This Limited Use License ("License") applies to all software located in the iZonex/multi-drop repository ("Software").
Copyrights in the Software belong to the authors identified as the copyright owners in the iZonex/multi-drop repository. This License allows users to use, modify, and distribute the Software provided they comply with the terms of this License.
The use, modification, copying, distribution, merging, publication, display, performance, as well as the creation of derivative works based on the Software are strictly prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation.
In addition to the geographic restrictions mentioned in section 2, users are not allowed to use the Software for any purposes that violate international law, including, but not limited to, the development, creation, production, or distribution of weapons.
The Software is provided "as is", without any warranties, express or implied. The authors are not responsible for any damages caused by the use or inability to use the Software.
The authors reserve the right to change this License at any time without prior notice. The new version of the License becomes effective from the moment it is published in the iZonex/multi-drop repository.