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Secure an ASP.NET Core application using Ory Network

This repo demonstrates how you can use Ory Network or Ory Kratos with ASP.NET Core apps. This app is not for production use and serves as an example of integration.


Base on the template generated by the dotnet new mvc command.



  1. dotnet sdk 7.0
  2. Ory cli - Used for tunneling traffic

Alternatively you can used the provided devcontainer which comes with dotnet sdk and ory-cli preinstalled.

Run locally

When using your own Ory Network project, you need to add the localhost endpoint to the list of allowed urls:

ory patch project <your-project-id> \
  --replace '/services/identity/config/selfservice/allowed_return_urls=["http://localhost:5286/"]'

Start an Ory Tunnel:

ory tunnel --dev --project <your-project-slug> http://localhost:5286

If you want to use the playground project, you can call ory tunnel without --project:

ory tunnel --dev http://localhost:5286

Run the app:

dotnet run ./src/ExampleApp

Open http://localhost:5286 for testing

Run using Docker

The Dockerfile can be found in the src folder.

Build image:

docker build src -t dotnet-example

Run image:

docker run -it --rm -p 5286:5286 -p 4000:4000 dotnet-example

You can override the ports with APP_PORT and ORY_TUNNEL_PORT environment variables. Remember that these ports must match the portforwarding. The Ory Network project can be specified via its url using the ORY_PROJECT_URL environment variable.

Open http://localhost:5286 for testing


Feel free to open a discussion to provide feedback or talk about ideas, or open an issue if you want to add your example to the repository or encounter a bug. You can contribute to Ory in many ways, see the Ory Contributing Guidelines for more information.