Basic configurable password generator that can create a couple different formats of passwords.
- Configuration options can be set at the top of, right under the imports section
Only module that doesn't come stock with python (I believe) is pyperclip
. Pyperclip
can be installed with:
pip install pyperclip
- Windows 10 - 127 characters
- Windows 10 with MS account - 16 characters
- Yahoo - 32 characters
- Google - 200 characters
- Linux - No limit
Ability to feed it a list of users and have it shoot out a .csv with each username and a distinct random password. (Maybe have it create a batch script and a shell script as well that could make administration super easy)
Basic installer script files
Build out a simple API/website
Password evaluator (fun to do but has already been done to death....)
GUI version/compiled version/Mobile version
Dictionary File -
Pyperclip -
Requests -