- Modify configs through script arguments: Tricks to directly modify configs through script arguments.
- Video demo: A demo script to predict the recognition result using a single video.
- SpatioTemporal Action Detection Video Demo: A demo script to predict the SpatioTemporal Action Detection result using a single video.
- Video GradCAM Demo: A demo script to visualize GradCAM results using a single video.
- Webcam demo: A demo script to implement real-time action recognition from a web camera.
- Long Video demo: a demo script to predict different labels using a single long video.
- SpatioTemporal Action Detection Webcam Demo: A demo script to implement real-time spatio-temporal action detection from a web camera.
- Skeleton-based Action Recognition Demo: A demo script to predict the skeleton-based action recognition result using a single video.
- Video Structuralize Demo: A demo script to predict the skeleton-based and rgb-based action recognition and spatio-temporal action detection result using a single video.
When running demos using our provided scripts, you may specify --cfg-options
to in-place modify the config.
Update config keys of dict.
The config options can be specified following the order of the dict keys in the original config. For example,
--cfg-options model.backbone.norm_eval=False
changes the all BN modules in model backbones totrain
mode. -
Update keys inside a list of configs.
Some config dicts are composed as a list in your config. For example, the training pipeline
is normally a list e.g.[dict(type='SampleFrames'), ...]
. If you want to change'SampleFrames'
in the pipeline, you may specify--cfg-options data.train.pipeline.0.type=DenseSampleFrames
. -
Update values of list/tuples.
If the value to be updated is a list or a tuple. For example, the config file normally sets
workflow=[('train', 1)]
. If you want to change this key, you may specify--cfg-options workflow="[(train,1),(val,1)]"
. Note that the quotation mark " is necessary to support list/tuple data types, and that NO white space is allowed inside the quotation marks in the specified value.
We provide a demo script to predict the recognition result using a single video. In order to get predict results in range [0, 1]
, make sure to set model['test_cfg'] = dict(average_clips='prob')
in config file.
python demo/demo.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${VIDEO_FILE} {LABEL_FILE} [--use-frames] \
[--device ${DEVICE_TYPE}] [--fps {FPS}] [--font-scale {FONT_SCALE}] [--font-color {FONT_COLOR}] \
[--target-resolution ${TARGET_RESOLUTION}] [--resize-algorithm {RESIZE_ALGORITHM}] [--out-filename {OUT_FILE}]
Optional arguments:
: If specified, the demo will take rawframes as input. Otherwise, it will take a video as input.DEVICE_TYPE
: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device likecuda:0
. If not specified, it will be set tocuda:0
: FPS value of the output video when using rawframes as input. If not specified, it will be set to 30.FONT_SCALE
: Font scale of the label added in the video. If not specified, it will be 0.5.FONT_COLOR
: Font color of the label added in the video. If not specified, it will bewhite
: Resolution(desired_width, desired_height) for resizing the frames before output when using a video as input. If not specified, it will be None and the frames are resized by keeping the existing aspect ratio.RESIZE_ALGORITHM
: Resize algorithm used for resizing. If not specified, it will be set tobicubic
: Path to the output file which can be a video format or gif format. If not specified, it will be set toNone
and does not generate the output file.
Assume that you are located at $MMACTION2
and have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory checkpoints/
or use checkpoint url from configs/
to directly load corresponding checkpoint, which will be automatically saved in $HOME/.cache/torch/checkpoints
Recognize a video file as input by using a TSN model on cuda by default.
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400 python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt
Recognize a video file as input by using a TSN model on cuda by default, loading checkpoint from url.
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400 python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt
Recognize a list of rawframes as input by using a TSN model on cpu.
python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ PATH_TO_FRAMES/ LABEL_FILE --use-frames --device cpu
Recognize a video file as input by using a TSN model and then generate an mp4 file.
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400 python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt --out-filename demo/demo_out.mp4
Recognize a list of rawframes as input by using a TSN model and then generate a gif file.
python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ PATH_TO_FRAMES/ LABEL_FILE --use-frames --out-filename demo/demo_out.gif
Recognize a video file as input by using a TSN model, then generate an mp4 file with a given resolution and resize algorithm.
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400 python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt --target-resolution 340 256 --resize-algorithm bilinear \ --out-filename demo/demo_out.mp4
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400 # If either dimension is set to -1, the frames are resized by keeping the existing aspect ratio # For --target-resolution 170 -1, original resolution (340, 256) -> target resolution (170, 128) python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt --target-resolution 170 -1 --resize-algorithm bilinear \ --out-filename demo/demo_out.mp4
Recognize a video file as input by using a TSN model, then generate an mp4 file with a label in a red color and fontscale 1.
# The demo.mp4 and label_map_k400.txt are both from Kinetics-400 python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ demo/demo.mp4 tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt --font-scale 1 --font-color red \ --out-filename demo/demo_out.mp4
Recognize a list of rawframes as input by using a TSN model and then generate an mp4 file with 24 fps.
python demo/demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ PATH_TO_FRAMES/ LABEL_FILE --use-frames --fps 24 --out-filename demo/demo_out.gif
We provide a demo script to predict the SpatioTemporal Action Detection result using a single video.
python demo/demo_spatiotemporal_det.py --video ${VIDEO_FILE} \
[--det-checkpoint ${HUMAN_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT}] \
[--action-score-thr ${ACTION_DETECTION_SCORE_THRESHOLD}] \
[--label-map ${LABEL_MAP}] \
[--device ${DEVICE}] \
[--out-filename ${OUTPUT_FILENAME}] \
[--predict-stepsize ${PREDICT_STEPSIZE}] \
[--output-stepsize ${OUTPUT_STEPSIZE}] \
[--output-fps ${OUTPUT_FPS}]
Optional arguments:
: The spatiotemporal action detection config file path.SPATIOTEMPORAL_ACTION_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT
: The spatiotemporal action detection checkpoint URL.HUMAN_DETECTION_CONFIG_FILE
: The human detection config file path.HUMAN_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT
: The human detection checkpoint URL.HUMAN_DETECTION_SCORE_THRE
: The score threshold for human detection. Default: 0.9.ACTION_DETECTION_SCORE_THRESHOLD
: The score threshold for action detection. Default: 0.5.LABEL_MAP
: The label map used. Default:tools/data/ava/label_map.txt
: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device likecuda:0
. Default:cuda:0
: Path to the output file which is a video format. Default:demo/stdet_demo.mp4
: Make a prediction per N frames. Default: 8.OUTPUT_STEPSIZE
: Output 1 frame per N frames in the input video. Note thatPREDICT_STEPSIZE % OUTPUT_STEPSIZE == 0
. Default: 4.OUTPUT_FPS
: The FPS of demo video output. Default: 6.
Assume that you are located at $MMACTION2
- Use the Faster RCNN as the human detector, SlowOnly-8x8-R101 as the action detector. Making predictions per 8 frames, and output 1 frame per 4 frames to the output video. The FPS of the output video is 4.
python demo/demo_spatiotemporal_det.py --video demo/demo.mp4 \
--config configs/detection/ava/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb.py \
--checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/detection/ava/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb_20201217-16378594.pth \
--det-config demo/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco.py \
--det-checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco_bbox_mAP-0.384_20200504_210434-a5d8aa15.pth \
--det-score-thr 0.9 \
--action-score-thr 0.5 \
--label-map tools/data/ava/label_map.txt \
--predict-stepsize 8 \
--output-stepsize 4 \
--output-fps 6
We provide a demo script to visualize GradCAM results using a single video.
python demo/demo_gradcam.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${VIDEO_FILE} [--use-frames] \
[--device ${DEVICE_TYPE}] [--target-layer-name ${TARGET_LAYER_NAME}] [--fps {FPS}] \
[--target-resolution ${TARGET_RESOLUTION}] [--resize-algorithm {RESIZE_ALGORITHM}] [--out-filename {OUT_FILE}]
: If specified, the demo will take rawframes as input. Otherwise, it will take a video as input.DEVICE_TYPE
: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device likecuda:0
. If not specified, it will be set tocuda:0
: FPS value of the output video when using rawframes as input. If not specified, it will be set to 30.OUT_FILE
: Path to the output file which can be a video format or gif format. If not specified, it will be set toNone
and does not generate the output file.TARGET_LAYER_NAME
: Layer name to generate GradCAM localization map.TARGET_RESOLUTION
: Resolution(desired_width, desired_height) for resizing the frames before output when using a video as input. If not specified, it will be None and the frames are resized by keeping the existing aspect ratio.RESIZE_ALGORITHM
: Resize algorithm used for resizing. If not specified, it will be set tobilinear
Assume that you are located at $MMACTION2
and have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory checkpoints/
or use checkpoint url from configs/
to directly load corresponding checkpoint, which will be automatically saved in $HOME/.cache/torch/checkpoints
Get GradCAM results of a I3D model, using a video file as input and then generate an gif file with 10 fps.
python demo/demo_gradcam.py configs/recognition/i3d/i3d_r50_video_inference_32x2x1_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/i3d_r50_video_32x2x1_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200826-e31c6f52.pth demo/demo.mp4 \ --target-layer-name backbone/layer4/1/relu --fps 10 \ --out-filename demo/demo_gradcam.gif
Get GradCAM results of a TSM model, using a video file as input and then generate an gif file, loading checkpoint from url.
python demo/demo_gradcam.py configs/recognition/tsm/tsm_r50_video_inference_1x1x8_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/recognition/tsm/tsm_r50_video_1x1x8_100e_kinetics400_rgb/tsm_r50_video_1x1x8_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200702-a77f4328.pth \ demo/demo.mp4 --target-layer-name backbone/layer4/1/relu --out-filename demo/demo_gradcam_tsm.gif
We provide a demo script to implement real-time action recognition from web camera. In order to get predict results in range [0, 1]
, make sure to set model.['test_cfg'] = dict(average_clips='prob')
in config file.
python demo/webcam_demo.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${LABEL_FILE} \
[--device ${DEVICE_TYPE}] [--camera-id ${CAMERA_ID}] [--threshold ${THRESHOLD}] \
[--average-size ${AVERAGE_SIZE}] [--drawing-fps ${DRAWING_FPS}] [--inference-fps ${INFERENCE_FPS}]
Optional arguments:
: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device likecuda:0
. If not specified, it will be set tocuda:0
: ID of camera device If not specified, it will be set to 0.THRESHOLD
: Threshold of prediction score for action recognition. Only label with score higher than the threshold will be shown. If not specified, it will be set to 0.AVERAGE_SIZE
: Number of latest clips to be averaged for prediction. If not specified, it will be set to 1.DRAWING_FPS
: Upper bound FPS value of the output drawing. If not specified, it will be set to 20.INFERENCE_FPS
: Upper bound FPS value of the output drawing. If not specified, it will be set to 4.
If your hardware is good enough, increasing the value of DRAWING_FPS
will get a better experience.
Assume that you are located at $MMACTION2
and have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory checkpoints/
or use checkpoint url from configs/
to directly load corresponding checkpoint, which will be automatically saved in $HOME/.cache/torch/checkpoints
Recognize the action from web camera as input by using a TSN model on cpu, averaging the score per 5 times and outputting result labels with score higher than 0.2.
python demo/webcam_demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt --average-size 5 \ --threshold 0.2 --device cpu
Recognize the action from web camera as input by using a TSN model on cpu, averaging the score per 5 times and outputting result labels with score higher than 0.2, loading checkpoint from url.
python demo/webcam_demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt --average-size 5 --threshold 0.2 --device cpu
Recognize the action from web camera as input by using a I3D model on gpu by default, averaging the score per 5 times and outputting result labels with score higher than 0.2.
python demo/webcam_demo.py configs/recognition/i3d/i3d_r50_video_inference_32x2x1_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/i3d_r50_32x2x1_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-c25ef9a4.pth tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt \ --average-size 5 --threshold 0.2
:::{note} Considering the efficiency difference for users' hardware, Some modifications might be done to suit the case. Users can change:
1). SampleFrames
step (especially the number of clip_len
and num_clips
) of test_pipeline
in the config file, like --cfg-options data.test.pipeline.0.num_clips=3
2). Change to the suitable Crop methods like TenCrop
, ThreeCrop
, CenterCrop
, etc. in test_pipeline
of the config file, like --cfg-options data.test.pipeline.4.type=CenterCrop
3). Change the number of --average-size
. The smaller, the faster.
We provide a demo script to predict different labels using a single long video. In order to get predict results in range [0, 1]
, make sure to set test_cfg = dict(average_clips='prob')
in config file.
python demo/long_video_demo.py ${CONFIG_FILE} ${CHECKPOINT_FILE} ${VIDEO_FILE} ${LABEL_FILE} \
${OUT_FILE} [--input-step ${INPUT_STEP}] [--device ${DEVICE_TYPE}] [--threshold ${THRESHOLD}]
Optional arguments:
: Path to the output, either video or json fileINPUT_STEP
: Input step for sampling frames, which can help to get more spare input. If not specified , it will be set to 1.DEVICE_TYPE
: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device likecuda:0
. If not specified, it will be set tocuda:0
: Threshold of prediction score for action recognition. Only label with score higher than the threshold will be shown. If not specified, it will be set to 0.01.STRIDE
: By default, the demo generates a prediction for each single frame, which might cost lots of time. To speed up, you can set the argumentSTRIDE
and then the demo will generate a prediction everySTRIDE x sample_length
frames (sample_length
indicates the size of temporal window from which you sample frames, which equals toclip_len x frame_interval
). For example, if the sample_length is 64 frames and you setSTRIDE
to 0.5, predictions will be generated every 32 frames. If set as 0, predictions will be generated for each frame. The desired value ofSTRIDE
is (0, 1], while it also works forSTRIDE > 1
(the generated predictions will be too sparse). Default: 0.LABEL_COLOR
: Font Color of the labels in (B, G, R). Default is white, that is (256, 256, 256).MSG_COLOR
: Font Color of the messages in (B, G, R). Default is gray, that is (128, 128, 128).
Assume that you are located at $MMACTION2
and have already downloaded the checkpoints to the directory checkpoints/
or use checkpoint url from configs/
to directly load corresponding checkpoint, which will be automatically saved in $HOME/.cache/torch/checkpoints
Predict different labels in a long video by using a TSN model on cpu, with 3 frames for input steps (that is, random sample one from each 3 frames) and outputting result labels with score higher than 0.2.
python demo/long_video_demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth PATH_TO_LONG_VIDEO tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt PATH_TO_SAVED_VIDEO \ --input-step 3 --device cpu --threshold 0.2
Predict different labels in a long video by using a TSN model on cpu, with 3 frames for input steps (that is, random sample one from each 3 frames) and outputting result labels with score higher than 0.2, loading checkpoint from url.
python demo/long_video_demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ PATH_TO_LONG_VIDEO tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt PATH_TO_SAVED_VIDEO --input-step 3 --device cpu --threshold 0.2
Predict different labels in a long video from web by using a TSN model on cpu, with 3 frames for input steps (that is, random sample one from each 3 frames) and outputting result labels with score higher than 0.2, loading checkpoint from url.
python demo/long_video_demo.py configs/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/recognition/tsn/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb/tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \ https://www.learningcontainer.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/sample-mp4-file.mp4 \ tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt PATH_TO_SAVED_VIDEO --input-step 3 --device cpu --threshold 0.2
Predict different labels in a long video by using a I3D model on gpu, with input_step=1, threshold=0.01 as default and print the labels in cyan.
python demo/long_video_demo.py configs/recognition/i3d/i3d_r50_video_inference_32x2x1_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/i3d_r50_256p_32x2x1_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200801-7d9f44de.pth PATH_TO_LONG_VIDEO tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt PATH_TO_SAVED_VIDEO \ --label-color 255 255 0
Predict different labels in a long video by using a I3D model on gpu and save the results as a
filepython demo/long_video_demo.py configs/recognition/i3d/i3d_r50_video_inference_32x2x1_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \ checkpoints/i3d_r50_256p_32x2x1_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200801-7d9f44de.pth PATH_TO_LONG_VIDEO tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt ./results.json
We provide a demo script to implement real-time spatio-temporal action detection from a web camera.
python demo/webcam_demo_spatiotemporal_det.py \
[--action-score-thr ${ACTION_DETECTION_SCORE_THRESHOLD}] \
[--det-checkpoint ${HUMAN_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT}] \
[--input-video] ${INPUT_VIDEO} \
[--label-map ${LABEL_MAP}] \
[--device ${DEVICE}] \
[--output-fps ${OUTPUT_FPS}] \
[--out-filename ${OUTPUT_FILENAME}] \
[--show] \
[--display-height] ${DISPLAY_HEIGHT} \
[--display-width] ${DISPLAY_WIDTH} \
[--predict-stepsize ${PREDICT_STEPSIZE}] \
[--clip-vis-length] ${CLIP_VIS_LENGTH}
Optional arguments:
: The spatiotemporal action detection config file path.SPATIOTEMPORAL_ACTION_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT
: The spatiotemporal action detection checkpoint path or URL.ACTION_DETECTION_SCORE_THRESHOLD
: The score threshold for action detection. Default: 0.4.HUMAN_DETECTION_CONFIG_FILE
: The human detection config file path.HUMAN_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT
: The human detection checkpoint URL.HUMAN_DETECTION_SCORE_THRE
: The score threshold for human detection. Default: 0.9.INPUT_VIDEO
: The webcam id or video path of the source. Default:0
: The label map used. Default:tools/data/ava/label_map.txt
: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device likecuda:0
. Default:cuda:0
: The FPS of demo video output. Default: 15.OUTPUT_FILENAME
: Path to the output file which is a video format. Default: None.--show
: Whether to show predictions withcv2.imshow
: The height of the display frame. Default: 0.DISPLAY_WIDTH
: The width of the display frame. Default: 0. IfDISPLAY_HEIGHT <= 0 and DISPLAY_WIDTH <= 0
, the display frame and input video share the same shape.PREDICT_STEPSIZE
: Make a prediction per N frames. Default: 8.CLIP_VIS_LENGTH
: The number of the draw frames for each clip. In other words, for each clip, there are at mostCLIP_VIS_LENGTH
frames to be draw around the keyframe. DEFAULT: 8.
Tips to get a better experience for webcam demo:
How to choose
should be almost equal to read thread fps.- Read thread fps is printed by logger in format
DEBUG:__main__:Read Thread: {duration} ms, {fps} fps
How to choose
?- It's related to how to choose human detector and spatio-temporval model.
- Overall, the duration of read thread for each task should be greater equal to that of model inference.
- The durations for read/inference are both printed by logger.
- Larger
leads to larger duration for read thread. - In order to fully take the advantage of computation resources, decrease the value of
Assume that you are located at $MMACTION2
- Use the Faster RCNN as the human detector, SlowOnly-8x8-R101 as the action detector. Making predictions per 40 frames, and FPS of the output is 20. Show predictions with
python demo/webcam_demo_spatiotemporal_det.py \
--input-video 0 \
--config configs/detection/ava/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb.py \
--checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/detection/ava/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb_20201217-16378594.pth \
--det-config demo/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco.py \
--det-checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco_bbox_mAP-0.384_20200504_210434-a5d8aa15.pth \
--det-score-thr 0.9 \
--action-score-thr 0.5 \
--label-map tools/data/ava/label_map.txt \
--predict-stepsize 40 \
--output-fps 20 \
We provide a demo script to predict the skeleton-based action recognition result using a single video.
python demo/demo_posec3d.py ${VIDEO_FILE} ${OUT_FILENAME} \
[--det-checkpoint ${HUMAN_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT}] \
[--label-map ${LABEL_MAP}] \
[--device ${DEVICE}] \
[--short-side] ${SHORT_SIDE}
Optional arguments:
: The skeleton-based action recognition config file path.SKELETON_BASED_ACTION_RECOGNITION_CHECKPOINT
: The skeleton-based action recognition checkpoint path or URL.HUMAN_DETECTION_CONFIG_FILE
: The human detection config file path.HUMAN_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT
: The human detection checkpoint URL.HUMAN_DETECTION_SCORE_THRE
: The score threshold for human detection. Default: 0.9.HUMAN_POSE_ESTIMATION_CONFIG_FILE
: The human pose estimation config file path (trained on COCO-Keypoint).HUMAN_POSE_ESTIMATION_CHECKPOINT
: The human pose estimation checkpoint URL (trained on COCO-Keypoint).LABEL_MAP
: The label map used. Default:tools/data/ava/label_map.txt
: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device likecuda:0
. Default:cuda:0
: The short side used for frame extraction. Default: 480.
Assume that you are located at $MMACTION2
- Use the Faster RCNN as the human detector, HRNetw32 as the pose estimator, PoseC3D-NTURGB+D-120-Xsub-keypoint as the skeleton-based action recognizer.
python demo/demo_posec3d.py demo/ntu_sample.avi demo/posec3d_demo.mp4 \
--config configs/skeleton/posec3d/slowonly_r50_u48_240e_ntu120_xsub_keypoint.py \
--checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/skeleton/posec3d/slowonly_r50_u48_240e_ntu120_xsub_keypoint/slowonly_r50_u48_240e_ntu120_xsub_keypoint-6736b03f.pth \
--det-config demo/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco.py \
--det-checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco_bbox_mAP-0.384_20200504_210434-a5d8aa15.pth \
--det-score-thr 0.9 \
--pose-config demo/hrnet_w32_coco_256x192.py \
--pose-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/hrnet/hrnet_w32_coco_256x192-c78dce93_20200708.pth \
--label-map tools/data/skeleton/label_map_ntu120.txt
We provide a demo script to to predict the skeleton-based and rgb-based action recognition and spatio-temporal action detection result using a single video.
python demo/demo_video_structuralize.py
[--det-checkpoint ${HUMAN_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT}] \
[--det-score-thr ${HUMAN_DETECTION_SCORE_THRE}] \
[--action-score-thr ${ACTION_DETECTION_SCORE_THRE}] \
[--video ${VIDEO_FILE}] \
[--device ${DEVICE}] \
[--out-filename ${OUTPUT_FILENAME}] \
[--predict-stepsize ${PREDICT_STEPSIZE}] \
[--output-stepsize ${OUTPU_STEPSIZE}] \
[--output-fps ${OUTPUT_FPS}] \
Optional arguments:
: The rgb-based spatio temoral action detection config file path.RGB_BASED_SPATIO_TEMPORAL_ACTION_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT
: The rgb-based spatio temoral action detection checkpoint path or URL.SKELETON_BASED_SPATIO_TEMPORAL_ACTION_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT
: The skeleton-based spatio temoral action detection checkpoint path or URL.HUMAN_DETECTION_CONFIG_FILE
: The human detection config file path.HUMAN_DETECTION_CHECKPOINT
: The human detection checkpoint URL.HUMAN_POSE_ESTIMATION_CONFIG_FILE
: The human pose estimation config file path (trained on COCO-Keypoint).HUMAN_POSE_ESTIMATION_CHECKPOINT
: The human pose estimation checkpoint URL (trained on COCO-Keypoint).SKELETON_BASED_ACTION_RECOGNITION_CONFIG_FILE
: The skeleton-based action recognition config file path.SKELETON_BASED_ACTION_RECOGNITION_CHECKPOINT
: The skeleton-based action recognition checkpoint path or URL.RGB_BASED_ACTION_RECOGNITION_CONFIG_FILE
: The rgb-based action recognition config file path.RGB_BASED_ACTION_RECOGNITION_CHECKPOINT
: The rgb-based action recognition checkpoint path or URL.USE_SKELETON_BASED_SPATIO_TEMPORAL_DETECTION_METHOD
: Use skeleton-based spatio temporal action detection method.USE_SKELETON_BASED_ACTION_RECOGNITION_METHOD
: Use skeleton-based action recognition method.HUMAN_DETECTION_SCORE_THRE
: The score threshold for human detection. Default: 0.9.ACTION_DETECTION_SCORE_THRE
: The score threshold for action detection. Default: 0.4.LABEL_MAP_FOR_SPATIO_TEMPORAL_ACTION_DETECTION
: The label map for spatio temporal action detection used. Default:tools/data/ava/label_map.txt
: The label map for action recognition. Default:tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt
: Type of device to run the demo. Allowed values are cuda device likecuda:0
. Default:cuda:0
: Path to the output file which is a video format. Default:demo/test_stdet_recognition_output.mp4
: Make a prediction per N frames. Default: 8.OUTPUT_STEPSIZE
: Output 1 frame per N frames in the input video. Note thatPREDICT_STEPSIZE % OUTPUT_STEPSIZE == 0
. Default: 1.OUTPUT_FPS
: The FPS of demo video output. Default: 24.
Assume that you are located at $MMACTION2
- Use the Faster RCNN as the human detector, HRNetw32 as the pose estimator, PoseC3D as the skeleton-based action recognizer and the skeleton-based spatio temporal action detector. Making action detection predictions per 8 frames, and output 1 frame per 1 frame to the output video. The FPS of the output video is 24.
python demo/demo_video_structuralize.py
--skeleton-stdet-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/skeleton/posec3d/posec3d_ava.pth \
--det-config demo/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco.py \
--det-checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco_bbox_mAP-0.384_20200504_210434-a5d8aa15.pth \
--pose-config demo/hrnet_w32_coco_256x192.py
--pose-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/hrnet/
hrnet_w32_coco_256x192-c78dce93_20200708.pth \
--skeleton-config configs/skeleton/posec3d/slowonly_r50_u48_240e_ntu120_xsub_keypoint.py \
--skeleton-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/skeleton/posec3d/
posec3d_k400.pth \
--use-skeleton-stdet \
--use-skeleton-recog \
--label-map-stdet tools/data/ava/label_map.txt \
--label-map tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt
- Use the Faster RCNN as the human detector, TSN-R50-1x1x3 as the rgb-based action recognizer, SlowOnly-8x8-R101 as the rgb-based spatio temporal action detector. Making action detection predictions per 8 frames, and output 1 frame per 1 frame to the output video. The FPS of the output video is 24.
python demo/demo_video_structuralize.py
--rgb-stdet-config configs/detection/ava/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb.py \
--rgb-stdet-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/detection/ava/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb_20201217-16378594.pth \
--det-config demo/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco.py \
--det-checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco_bbox_mAP-0.384_20200504_210434-a5d8aa15.pth \
--rgb-config configs/recognition/tsn/
tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \
--rgb-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/recognition/
tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \
--label-map-stdet tools/data/ava/label_map.txt \
--label-map tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt
- Use the Faster RCNN as the human detector, HRNetw32 as the pose estimator, PoseC3D as the skeleton-based action recognizer, SlowOnly-8x8-R101 as the rgb-based spatio temporal action detector. Making action detection predictions per 8 frames, and output 1 frame per 1 frame to the output video. The FPS of the output video is 24.
python demo/demo_video_structuralize.py
--rgb-stdet-config configs/detection/ava/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb.py \
--rgb-stdet-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/detection/ava/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb/slowonly_omnisource_pretrained_r101_8x8x1_20e_ava_rgb_20201217-16378594.pth \
--det-config demo/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco.py \
--det-checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco_bbox_mAP-0.384_20200504_210434-a5d8aa15.pth \
--pose-config demo/hrnet_w32_coco_256x192.py
--pose-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/hrnet/
hrnet_w32_coco_256x192-c78dce93_20200708.pth \
--skeleton-config configs/skeleton/posec3d/slowonly_r50_u48_240e_ntu120_xsub_keypoint.py \
--skeleton-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/skeleton/posec3d/
posec3d_k400.pth \
--use-skeleton-recog \
--label-map-stdet tools/data/ava/label_map.txt \
--label-map tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt
- Use the Faster RCNN as the human detector, HRNetw32 as the pose estimator, TSN-R50-1x1x3 as the rgb-based action recognizer, PoseC3D as the skeleton-based spatio temporal action detector. Making action detection predictions per 8 frames, and output 1 frame per 1 frame to the output video. The FPS of the output video is 24.
python demo/demo_video_structuralize.py
--skeleton-stdet-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/skeleton/posec3d/posec3d_ava.pth \
--det-config demo/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco.py \
--det-checkpoint http://download.openmmlab.com/mmdetection/v2.0/faster_rcnn/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco/faster_rcnn_r50_fpn_2x_coco_bbox_mAP-0.384_20200504_210434-a5d8aa15.pth \
--pose-config demo/hrnet_w32_coco_256x192.py
--pose-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmpose/top_down/hrnet/
hrnet_w32_coco_256x192-c78dce93_20200708.pth \
--skeleton-config configs/skeleton/posec3d/slowonly_r50_u48_240e_ntu120_xsub_keypoint.py \
--rgb-config configs/recognition/tsn/
tsn_r50_video_inference_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb.py \
--rgb-checkpoint https://download.openmmlab.com/mmaction/recognition/
tsn_r50_1x1x3_100e_kinetics400_rgb_20200614-e508be42.pth \
--use-skeleton-stdet \
--label-map-stdet tools/data/ava/label_map.txt \
--label-map tools/data/kinetics/label_map_k400.txt