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License: Apache 2 Travis Build

Allows IzPack 4 to be used from within SBT. Builds on sbt-native-packager in order to produce an installer package from staged distribution files.

To use this plugin use the addSbtPlugin command within your project's plugins.sbt (or as a global setting) i.e.:

addSbtPlugin("de.mediacluster.sbt" % "sbt-izpack" % "1.0.0")

Your project's build file also needs to enable this plugin. For example with build.sbt:

lazy val root =".")).enablePlugins(SbtIzpack)

The following options are available:

Option Description
artifactName* Function that produces the artifact name from its definition.
compressionFormat Defines the format for compressing packs.
compressionLevel The compression level, if supported by the compression format.
configFile Configures the path to the configuration xml file (default is sourceDirectory/install.xml).
kind The packaging kind (default is "standard")
sourceDirectory* Directory for installer sources, passed as base path to the installer.
target* Target directory where the installer file is generated.

* Denotes option keys which need to be bound to the izpack task.


The following variables are available inside the XML configuration file:

Key Description
appName Project name.
appVersion Project version with qualifier.
artifactPath Full path to the installer file.
baseDirectory Base directory of the project.
normalizedAppName Normalized name of the project.
scalaVersion Scala version of the build.
stagingDirectory Path to the directory where the distribution files are staged.

Changing the name of the generated artifact

This plugin reuses sbt task-key artifact-name and binds it to its own task-key izpack. By default, the generated artifact name is @{name}_@{scalaVersion}-@{version}-installer.jar.

For example, to produce a name without scala version:

artifactName in izpack := {
  (sv: ScalaVersion, module: ModuleID, artifact: Artifact) => + "-" + module.revision + "." + artifact.extension

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