POC that requires the gRPC module which is not yet publicly available.
prepare artifacts
mvn clean package
Deploy on Payara Server and make sure the HTTP/2 and HTTP Push are activate.
./asadmin set configs.config.server-config.network-config.protocols.protocol.http-listener-1.http.http2-push-enabled=true
./asadmin set configs.config.server-config.network-config.protocols.protocol.http-listener-1.http.http2-enabled=true
Before to run test client's
Before to execute the test client's you must verify that an instance of the server is up and running.
This is because the test needs an available instance of the server to be able to deploy a generated war from arquillian
Run the test client's (located in the test folder) with the following command:
From root folder grpc: mvn verify -Ppayara-server-remote -pl grpc-web
you can also execute directly from the grpc-web folder as follows: mvn verify -Ppayara-server-remote
Execute individual tests with the following command:
single thread execution use the folllowing command
(under grpc-web folder): mvn verify -Ppayara-server-remote -Dtest=TestGrpc test
for concurrent execution use the following command
(under grpc-web folder): mvn verify -Ppayara-server-remote -Dtest=TestGrpcConcurrent test