- PDF Link: cheatsheet-perforce-A4.pdf, Category: Cloud
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Name | Summary |
Download Perforce CLI Client | Link: Download Helix Command-Line Client (P4) |
Download Perforce GUI Client | Link: Download Helix Visual Client (P4V) |
Name | Summary |
Config file | .p4config |
Validate p4 config file | ls -lth $P4CONFIG |
Login to system | p4 login |
Create a new P4 client | p4 client |
Sync source code | p4 sync |
Edit a file | p4 edit $file_path |
Add a file | p4 add $file_path |
See files open for edit | p4 opened |
Generate CLN | p4 change |
Update an existing CLN | p4 change $CLN |
Generate a review link | /build/apps/bin/post-review $CLN |
Resolve conflict | p4 resolve |
Check-in the change after review | p4 submit -c $CLN |
Check-in the change after review | p4 shelve -c $CLN -d, =p4 submit -c $CLN |
Name | Summary |
6 Failures Of Perforce Submission | If submit succeeds, files should be removed from shelf and changelist shown as ‘submitted’ |
-bash-4.1$ p4 help Perforce -- the Fast Software Configuration Management System. p4 is Perforce's client tool for the command line. Try: p4 help simple list most common commands p4 help commands list all standard commands p4 help command help on a specific command p4 help administration help on specialized administration topics p4 help charset help on character set translation p4 help configurables list server configuration variables p4 help environment list environment and registry variables p4 help filetypes list supported file types p4 help jobview help on jobview syntax p4 help networkaddress help on network address syntax p4 help revisions help on specifying file revisions p4 help streamintro introduction to streams p4 help usage generic command line arguments p4 help views help on view syntax p4 help replication help on specialized replication topics p4 help dvcs help on decentralized Perforce configurations p4 help legal legal and license information The full user manual is available at https://www.perforce.com/support/self-service-resources/documentation Server 2018.2/1740258.
License: Code is licensed under MIT License.