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4beae2d · Mar 13, 2025





kcl mod add oci://




Defines a Helm chart.


name type description default value
chart required str Helm chart name.
namespace str Optional namespace to template with.
passCredentials bool Set to True to pass credentials to all domains (Helm's --pass-credentials).
postRenderer (Resource) -> Resource Lambda function to modify the Helm template output. Evaluated for each resource in the Helm template output.
releaseName str Helm release name to use. If omitted the chart name will be used.
repoURL required str URL of the Helm chart repository.
repositories [ChartRepo] Helm chart repositories.
schemaValidator "KCL" | "HELM" Validator to use for the Values schema.
skipCRDs bool Set to True to skip the custom resource definition installation step (Helm's --skip-crds).
skipHooks bool Set to True to skip templating Helm hooks (similar to Helm's --no-hooks).
targetRevision str Semver tag for the chart's version. May be omitted for local charts.
valueFiles [str] Helm value files to be passed to Helm template.
values any Helm values to be passed to Helm template. These take precedence over valueFiles.


Configuration that can be defined in charts.k, in addition to those specified in helm.ChartBase.


name type description default value
chart required str Helm chart name.
crdPath str Path to any CRDs to import as schemas. Glob patterns are supported.
namespace str Optional namespace to template with.
passCredentials bool Set to True to pass credentials to all domains (Helm's --pass-credentials).
releaseName str Helm release name to use. If omitted the chart name will be used.
repoURL required str URL of the Helm chart repository.
repositories [ChartRepo] Helm chart repositories.
schemaGenerator "AUTO" | "VALUE-INFERENCE" | "URL" | "CHART-PATH" | "LOCAL-PATH" | "NONE" Schema generator to use for the Values schema.
schemaPath str Path to the schema to use, when relevant for the selected schemaGenerator.
schemaValidator "KCL" | "HELM" Validator to use for the Values schema.
skipCRDs bool Set to True to skip the custom resource definition installation step (Helm's --skip-crds).
skipHooks bool Set to True to skip templating Helm hooks (similar to Helm's --no-hooks).
targetRevision str Semver tag for the chart's version. May be omitted for local charts.


Defines a Helm chart repository.


name type description default value
caPath str CA file path.
insecureSkipVerify bool Set to True to skip SSL certificate verification.
name required str Helm chart repository name for reference by @name.
passCredentials bool Set to True to allow credentials to be used in chart dependencies defined by charts in this repository.
passwordEnv str Basic authentication password environment variable.
tlsClientCertDataPath str TLS client certificate data path.
tlsClientCertKeyPath str TLS client certificate key path.
url required str Helm chart repository URL.
usernameEnv str Basic authentication username environment variable.


Kubernetes resource.


name type description default value
apiVersion required str Identifies the version of the object's schema. More info:
kind required str Identifies the object's schema. More info:
metadata required ObjectMeta Describes the object's metadata. More info: