mention @trb-faucet on twitter with a network & address, then receive test TRB tokens
Currently only Polygon Mumbai and Goerli testnets are supported. Check for specific chain IDs.
- install python >= 3.7
- create a virtualenv
python3 -m venv env
- activate the virtualenv
source env/bin/activate
- install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- create a twitter app and get the keys
- copy and rename
and fill in the keys
The account you're using to fund faucet tweet requests must have testnet MATIC, testnet ETH (Goerli), and the special TRB on Goerli (not generated from Playground contract faucet function.
python faucet/
- need function for checking if funding address has enough funds to send to given address
- send goerli test eth using transfer, not faucet