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Compiler Project Phase 1

Compiler project built for CS 4386.

Project Organization

  • lib: Contains all CUP and JFlex library JARs
  • tests: Contains all test text files

Build and Execution

Build and run the basic test file with make run. If you want to run the extensive tests, execute make test. Both commands will build the lexer and parsers.

By default, make test will run the tests/tests.txt file. To run a different test file, you can set the TEST variable while running the Makefile. For example, to run the advanced tests (see the tests directory), you would issue the command make test TEST="tests". Any new tests would simply need to be a .txt file put in the tests directory and can be run with the command make test TEST="[name of test file without .txt extension]".

To run ONLY the lexer (See, you can use make lex-test. The TEST variable still behaves the same as the test recipe. For the test files written to specifically catch scanning/lexing errors, see the tests/lexer directory. A good example can be seen when running make lex-test TEST="lexer/adv-tests".

To Run Custom Tests

To run a custom test, simply create a new rule in the Makefile in the following format:

test: all
		$(JAVA) -cp $(CP) LexerTest tests.txt > tests-output.txt
		cat tests.txt
		cat -n tests-output.txt

Replace test with the make command you wish to use, replace tests.txt with the input test file, and tests-output.txt with the file you wish to output text to.


  • Phase 1: Tokenizer, mostly working on src/tokens.jflex, which uses Regular Expressions to scan incoming tokens.
  • Phase 2: Parser, will take the tokens from the first part and implements the grammar in src/grammar.cup.

Resources Used

Grammar Implemented

Program                     ➞  class id { MemberDeclerations }
MemberDeclerations          ➞  FieldDeclerations MethodDeclerations
FieldDeclerations           ➞  FieldDecleration FieldDeclerations | λ
MethodDeclerations          ➞  MethodDecleration MethodDeclerations | λ
FieldDecleration            ➞  OptionalFinal Type id OptionalExpression ;
                            |   Type id [ integerliteral ] ;
OptionalFinal               ➞  final | λ
OptionalExpression          ➞  = Expression | λ
MethodDecleration           ➞  ReturnType id ( ArgumentDeclerations ) { FieldStatements Statements } OptionalSemi
OptionalSemi                ➞  ; | λ
ReturnType                  ➞  Type | void
Type                        ➞  int | char | bool | float
ArgumentDeclerations        ➞  ArgumentDeclerationList | λ
ArgumentDeclerationList     ➞  ArgumentDecleration, ArgumentDeclerationList | ArgumentDecleration
ArgumentDecleration         ➞  Type id | Type id []
Statements                  ➞  Statements Statement | λ
Statement                   ➞  if ( Expression ) { FieldDeclerations Statements } IfEnd
                            |   while ( Expression ) { FieldDeclerations Statements }
                            |   Name = Expression ;
                            |   read ( ReadList ) ;
                            |   print ( PrintList ) ;
                            |   printline ( PrintLineList ) ;
                            |   id () ;
                            |   id ( Arguments ) ;
                            |   return ;
                            |   return Expression ;
                            |   Name ++ ;
                            |   Name -- ;
                            |   { FieldDecleration Statements } OptionalSemi
IfEnd                       ➞  else { FieldDeclerations Statements } | λ
Name                        ➞  id | id [ Expression ]
Arguments                   ➞  Expression, Arguments | Expression
ReadList                    ➞  Name, ReadList | Name
PrintList                   ➞  Expression, PrintList | Expression
PrintLineList               ➞  PrintList | λ  
Expression                  ➞  Name
                            |   id ()
                            |   id ( Arguments )
                            |   integerliteral
                            |   characterliteral
                            |   stringliteral
                            |   floatliteral
                            |   true
                            |   false
                            |   ( Expression )
                            |   ~ Expression
                            |   - Expression
                            |   + Expression
                            |   ( Type ) Expression
                            |   Expression BinaryOperator Expression
                            |   ( Expression ? Expression : Expression ) 
BinaryOperator              ➞  * | / | + | - | < | > | <= | >= | == | <> | \|\| | &&


A compiler I made for UTD CS 4386 Compiler Design






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