kcl mod add oci://ghcr.io/macropower/kclipper/filepath
The filepath
module provides functions for manipulating file paths. These are simple wrappers for Go's path/filepath
package. They can be helpful when used in conjunction with KCL's file
system package.
name | type | description |
base | (str) -> str | Returns the last element of path. |
clean | (str) -> str | Returns the shortest path name equivalent to path. |
dir | (str) -> str | Returns all but the last element of path, typically the path's directory. |
ext | (str) -> str | Returns the file name extension used by path. |
join | ([str]) -> str | Joins any number of path components into a single path. |
split | (str) -> [str] | Splits path into directory ([0]) and file name ([1]) components. |
Read ./data/example.json
relative to the file/module, regardless of the caller and/or working directory:
import file
import filepath
_current_dir = filepath.dir(file.current())
_example_path = filepath.join([_current_dir, "data", "example.json"])
example_data = file.read(_example_path)