Contact [email protected] for all questions
PubNub Real-time Data Network
pip install pubnub==3.5.3
Examples and instructions for the SDK are available in their acompanying, and examples directories under their specific platform directories:
Standalone Python - Everyday python for your scripts and apps
Tornado - For use with the Python Tornado Framework
Twisted - For use with the Python Twisted Framework
If you need to revert to the previous version of PubNub, run this commandline:
pip install pubnub==3.3.5
Migration information for the SDK are available in their under their specific platform directories:
Migration docs for Python Standalone are found here.
Migration docs for Tornado are found here.
Migration docs for Twisted found here.
Pubnub console is a command line app which allows you to do various pubnub operations like publish, subscribe, getting history, here now, presence etc from command line
pip install pubnub-console