IsoCor is a scientific software dedicated to the automated processing of metabolomics and isotopic MS measurements. IsoQ corrects raw MS data (mass fractions) for naturally-occurring isotopes of all elements and purity of the isotopic tracer using IsoCor, and calculates metabolite concentrations from calibration curves.
It is one of the routine tools that we use at the MetaSys team and MetaToul platform in isotopic studies of metabolic systems.
The code is open-source, and available under a GPLv3 license.
IsoQ requires Python 3.5 or higher and run on all plate-forms.
To install IsoQ locally, run:
$ pip install git+
Alternatively, you can download the github repository and run:
$ pip install /path/to/IsoQ/
An example of IsoQ usage is provided in '/isoq/data/'.
If you have an idea on how we could improve IsoQ please submit a new issue to our GitHub issue tracker.
Contributions are very welcome! ❤️
Please work on your own fork and follow PEP8 style guide.
in preparation
Pierre Millard, Baudoin Delépine
📧 Pierre Millard, [email protected]