This week you'll be completing a Django backend to support a multi-user dungeon (MUD) game called LambdaMUD. The backend is partially written, but needs to be completed.
In addition, you'll write a frontend to interface with the game.
Push notifications will be implemented using the Pusher API so that other players can see when you've walked into a room, etc.
You are to treat this week as if you are working at a company and the instructor is your client. The project managers will be your main support throughout the week.
The main objective of this week is to develop the MVP feature set listed below using any other technologies you have learned here at Lambda School. There are design files in this repository you should use as a creative guide.
- You are required to showcase progress with at least 1 commit a day. This will let your project manager know where you are and if you need help. This also allows the client to get progress reports from the company in a real world setting.
- Create a Trello account if you don't have one already
- Create a new board called "LambdaMUD - {Your Name}"
- Create lists titled
,To Do
,In Progress
, andDone
- Fill in the
To Do
list with the MVP features listed below - Fill in the
list with all the extra features listed below - Share your board with the project manager that has been assigned to you. If you have not been assigned yet, reach out to your lead PM for guidance
- Add your Trello URL to your project's file. Commit the change, push it to your repository & submit a pull request
- TODO: what server features?
- Be able to create a new account on the server
- Be able to log in to the server
- Be able to move cardinal directions,
, ande
- Using the Pusher API, see when other people have entered the room
- Using the Pusher API, see when other people have entered the room and what direction they came from
- Be able to use a
command to say things that other people in the room will see
Upon your first commit, please submit a Pull Request and add both the Trello Set Up and MVP Features Task lists to your first Pull Request comment:
## Trello Set Up:
- [ ] Create a Trello account if you don't have one already
- [ ] Create a new board called "LambdaMUD - {Your Name}"
- [ ] Create lists titled `backlog`,`To Do`, `In Progress`, and `Done`
- [ ] Fill in the `To Do` list with the MVP features listed below
- [ ] Fill in the `backlog` list with all the extra features listed below
- [ ] Share your board with the project manager that has been assigned to you. If you have not been assigned yet, reach out to your lead PM for guidance
- [ ] Add your Trello URL to your project's file. Commit the change, push it to your repository & submit a pull request
## MVP Features:
**TODO: copy from above**
Once you have completed the Minimum Viable Product requirements, direct message your project manager for approval. If approved, you may continue working on the Extra Features.
Once your MVP has been approved, you have been given a feature list that the client would love to have completed. Your goal would be to finish MVP as soon as you can and get working the list of features.
- Expand the world map
- Add the ability to pick up and drop objects
- Add NPCs that wander around the world TODO: how to have timer-based events like this?
- Add weapons
- Add combat with NPCs
- Add PvP combat