Version 1.1.0
This library is designed to simplify randomization and the creation of procedurally generated content. RUL is capable of generating
pseudo-random numbers, vectors, colors and noise, as well as randomly modifying existing objects.
Rul is split into four modules : Rul, RulVec (for vector randomization), RulCol (for color randomization) and RulNoise (for creating noise) . All these modules are implemented as static classes in the RUL namespace.
This version of RUL comes with custom vector and color types, but ports for Unity and MonoGame exist.
The easiest way to get started with RUL is to check out the tutorials in the wiki. They cover everything from downloading the source to generating Perlin noise.
using RUL;
long myLong = Rul.RandLong(700,1000); // Creates random long between 700 and 1000
long myInt = Rul.RandInt(5,10,InclusionOptions.Upper); //Returns random int between 6 and 10
string name = Rul.RandElement("Jon","Ned","Bran"); //Returns one of the given elements
int probablyOne = Rul.RandElement(new int[] {1,2,3},0.9F); //Returns 1 in nine out of ten cases
Vec3 unitVec = RulVec.RandUnitVec3(); //Returns a random 3D vector with length 1
Col lightColor = RulCol.RandCol(200); //Returns a light color
Col darkRed = RulCol.RandCol(Hues.Red, LuminosityTypes.Dark); //Returns a dark shade of red
float[,] noise = RulNoise.RandSimplexNoise2(400,400); //Returns simplex noise
This library is published under the very permissive MIT license. See for information on what you can and cannot do with this software.