test your typing speed without leaving the terminal
- cli
- implement options (-abd --cpm...)
- '#' in usage means not implemented
- gui
- handle ctrl keypresses manually
cli.py [-abehpsw] [-v | -q] [-d=<duration>] [-l=<layout>]
[--delimiters=<string>] [-r=<directory> | -f=<file>]
[-o=<file>] [--output-format=<format>]
[--bg=<color> --fg=<color> --cc=<color> --wc=<color>]
cli.py (--help | --version)
-a --all-correct-chars Consider correct characters from both
correct and wrong words. #
-b --beep Alert the user when he makes a mistake. #
--bg=<color> Terminal background color. [default: 0]
--cc=<color> Correct color. [default: 46]
--cpm Show characters per minute. #
-d --duration=<duration> Limit duration of the typing test to
<duration>. #
--delimiters=<string> Delimiters to divide text file by.
Decoded with utf-8. [default: \\n ]
--dph Show depressions per hour. #
-e --endless Repeat test endlessly, if -r is
specified randomizes every repetition. #
-f --file=<file> File to read the test from.
Overrides --root-dir option.
--fg=<color> Foreground main color. [default: 7]
-h --hide Hide timer and dynamic wpm counter.
--help Show this screen.
-l --layout=<layout> Keyboard layout for calculating
keystrokes. [default: qwerty] #
-n --normalize Use keystrokes over characters. #
-o --output=<file> File to store output result in.
--output-format=<format> File format to store output as; json,
csv. [default: json] #
-p --prevent-wrong Accept up to 4 correct chars in a row,
then block incorrect input. If -w is
set accept only correct words. #
-q --quiet Print no results.
-r --root-dir=<directory> Root directory to randomize the test
from. [default: typetest/tests/english/]
-s --shuffle-words Shuffle words.
-v --verbose Show a more extensive result.
--version Show version.
-w --word-by-word Evaluate word by word instead of
character by character. #
--wc=<color> Wrong color. [default: 196]
^C / Ctrl+c End the test and get results now.
^H / Ctrl+h Backspace.
^R / Ctrl+r Restart the same test. #
^W / Ctrl+w Delete a word. #