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60 lines (59 loc) · 3.32 KB

File metadata and controls

60 lines (59 loc) · 3.32 KB

Mapping for Lodash and Ramda

Remeda Lodash Ramda
addProp set set
allPass - allPass
anyPass - anyPass
chunk chunk -
clamp clamp clamp
clone clone clone
compact compact -
concat concat concat
createPipe - -
difference difference difference
drop drop drop
dropLast dropRight dropLast
equals isEqual equals
filter filter filter
find find find
findIndex findIndex findIndex`
first head head
flatMap flatMap -
flatten flatten flatten
flattenDeep flattenDeep flatten
forEach forEach forEach
forEachObj forEach forEachObjIndexed
groupBy groupBy groupBy
indexBy keyBy indexBy
intersection intersection intersection
last last last
map map map
mapKeys mapKeys -
merge merge merge
mergeAll merge mergeAll
noop noop -
objOf - objOf
omit omit omit
once once once
pathOr get pathOr
pick pick pick
pipe flow pipe
prop get prop
purry - -
randomString - -
range range range
reduce reduce reduce
reject reject reject
reverse reverse reverse
set set set
sort - sort
sortBy sortBy sortBy
splitAt - splitAt
splitWhen - splitWhen
take take take
takeWhile takeWhile takeWhile
times times times
toPairs toPairs toPairs
type - type
uniq uniq uniq
uniqBy uniqBy uniqBy