diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1012f71..b844597 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -946,33 +946,34 @@ To get optimal performance the k values need to be base 2^x values, this is 1,2,
 ### Valid n and k values
+| bits | n in hexadecimal   | k max value | Amount of RAM with k = 1  | 
+| +-------------------------+-------------+---------------------------+ 
+| 20 | 0x100000             | 1 (default) |                           | 
+| 22 | 0x400000             | 2           |                           | 
+| 24 | 0x1000000            | 4           |                           | 
+| 26 | 0x4000000            | 8           |                           | 
+| 28 | 0x10000000           | 16          |                           |
+| 30 | 0x40000000           | 32          |                           | 
+| 32 | 0x100000000          | 64          |                           |
+| 34 | 0x400000000          | 128         |                           |
+| 36 | 0x1000000000         | 256         |                           |
+| 38 | 0x4000000000         | 512         |                           |
+| 40 | 0x10000000000        | 1024        |                           |
+| 42 | 0x40000000000        | 2048        |                           |
+| 44 | 0x100000000000       | 4096        | ~17 MB                    |
+| 46 | 0x400000000000       | 8192        | ~34 MB                    | 
+| 48 | 0x1000000000000      | 16384       |                           |
+| 50 | 0x4000000000000      | 32768       |                           | 
+| 52 | 0x10000000000000     | 65536       |                           |
+| 54 | 0x40000000000000     | 131072      |                           |
+| 56 | 0x100000000000000    | 262144      |                           | 
+| 58 | 0x400000000000000    | 524288      |                           |  
+| 60 | 0x1000000000000000   | 1048576     | ~4.5 GB                   | 
+| 62 | 0x4000000000000000   | 2097152     | ~9 GB                     | 
-| bits | n in hexadecimal   | k max value | Amount of RAM with k = 1  |
-|   20 |           0x100000 | 1 (default) |                           |
-|   22 |           0x400000 | 2           |                           |
-|   24 |          0x1000000 | 4           |                           |
-|   26 |          0x4000000 | 8           |                           |
-|   28 |         0x10000000 | 16          |                           |
-|   30 |         0x40000000 | 32          |                           |
-|   32 |        0x100000000 | 64          |                           |
-|   34 |        0x400000000 | 128         |                           |
-|   36 |       0x1000000000 | 256         |                           |
-|   38 |       0x4000000000 | 512         |                           |
-|   40 |      0x10000000000 | 1024        |                           |
-|   42 |      0x40000000000 | 2048        |                           |
-|   44 |     0x100000000000 | 4096        |                  ~17 MB   |
-|   46 |     0x400000000000 | 8192        |                  ~34 MB   |
-|   48 |    0x1000000000000 | 16384       |                           |
-|   50 |    0x4000000000000 | 32768       |                           |
-|   52 |   0x10000000000000 | 65536       |                           |
-|   54 |   0x40000000000000 | 131072      |                           |
-|   56 |  0x100000000000000 | 262144      |                           |
-|   58 |  0x400000000000000 | 524288      |                           |
-|   60 | 0x1000000000000000 | 1048576     |                 ~4.5 GB   |
-|   62 | 0x4000000000000000 | 2097152     |                   ~9 GB   |
 *if you exceed the Max value of K the program can have a unknow behavior, the program can have a suboptimal performance, or in the wrong cases you can missing some hits and have an incorrect SPEED.*