if you need to.
(set-logger! "my-loggger" :level :info)
TODO - explain the API - how bean is used to provide a map
Show some examples.
Log4j provides support for adding context at various points in your code. This is provided by both the original NDC (Nested Diagnostic Context) and the slightly newer MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context).
You can access this features via Clojure by using the with-logging-context. First, ensure that the layout will show the NDC. For example, if you using the standard (enhanced) pattern layout, drop in a %x
Here's how to use the NDC.
(:set-logger! :layout "%p %m (%x) %n")
(with-logging-context "jobid=56"
(with-logging-context "customer=Fred"
(info "Here's some logging")))
This will result in the following output :-
"INFO Here's some logging (jobid=56 customer=Fred)"
Using the MDC feature is almost identical. Just use a map rather than a string, the keys in the map. You can use keywords or strings, but keywords will be turning into strings. Using the pattern layout you can access the values by using %X
(:set-logger! :layout "%p %m (jobid=%X{jobid}, customer=%X{customer}) %n")
(with-logging-context {:jobid 56
:parentid 10}
(with-logging-context {:customer "Fred"}
(info "Hello")))
You can see what is happening under the covers by setting a logger against the special :config
(set-config-logging-level! :debug)
Or as part of a set-loggers!
:config {:level :debug}
"user" {:level :debug :out :console})
Often you want to log on a per-thread (or per-agent) basis. Perhaps you are writing a job processing system and want a separate log file for each job. By default, neither log4j nor java.util.logging are configured to support this.
[:root {:out "job.log" :level :info}
"" {:level :debug}]
(debug "This is some debug that goes to job.log"))
This constructs an independent logging hierarchy. If you want to use this feature, you must use
rather than clojure.contrib.logging
, since the latter uses memoisation to cache loggers which negatively impacts the operation of thread-local logging.
If you want to dive into the code to see how it works, ensure you are familiar with destructuring in Clojure. If not, these links will help you :-
- [[]]
- [[]]
I hope this package will someday find its way into clojure.core/tools.logging. I think the NDC and MDC macros belong in the
package itself, with the configuration stuff in a new package, perhaps
For this reason I have licensed the package with EPL, the same as Clojure. (I usually use AGPLv3 because I believe it ensures greater freedom to developers transitively).