kcl mod add oci://ghcr.io/macropower/kclipper/helm
Defines a Helm chart.
name | type | description | default value |
chart required |
str | Helm chart name. | |
namespace | str | Optional namespace to template with. | |
passCredentials | bool | Set to True to pass credentials to all domains (Helm's --pass-credentials ). |
postRenderer | (Resource) -> Resource | Lambda function to modify the Helm template output. Evaluated for each resource in the Helm template output. | |
releaseName | str | Helm release name to use. If omitted the chart name will be used. | |
repoURL required |
str | URL of the Helm chart repository. | |
repositories | [ChartRepo] | Helm chart repositories. | |
schemaValidator | "KCL" | "HELM" | Validator to use for the Values schema. | |
skipCRDs | bool | Set to True to skip the custom resource definition installation step (Helm's --skip-crds ). |
skipHooks | bool | Set to True to skip templating Helm hooks (similar to Helm's --no-hooks ). |
targetRevision | str | Semver tag for the chart's version. May be omitted for local charts. | |
valueFiles | [str] | Helm value files to be passed to Helm template. | |
values | any | Helm values to be passed to Helm template. These take precedence over valueFiles. |
Configuration that can be defined in charts.k
, in addition to those specified in helm.ChartBase
name | type | description | default value |
chart required |
str | Helm chart name. | |
crdPath | str | Path to any CRDs to import as schemas. Glob patterns are supported. | |
namespace | str | Optional namespace to template with. | |
passCredentials | bool | Set to True to pass credentials to all domains (Helm's --pass-credentials ). |
releaseName | str | Helm release name to use. If omitted the chart name will be used. | |
repoURL required |
str | URL of the Helm chart repository. | |
repositories | [ChartRepo] | Helm chart repositories. | |
schemaGenerator | "AUTO" | "VALUE-INFERENCE" | "URL" | "CHART-PATH" | "LOCAL-PATH" | "NONE" | Schema generator to use for the Values schema. | |
schemaPath | str | Path to the schema to use, when relevant for the selected schemaGenerator. | |
schemaValidator | "KCL" | "HELM" | Validator to use for the Values schema. | |
skipCRDs | bool | Set to True to skip the custom resource definition installation step (Helm's --skip-crds ). |
skipHooks | bool | Set to True to skip templating Helm hooks (similar to Helm's --no-hooks ). |
targetRevision | str | Semver tag for the chart's version. May be omitted for local charts. |
Defines a Helm chart repository.
name | type | description | default value |
caPath | str | CA file path. | |
insecureSkipVerify | bool | Set to True to skip SSL certificate verification. |
name required |
str | Helm chart repository name for reference by @name . |
passCredentials | bool | Set to True to allow credentials to be used in chart dependencies defined by charts in this repository. |
passwordEnv | str | Basic authentication password environment variable. | |
tlsClientCertDataPath | str | TLS client certificate data path. | |
tlsClientCertKeyPath | str | TLS client certificate key path. | |
url required |
str | Helm chart repository URL. | |
usernameEnv | str | Basic authentication username environment variable. |
Kubernetes resource.
name | type | description | default value |
apiVersion required |
str | Identifies the version of the object's schema. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#resources | |
kind required |
str | Identifies the object's schema. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#types-kinds | |
metadata required |
ObjectMeta | Describes the object's metadata. More info: https://git.k8s.io/community/contributors/devel/sig-architecture/api-conventions.md#metadata |