To run this example:
First install all the depedencies
npm install .
Next start the example:
node app.js
Now visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser
Next steps - Things to try doing with the example:
Visit the documentation page and run all the examples
Open the JavaScript console in your browser and use the API
UserService.create({ name: "user", email:"[email protected]", password:"foofoo"},function(err,result){ console.log(err,result}; });
- Generate the shell script stub
# This will generate a shell script which uses 'curl' to call our API
../../bin/hopjs-gen --url http://localhost:3000/ shell --output
chmod 755 ./
# Now let's use the command line to create a user
./ UserService.create --APIURL http://localhost:3000/ --email [email protected] --password foofoo --name user
# Now we'll generate the unit test for this stub
../../bin/hopjs-gen --url http://localhost:3000/ shell --unitTest --output
chmod 755 ./
./ http://localhost:3000/ ./
Run app.js with node-dev instead of node, it will automatically restart the server when you make changes to the code
sudo npm install -g node-dev
node-dev app.js