- major changes under the hood.
- Now using mt_metadata to read/write transfer function files
- Now using mth5 to store the transfer functions
- Introduced MT, MTCollection, and MTData such that operations are more centralized. Now most methods can be called from MT and MTData
- Removing older modules and group specific modules
- Added GitActions for testing
- Updating tests (still lots of work to do)
- Updated documentation to upload to ReadTheDocs
- bug fixes
- now install simpeg for inversions, 1D implemented so far
- Shapefiles by @kujaku11 in #28
- Added to ModEM module docs by @oaazeved in #32
- Add tf quality by @kujaku11 in #37
- Updates by @kujaku11 in #29
- adding ability to just plot tipper by @kujaku11 in #35
- Updated default tippers to point towards a good conductor by @kujaku11 in #41
- Ak2 by @alkirkby in #43
- Porting Aurora objects by @kujaku11 in #45
- Updates by @kujaku11 in #40
- @oaazeved made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog: https://github.com/MTgeophysics/mtpy-v2/compare/v2.0.7...v2.0.8
- Check for Pardiso import by @kujaku11 in #48
- Update testing_pip_import.yml by @kkappler in #49
- Kk/patches by @kkappler in #53
- Optimize adding TF to MTCollection by @kujaku11 in #52
- @kkappler made their first contribution in #49
Full Changelog: https://github.com/MTgeophysics/mtpy-v2/compare/v2.0.9...v2.0.10
- Fix rotations again by @kujaku11 in #57
- Pin numpy versions <2.0 by @kkappler in #62
- Occam2d fixes by @alkirkby in #56
- Updates by @kujaku11 in #61
Full Changelog: https://github.com/MTgeophysics/mtpy-v2/compare/v2.0.10...v2.0.11
- Fix rotations again by @kujaku11 in #57
- Pin numpy versions <2.0 by @kkappler in #62
- Occam2d fixes by @alkirkby in #56
- Updates by @kujaku11 in #61
Full Changelog: https://github.com/MTgeophysics/mtpy-v2/compare/v2.0.10...v2.0.12