- UI - Let user choose Sepa payment again
- Home - Update old links to point to new NuvlaEdge documentation
- Profile - Groups tabs warns user of unsaved changes
- Apps details - Adds button enabling re-opening comparison after closing it
- App store - Only shows published apps on initial load bugfix #900
- App store - My apps should filter on active-claim bugfix
- App store - Show published tick also in my apps tab bugfix
- App details - Pricing tab Follow user trial period toggle button not shown for read only app bugfix #897
- NuvlaEdge add modal - Copies correct value to clipboard for cronjob when host level management enabled bugfix #879
- NuvlaEdge add modal - Shows correct value for cronjob in hover popup bugfix
- Global - Adds cursor style pointer to copy to clipboard component bugfix
- Edge details - Reboot icon for operation in menubar
- Edge details - Hide create log action from menubar
- Edge details - Status segment color was depending on online status
- Edge details - Regroup and simplify status to end users
- Edge details add modal - Points more info links to new documentation
- Notifications - Renames "NB online" to "NuvlaEdge online"
- Session - ICRC sign-in and sign-up support
- Tab plugin - supports warning user of unsaved changes
- NuvlaEdge details - location tab warns user of unsaved changes
- Global - warn user when closing browser tab of unsaved changes
- NuvlaEdge - Envsubst of docker-compose files support NuvlaEdge renaming
- General utils - envsubst on string
- Deployment fleets page (experimental hidden)
- Module versions plugin
- Step group plugin
- Full text search plugin
- Events plugin
- Tab plugin
- Pagination plugin
- Plugin concept introduction
- Global - use plugins in all pages
- Deployment table fix query filter conflict
- Pagination - Enhance pagination out of range behavior
- Edge navigation to cluster break pagination of main page
- Deps - update re-frame
- i18n - Store tr in db to allow event error translation
- Deployment modal - Bugfix when credential of deployment doesn't exit a random infra is selected
- Deployment modal - Enhance update error message when credential or infrastructure doesn't exist and close modal
- Deployments - Move deployments tab to a new page
- Assets - add email header image
- Components - Bulk action progress wrong header and enhancements
- Deployments - Hide version when not resolvable without extra calls
- Deployments - Add version to deployment card and row
- Deployment detail - Remove credential and replace with unified cloud/nuvlaedge link
- Edge detail - Remove version from overview
- Deployment detail - Hide urls from overview when state is stopped and disable links in urls tab
- Main - Modal and label to notify about UI release and propose user to reload
- Create NuvlaEdge additional modules not respected when changing version
- NuvlaEdge detail - Create-log not created bugfix
- Switch group menu - auto-focus search field on open
- Switch group menu - search filter on close persisted but filtering is lost bugfix
- Edge detail - Overview display "created by" when owner is a group
- Deployment detail - Overview display "created by" when owner is a group
- Deployment detail - Rename module section renamed app.
- Deployment detail - Show owner of deployment or acl owners when no owner
- Profile - Creation subscription for root group not possible bugfix
- Switch group menu - Display subgroups that the user is part of
- Switch group menu - Allow optionally to extend claims to all subgroups and represent groups hierarchy
- Switch group menu - Searchable
- Profile - Display customer email
- Profile - Align with API coupon moved to subscription
- CIMI - Error getting resource-metadata/data-object fix
- Apps - My apps show application owned by the active-claim instead of connected user
- Project - id being truncated on details pages fix
- Apps - active-tab navigation bugfix
- Profile - add coupon modal displayed after a remove of coupon fix
- Clouds - Page navigation bugfix
- Tab selection is based on keys for all places where it is used
- NuvlaEdge detail - Deployment list filtering regression bugfix
- NuvlaEdge detail - Deployment tab selection bugfix
- Main - Alias support for URL page navigation
- Profile - Hide Billing for subgroups and display them when customer is inherited from root group
- Profile - Show coupon end date for reapeating coupons
- Edge detail - Add services box
- Clouds - Remove NuvlaEdge from cloud list
- Project - Renamed NuvlaBox and infrastructure
- Project - Fix broken links to docs
- Project - update parent version
- Profile - Display customer balance
- Profile - Handle canceled subscription and reactivation of it
- Deps - Fix vulnerabilities
- Sign-in - Automatically redirect user when user want to access a protected page but doesn't have a session
- Sign-in - Support redirect query parameter to change page after a set session
- Notification - Set this page as protected
- Package.json - Fix scripts and js filename
- Deps - update to @stripe/[email protected]
- Deps - update to @stripe/[email protected]
- Profile - Warning logged to console fix because of list payment methods fix
- Sign-in-token - Warning logged to console fix
- App - Accordion missing in pricing section for component
- Pricing - support follow customer trial attribute
- ResponsiveMenuBar open when a user click into modal bugfix #805
- Component - CopyToClipboardDownload
- NuvlaBox detail page - add Logs tab
- Resource log reusable component
- Main component - ResponsiveMenuBar
- Session/Profile - Two factor authentication TOTP method support
- NuvlaBox detail - Change download button in SSH modal
- NuvlaBox detail - Bugfix allow generation of SSH credential
- Credential - Show generated credential for SSH and API key
- Fixed "stop logs" action button for deployment and NuvlaBox logs
- Edge detail - Use ResponsiveMenuBar
- Cimi detail - Use ResponsiveMenuBar
- Cimi detail - Format operation simplified and transformed in a plain function
- NuvlaBox Cluster - [bug] edge page subscriptions are not refreshed on " navigate" #630
- NuvlaBox Cluster - [bug] NB cards view disappears when in cluster view #760
- NuvlaBox Cluster - [bug] cluster view listing weird NuvlaBoxes #755
- NuvlaBox Cluster Detailed - print status notes cluster detailed view
- Footer - Make copyright year in footer update automatically #790
- Profile - Warning in console fix for list of payment methods
- Main subs - is-mobile-device? new reframe subs
- Authn Menu - Remove documentation, support and invite user entries
- Authn Menu - Dropdown changed to MenuItems
- Nuvlabox detail page - hide generate-new-api-key
- Session - Error message in sign-in and sign-up pages not always visible #778
- Data - on Data page, rename "Map filter" accordion to something simpler and more obvious #770
- Data - setting nuvla-api parameter in config.json is not taken in to account #774
- Sign-in-token - Warning logged to console fix
- Profile - Bugfix race condition loading customer and user
- UIX - Translation component
- Profile - Enable or disable 2FA (Two factor authentication)
- NuvlaBox - new options for opting in on host-level management, at NuvlaBox creation time
- NuvlaBox - new tab for managing playbooks
- NuvlaBox - new buttons for playbook management operations
- Error message parsing return in some cases false without any message fix
- Dependencies updates
- Map - Support draw
- Data - New workflow
- App application detail - change order tabs fix issue when no pricing is configured
- App store - Regression re-frame events logged to console
- Edge detail - Bugfixes in Location tab
- Module detail - Warning message appear twice when not on latest version fixed
- Edge detail - Clustering modal warn user on feature stability
- Obfuscate input field for passwords and secrets
- Allow to set advertised address when forcing a new Swarm cluster on a NuvlaBox
- Edge detail - Do not propose execution-mode in add or revoke SSH credentials modal
- Support for OpenStack infrastructures and credentials
- Fix selection of default NuvlaBox version during creation
- Do not display hashed password type credentials in credentials page
- NuvlaBox update action has new option to force restart during the update operation
- Nuvlabox add modal doesn't select pre-release versions
- NuvlaBox map view now show all NuvlaBoxes, including NBs with inferred location
- Fix refresh of cluster info on default NuvlaBox view
- Introduced a spinner when navigating through pages, providing a smoother user experience.
- Introduced on app store ability to change the number of items per page
- Fix bug where dropdown in the share tab for NuvlaBox where trimmed
- Fix bug where VPN dropdown on New NuvlaBox is empty
- Fix bug with "Cluster actions" on NuvlaBox.
- Fix bug where dropdown in the share tab for modules, NuvlaBox and infrastructure services where trimmed
- Fix bug where apps selected from datasets caused an error
- Improved read only view of apps
- Fixed validation errors for apps
- Added tags to apps summary segment
- Improve name resolution for authors in app, deployment and NuvlaBox pages
- Provide more specific empty list message for deployments in apps and NuvlaBox pages
- Add tags to apps overview tab
- Improve layout of apps tabs and add deployment statistics to overview tab
- Improve on hover pop-up behaviour for tags
- Improved loading pages
- Added editing of NuvlaBox description
- Improve cluster view
- Improve data page
- Apps with environment variables named "S3_CRED" or "GPG_CRED" automatically show a dropdown of available credentials of that type in the launch modal.
- Profile - Group tab
- Support for notification of creation of data-record, used for the new Blackbox application
- New layout of data-records and data-sets to better understand and view data-records
- Bulk stop - filter bugfix
- Fixed local validation for creating new credentials (GPG and SSH)
- Fix fields validation for apps during editing
- Edge Detail - Improve warning and error messages on NB update
- Edge - Search icon under input fix
- Edge - Enhance responsiveness of statistics
- Edge - Regression fix, double anchor to show additional filters
- Updated SixSq legal status (Sàrl to SA)
- Acl widget - use peers instead of search user resource
- Session - get peers support
- Edge details - Bugfix docker plugins rendering causing blank page
- Session - Sort groups and remove prefix in authentication menu
- Improve contrast for selected item in sidebar menu
- Show not found message for NuvlaBox
- Main comp - Show job errors per action when some
- Credential - Support gpg key
- Main - Detect unpaid subscription to show a more coherent message
- Deployment - Bulk force delete support
- Deployment - Bulk stop support
- Fix visible console errors after update
- React-chart-2 - Fix broken changes
- React-leaflet - Fix broken changes
- NPM dependencies - Major update
- Dependencies - sixsq.nuvla/parent 6.7.5
- Credentials - Improve layout of logos for cloud providers
- Show an error message when an element does not exist or is not accessible (modules, NuvlaBoxes and infrastructure services)
- Edge detail page - add container monitoring stats
- Edge detail - Nuvlabox cluster action bugfix
- Deployment detail - Clear log bugfix
- Deployment dialog - Remove duplicated definition of price subscription
- Deployment detail - Markdownified module description
- Improved responsive display of module overview
- Sign-in / Sign-up - Hide text when no external templates configured
- Edge page - Clustering
- Clj-condo fix errors and warnings
- Module - Publish module
- Module - Refactor module page in tabs
- Authn menu - Sort groups on the switch group list
- Edge page - Creation of nuvlabox-installation-trigger-usb.nuvla doesn't set api-credentials ttl
- Edge page - Creation of nuvlabox-installation-trigger-usb.nuvla creation data content fix
- Support for apps to ask for a credential with user permissions
- Deployment modal - Bugfix icon credential check
- Deployment - Display credential name when available in deployment
- Sign-in - Make reset password link position absolute
- Sign-in - Support geant provider
- Sign-up - Support geant provider
- I18n - Bugfix prevent loop in setting tr function
- Acl widget - Bugfix default acl take into account active-claim
- Session - enhancement
- i18n - Load locale from storage
- Deps - re-frame-storage-fx
- Sticky bar - Bug fix z-index collision with open modal
- Main comp - Bulk modal progress
- Filter comp - Fix bug in date-time field
- Deployment - Bulk update
- CIMI API - Bulk operation support
- Deployment - Bugfix start logging create an infinite request loop when action not available
- Deployment - Additional filter
- Dependency - nuvla-api-version v2.0.9
- Sidebar item has an href
- Deployment page - Use card component
- Infrastructure page - Use card component
- Edge page - Use card component
- Edge detail page - Use tags component
- UIX - Reusable tags component
- UIX - Reusable card component
- Sidebar - Improve order of pages
- Deployment - Summary all for deployments
- Edge page - Improved statistics usage for NuvlaBoxes
- Dashboard - Deployments and NuvlaBox summary
- Edge page - Allow creation of Nuvlabox without VPN
- Notifications page - open first accordion, added refresh buttons, displaying number of actual subscriptions per configuration. Allow to define multiple notification methods per subscription configuraiton.
- Apps - ability to apply diff between two module versions
- Dependency - NPM react-diff-viewer package
- Deployment modal - Submit button show loading when clicked
- Menubar buttons - Capitalize all of them
- Modal headers - Capitalize all of them
- Format operation - some action names are lower case
- Deployment detail - Version behind fix
- Edge details - Update Nuvlabox modal support a payload
- Ocre - Decommission voucher resources
- Help message for notification destination.
- Fix: empty filter as default for components notification config.
- Notifications tab with an ability to manage notification methods and notification subscriptions.
- Edge detail - dynamic lookup on the vulnerabilities DB to get more details on each NuvlaBox vulnerability
- Fix/update broken external links
- Edge detail - Modal update warning message for old NBE
- Fulltext search enhanced
- ACL - Search users fix
- Edge detail - Specific modal for nuvlabox update operation
- Edge detail - Add modal fix bug in existing list of ssh keys without a name
- Edge detail - Hide raw edit, duplicated delete and activate operations from menubar
- UIX - Message warning no elements to show
- Edge detail - New deployments tab
- Edge detail - New jobs tab and an error message is visible when last executed job is failed
- Edge detail - Specific modals for add ssh key and for revoke ssh key
- Acl - Vertical align owner and dropdown
- Deployment - Overview tab, state transition loader moved
- Operation modal - When a specific modal exist show it instead of generic modal
- Cimi detail - operation support action operation body when metadata is defined
- Deployment modal - distinguish credential check error and only let deploy if credential is not invalid
- Edge - Move and simplification of NuvlaBox card component
- Edge detail - Use NuvlaBox new online attribute
- Edge - Use NuvlaBox new online attribute
- Credential - tab based design
- Deployment - tab based design
- Docs - Fetch documents when user goes directly to details page
- Profile - Send events to Intercom related to trial period end email notifications
- Deployment modal - On update credential can be changed
- Deployment modal - On update only selected infra is visible
- Tools - Re-frame-10x is disabled by default
- Static resources - update NB auto installer Python script
- Edge - fix SSH key assignment to NuvlaBox at creation time
- Credential views - Fix SSH visibility in credentials list
- Filter comp - Processing of resources metadata do not consider vector of map type fix (#499)
- Edge detail - minor fixes
- BUILD - Support for github actions
- Deployment detail - Support udpate feature
- Deployment modal - Support udpate feature
- Deployment modal - Add version selection section
- Edge Detail - new tab based design
- CIMI DETAIL - operation button action regression fix
- CIMI DETAIL - cimi resources presented as keys fix
- Edge - Remove filter prototype
- Filter composer component
- Deployment - Info message about VPN when the infra has a private IP
- Cimi page - Filter composer
- Deployment - Stop modal fix checkbox danger modal
- Profile - Billing contact
- Resource-metadata - Too big, optimization to get it only on api documentation page
- Sidebar - logo link is defined by config nuvla-logo-url
- Config - new nuvla-logo-url attribute
- Config - new pricing-url attribute
- Pricing - Remove pricing page
- Deployment - Click on error message make user go to job section
- NuvlaBox - add new icon for Bluetooth peripherals
- Deployment - Show last failed job on top
- Dashboard detail - renamed deployment
- Deps - Popper dependency fix
- Dashboard detail - version bug fix
- Shutdown modal - check credential
- Sign-up - Redirect to sign-in after sign-up to fix safari save password
- Apps - Docker image registry placeholder fix
- Apps - Version not taken into account at launch fix
- Apps - License Terms & Conditions url updated
- Main - Nuvla logo redirect to /
- Edge - Optimize number of requests for stats
- Use sticky bar for mostly all menubar in pages
- Main components - Sticky bar
- Dependencies update
- Improved launch dialog steps validation
- Deployment modal - Price and license sections
- Deployment detail - New billing section
- Apps - Show price when nonfree module
- Module - Price and license sections for module
- Profile - Vendor section
- Deployment modal - Show if docker images are trusted on the summary
- Nuvlabox detail - Extended view for peripheral list in NuvlaBox details page, to cope with new resource telemetry attributes
- Pricing - Set VPN price as included
- Credential - Remove check for subscription on creation of VPN or IaaS
- Deployment modal - Sections are now vertical
- User dropdown - z-index fix
- Subscription modal - group mandatory email field
- Remove duplicate subscription active-claim
- Dependencies update
- Subscription status past due considered as active
- Dependency - Update semantic-ui-react to v1.1.0
- Re-usable button layout for extra actions menus
- Ability to rename NuvlaBox resource
- Credential - Add VPN credential not possible from group warning
- Added support for file signature with GPG for nuvlabox-self-registration.py
- Switch group adjustment
- Update deps
- New credential creation workflow for SSH keys
- SSH key association for NuvlaBox at creation time
- SSH key listing in NuvlaBox details page
- Awesome fonts
- Profile page - Customer and stripe integration
- Pricing page
- Stripe components
- Credentials for cloud providers AWS, Azure, Google, Exoscale.
- Infrastructure service modal augmented with creation of Docker Swarm or Kubernetes on cloud providers.
- Apps - Edit of ports mapping, urls, env vars, output params, volumes, files and data-types inserted randomly when more than 8 values fix
- Dashboard - fix show empty URL in table view
- Config - new attribute stripe
- Sign-up - Integration with pricing feature
- Main - Modal subscription required
- NuvlaBox detail - Fix bug when saving location
- Danger-Modal - Fix shutdown deployment in some condition button had no effect
- Fix typos and text consistency
- Add instructions on how to enable fast deployment monitoring
- Container - exclude config.json and nuvla-logo.png from precompress mvn prepare-package
- Dashboard detail - deplyment in stopped state are restartable and rename stop operation shutdown in UI
- Config file - Load config file to set UI side configuration
- Intercom Component
- Auth menu - Support act as a group via claim action
- downloads directory to host downloadable Nuvla assets
- nuvlabox-self-registration download script, for the NuvlaBox industrialization
- OS selection step in NuvlaBox creation workflow
- Generation of API key and USB trigger file for auto-installing NuvlaBox
- Dashboard detail - Show module versions
- Dashboard detail - Fetch clone workflows
- Added new peripheral attributes to Edge detail view's accordion
- Files are ignored for docker-compose applications
- Fixed NuvlaBox version selection bug about picking up wrong modules
- Translate all NuvlaBox modal content to French
- Welcome page - Update content
- Credentials - i18n
- Momentjs - require locale fr
- UIX comp - use setInterval behave better with dev reloading
- Action Interval - use setInterval behave better with dev reloading
- NuvlaBox Edge detail - Show peripheral action in accordion title
- NuvlaBox Edge detail - New plots and stats
- Count down component
- Re-frame-10x - inspection and debug tools
- New Dependency - add jszip library
- Action interval - Optimization
- Application - Module compatibility and docker-compose validation on get module
- Dependencies - udpate parent to v6.7.3
- Edge page – Create nuvlabox modal generate a single zip for NuvlaBox engine
- New Dependency - jszip add library
- Update dependencies to latest react/reagent/re-frame and others
- Popup credential connectivity check disappear fix
- Data workflow - module of subtype project should not appear
- Deployment modal - Align deployment data filter spec with api-server
- Profile - change password modal fix
- Retry get cloud-entry-point first load and keep loading
- Egde - Automatic NuvlaBox release selection and peripheral correlation
- Edge - Dynamic compose file generation upon NuvlaBox creation
- Edge - Installation guides upon NuvlaBox creation
- App view - compatibility label
- Edge - Action buttons to peripherals
- Data page / Deployment modal - replace data-records map by data-records-filter
- Component - New component time-ago
- Deployment modal - check credential of registries
- Module component - fix bug in edit with private registries
- DEPENDENCIES - update dependencies
- Deployment modal - support private registries
- Module component - Support private registries
- Module app - Support private registries
- Credentials - Docker private registries
- Infrastructure - Support Docker private registries
- Infrastructure - view infra status and if swarm mode is enabled
- Credentials - Bring back S3
- Infrastructures - Bring back S3
- Edge detail - replace horizontal bars by gauge charts
- OCRE - updated voucher schema and CSV file header validation
- Edge details - Display tags in NuvlaBox cards
- Infrastructure - User able to view should be able to go to details page
- Edge details - add update notification message on edit
- Edge details - longitude have to be normalized before update in ES
- Edge details - remove pagination from map view
- Edge details - confirm new location with buttons
- Edge details - position in leaflet it's [lat long], in ES it's [long lat] fix
- Infra page - Fix blank page when not known subtype
- Authn menu - Fix support text and set user when logged in
- Edge details - allow add and edit of location on Map
- Edge - NuvlaBox displayed on map
- Map leaflet integration
- Search input - Full text search value is lost on navigation but the filter stay fix
- Credential page - fix regression in showing credential modal
- Session - add getting started link and terms and conditions link
- Replace modal delete in apps, deployment, edge, infrastructure, credentials
- COMPONENT - Modal danger with warning and checkbox confirmation
- CIMI PAGE - Sort from table columns header
- Deployment modal - Add credential check
- Deployment modal - Filter infrastructure services by module subtype
- Deployment modal - Credential step is replaced by infrastructure services step
- Session page should not appear when reloading the page
- DASHBOARD DETAIL PAGE - ACL widget disapearing sometimes on refresh fix
- EDGE PAGE - Let user choose cards or table display for NuvlaBoxes
- INFRASTRUCTURE PAGE - Ignore changes modal is visible even when we save fix
- Deployment modal - Steps keeps at top when scrolling
- APPS PAGE - When user is not logged in, launch button should not be visible
- APPS PAGE - When user is not logged in, set-module is getting cloud-entry-point instead of nil fix
- SESSION PAGE - Use proper page for authentication instead of modals
- DEPENDENCIES - Fix version of closure-compiler-unshaded to be aligned with shadow-cljs version
- DEPENDENCIES - update dependencies
- DEPENDENCIES - New validation utility for form fields
- INFRASTRUCTURE PAGE - Remove S3 from add modal
- CREDENTIAL PAGE - Remove S3 from add modal
- DASHBOARD - card can't be descendant of
- Update copyright footer to 2020
- NUVLABOX DETAIL - Allow sharing NuvlaBox via ACL
- OCRE - When importing, if voucher exist update it instead of conflict
- OCRE - Make visible vouchers by default to all group users
- OCRE - Server side aggregation for pie chart
- OCRE - Set default query params at page enter to remove influence from CIMI page
- CIMI PAGE - remove terms from statistic numbers since badly rendered
- DASHBOARD DETAIL - Support Kubernetes logs
- DASHBOARD DETAIL - Regression fix list of services for application not visible
- BOOTSTRAP_MESSAGE - Disable check for bootstarp message for swarm and creds
- DASHBOARD PAGE - Clickable cards better visibility
- DASHBOARD PAGE - Search Input
- Main components - Search input
- EDGE PAGE - Full text search
- Pagination - make pagination visible even if only one page is available
- EDGE PAGE - Replace dropdown filter by clickable icons
- CREDENTIAL - add vpn modal, default description and name is set for the user. Warning is displayed for the user to request user to save his generated credential
- CREDENTIAL - add modal select by default first infra if only one available
- OCRE PAGE - add pie chart and align schema with api-server
- CIMI PAGE - make name field visible by default
- DEPENDENCIES - Fix firefox callback issue in delete caused by bluebird version 3.7.1
- DASHBOARD DETAIL PAGE - re-order deployment sections
- Devtools - install devtools in dev mode
- EDGE DETAILS PAGE - Add openVPN support
- CREDENTIAL PAGE - Add openVPN support
- Dependencies - udpate parent and local dependencies
- OCRE PAGE - Support bulk delete
- CIMI PAGE - Support bulk delete
- OCRE PAGE - ocre page added visible for admin and ocre users
- CIMI page - rows are now clickable
- App store - order cards by created time
- Infrastructure page - fix inconsistency between pages
- Application detail - validate yaml syntax and print and show error and hints messages
- Dashboard detail - If not valid yaml blank page fix
- Edge details - Support nuvlabox-peripherals resource
- ACL - search users escape chars
- Infrastructure - Allow multiple instances of same service subtype in infrastructure group
- Dependencies - Update dependencies
- Edge - Add modal version moved to an advanced section
- Messages - Polling notifications enhance title and lifecycle management
- Favicon added
- Dashboard detail - fix concatenate log duplicates and rename scroll down to go live
- Dashboard detail - log accordion
- Yaml parser dependency
- Component - TableRowField
- Apps - Environmental variable align spec with server #230
- Dashboard detail - remove transparency to make search dialog visible and minors
- Apps store - Fix refresh
- Apps - Fix summary fields on-change
- Apps - Allow urls only when all replicas.running parameters are positive #227
- Credentials, Infrastructure, App - Use TableRowField
- Only show deployment URLs when number of running replicas is positive
- Order output parameters alphabetically
- Dependencies - Update shadow-cljs to version 2.8.45
- Sidebar - Css scroll y set to auto to support paysage mode
- Apps project - pageheader inline display
- Codemirror - add search ability and highlight in scrollbar visible
- Cimi detail - make coherent changes between raw and acl widget
- Signup modal - submit on return key regression fix
- Authn - Support Github external authentication, API-SERVER version >=4.2.2 required to work properly
- Welcome - Show error message coded in url sent by the server
- SpanBlockJustified - Component to display long description cleanly
- Dependencies - Update shadow-cljs to version 2.8.42 and clojure-library to version 2.0.3
- Footer - Visual changes made
- Side bar - Visual changes made
- Api page - Changed to be a non protected page
- Side bar - Enhance detection of selected item #106 and click on protected pages open login page when no session #212
- Login - Force refresh main content on set-session
- Login - Login modal open automatically on protected pages
- Refresh - Allow force refresh main content
- Pages - Metadata for pages moved to db
- Signup - Submit options differ between submit by enter or click fix
- Dependencies - Update source-map-support to 0.5.13
- ACL - Tooltip activation on hover #123
- Edge - Statistics is now responsive
- Shadow-cljs updated to version 2.8.42
- Deployment modal - no files message not visible fix
- Full text search should apply an and for spaces instead of or
- Fix issue with IE11 Modal and footer
- Update project dependencies
- PageHeader - Breakline to allow very long name to be properly rendered
- Apps - Component fix test command mounts misbehaviour
- Apps - Summary is now a Textarea
- Apps - Change logo and summary missbihaving responsive fix
- Apps - Make plus button and trash cursor visible
- Apps application - Remove fold-gutters from Docker-compose editor resolve visiblity issue
- Reuse subs apps, deployment-modals, authn
- Apps - Fix issue in controlled env variables
- Deployment modal - fix bug in eddition of env varialbes
- Page Header - Reuse page header
- Deployment modal - deployment should not get mounts fields when no distinct mounts
- Apps pages - Reuse editable as a subscription and remove duplicated code
- Cimi detail - Fix ACL not visible and make it editable
- Deployment modal - Ensure that a credential is set in deployment before start action
- Application/Module - support deployement of application with docker-compose and files
- App Component - Server conflict now on same path, notify user to choose another name #108
- App Component - Unclear how to fill docker image fields #96 #118
- Deployment detail - add a section for "Environment Variables" #183
- Deployment - Harmonize cards between deployment details and deployment page
- Deployment detail - add a section for "URLs" #184
- Deployment detail - clicking on an event or job link shows spinner (forever)
- App Component - fix Validation error remains when deleting a component #196
- App Component - empty env values are allowed #186
- Apps - old search is applied even if search field is empty
- Upgrade to parent 6.5.1, nuvla api 2.0.1, shadow-cljs 2.8.39
- App component - Creating a new component sees previously used env vars #175
- ACL Button - ACL Button hide itself when no acl and in read-only mode #173
- Apps component - architectures should be separated in read-only mode #174
- Infrastructure page - add on service group allows creation of more than one service of the same type fix
- Login - disable login for password and api-key when not all required fields are complete
- Infrastructure page - take into account acl at creation
- Credential page - take into account acl at creation
- ACL - refactor to get ui-acl format to be able to keep order
- About page - Links update
- Set document title when navigating to simplify history navigation
- Main components - Refresh Menu is now reusable and generalize it to all pages
- Action intervals - countdown feature and adding it on all automatically refreshed pages
- Module component - Architecture field changed to an array on server
- Docs - loading animation on segment
- Deployment - credential-id renamed parent
- Deployment parameter - field deployment/href renamed parent
- Dashboard refresh interval is set to 10s
- Authn - login button and form on key enter same behavior
- Authn - make validation in signup and reset password less eager
- Authn modals - disable autocomplete on singup, reset-password modals
- Action intervals - moved to reframe db and refactored
- Dasboard details - Add ACL button
- Infrastructure - Add ACL button to crud modals
- Credentials - Add ACL button to crud modals
- Acl - Enhance acl button
- ACLs - Automatically add new rights when user select a principal and a right in new permissions row
- Apps - Project save should not show commit message and cancelling a commit message when saving a component should not remove is-new? flag
- Apps - remove save button on top bar
- Edge - refresh set to 10 seconds and remove floating time tolerance
- Edge detail - re-use status from edge page
- Dashboard detail - issue with refreshing deployment output parameter
- reuse action-button and delete duplicated code
- fix broken link in welcome page
- deployment card - fix regression in deployment card
- app component creation - fix app component ports headers
- invite user - rename create user to invite user
- fn can-delete? fix a bug
- cimi api effects - delete support by default on-error
- Edge details - delete operation added
- Edge page. Nuvlabox details
- Deployment details - jobs section are paginated
- Deployment page - ame eployment card is visible in details
- ACLs - Fix bug in indeterminate state
- Avoid as much as possible blank page at initialization
- Move client out of DB
- Apps - saving a project do not interrupt for a commit message
- Infrastructures - edit depend now on credentials acls
- Credentials - displayed actions depend now on credentials acls
- Signup - Validation of an email show a signup success message
- Signup - Submit button is disabled and form cleared after a successful submit
- Create user - email of invited user is prefilled
- Session and User templates based modals display clear validation and human readable errors
- Deployment page - all urls are visible in deployment details and module link is present in details
- Deployment modal - support env variables
- Apps page - add env variables to module component
- Deployment owners replaced by metadata widget
- Metadata widget - doesn't show acl when acl is null
- ACL widget - indeterminate state in simple mode
- Dashboard page - URL in deployment card url is only visible when deployment state is started. Rename namespace to dashboard
- Redirect to welcome page when token is root
- Fix redirection behavior when loading new tab
- CMD + click on history link open in new tab
- Add job action to deployment details and limit jobs number to 10
- Align with API-SERVER field type renamed subtype (not backward compatible)
- Release script fix
- Deployment - force refresh deployments on delete
- Message bootstrap - hide on logout
- Collection templates - force refresh on session change
- Authn Signup/Create user visibility depend on ACLs
- Footer - Fix code version in footer
- Authn - Fix signup and cleaner validatioi code
- Page Deployment - Make job message multiline
- Page api - Document button not activated on return
- Page api - Refresh results on delete or add resource
- Message bootstrap - check triggered if session not nil
- Add ACL button to apps pages
- Better session expiry behavior
- Update version of clojure API to 2.0.0
- Update parent to version 6.5.0 and shadow-cljs
- Infrastructure page
- Credential page
- ACL button with rights summary as icon
- New ACL widget
- Update parent to version 6.3.0.
- Test release process.