A base architecture written in swift and protocol oriented.
pod 'SwiftyArchitecture'
# or choose on your need
pod 'SwiftyArchitecture/Persistance'
pod 'SwiftyArchitecture/Networking'
pod 'SwiftyArchitecture/RxExtension'
# Write tests
pod 'SwiftyArchitecture/Testable'
Download .zip
package and copy the SwiftyArchitecture/Base
folder into you project.
- Networking.
- Persistence.
- Data center, handle all API and storage of response data in realm database.
- Modulize or componentize your main project, provide data transmit and router between modules.
- Reactive extension for all functionalities above.
Provide some basic functionalities of a server like url configuation, environments switch etc. In test Mode, offline the server.
let server: Server = .init(live: cdn.config.liveURL,
customEnvironments: [
.custom("Dev"): cdn.config.devURL,
.custom("Staging"): cdn.config.stagingURL,
server.switch(to: .custom("Dev"))
You can comstomize the operation of dealing response data now, just subclass from Server
and conform to protocol ServerDataProcessProtocol
func handle(data: Any) throws -> Void {
if let dic = data as? [String: Any],
let errorCode = dic["error_code"] as? Int,
errorCode != 0 {
    throw NSError(domain: kYourErrorDomain,
code: errorCode,
userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: message])
Now you can manager request with
, creating a class conformed toApiInfoProtocol
, only need to provide some infomation about the API and set where the callback is, you are already finished the configuration of an API.
var apiVersion: String {
get { return "v2" }
var apiName: String {
get { return "user/login" }
var server: Server {
get { return mainServer }
typealias ResultType = _User
static var responseSerializer: ResponseSerializer<_User> {
return JSONResponseSerializer<_User>()
The API provide some basic method like:
public func loadData(with params: [String: Any]?) -> Void
Using chaining syntax to request data:
api.loadData(with: nil).response({ (api, user, error) in
if let error = error {
// deal error
if let user = user {
// do response if have data
- Rx supported
ApiManager provides an Observable
for you, you can transfrom it or directly bind it to something:
api.rx.loadData(with: params)
.flatMap {
return yourResultObservable
.bind(to: label.rx.text)
.dispose(by: bag)
provides a data center, which can automatically manage your models, data and requests. This function is based on Reactive Functional Programing
, and using RxSwift
. The networking kit is using API
and database is Realm
It provides an accessor called DataAccessObject<Object>
, and all data or models can be read throught this DAO.
Firstly, define your data model in model layer and your database model in Realm
final class User: Codable {
var userId: String = ""
var name: String = ""
final class _User: Object {
@objc dynamic var userId: String = ""
@objc dynamic var name: String = ""
To manage this User
model, it must be conform to protocol DataCenterManaged
, this protocol defines how data center should do with this model.
extension User: DataCenterManaged {
// defines how transform data from API to data base object.
static func serialize(data: User) throws -> _User {
let user = _User()
user.name = data.name
user.userId = data.userId
return user
// define data base object's type
typealias DatabaseObject = User
// define API's type
typealias APIInfo = UserAPI
Then you can read the data in database and use it by using DataAccessObject<User>
// read all users and display on table view.
.map { $0.sorted(by: <) }
.map { [AnimatableSectionModel(model: "", items: $0)] }
.bind(to: tableView.rx.items(dataSource: datasource))
.disposed(by: disposeBag)
And then you can update models throught requests, and when data changed, the Observable<User>
will notify observers the new model is coming. And data center will save the newest data to database. For developers of in feature team, they should only need to forcus on models and actions.
print("Show loading")
let request = Request<User>()
.update(with: request)
.subscribe({ event in
switch event {
case .completed:
print("Hide loading")
case .error(let error as NSError):
print("Hide loading with error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
.disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
Like ApiManager, only need to subclass from
and conform toDatabaseManagerProtocol
, providepath
, you are already create a new database in your project. e.g.
class DefaultDatabase: KMPersistanceDatabase, DatabaseManagerProtocol {
override init() {
self.databaseName = "default.db"
self.path = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.DocumentDirectory, .UserDomainMask, true).first! + "/" + self.databaseName
self.database = FMDatabaseQueue(path: self.path)
Table and Record
Subclass from
and conform toTableProtocol
let you create a new table in a database. Any objcect conformRecordProtocol
can be record in the table you want. See more details in demo.Using this just like:
let table = UserTable()
let newUser = UserModel(name: "Klein", uid: 310)
Fetch data with conditions using
let table = UserTable()
let condition = DatabaseCommandCondition()
condition.whereConditions = "user_id >= 0"
condition.orderBy = "user_name"
let result = table.queryRecordWithSelect("user_name", condition: condition)
Always, database provide method of doing query or execute with sql directly, for complex database operation:
let db = DefaultDatabase()
db.query("select * from tableDoesntExtist", withArgumentsInArray: nil)
Support using cocoapods
to modulize your project. You can separate some part of code which is indepence enough, and put the code into a pod
repo. And finally the main project maybe have no code any more, when building your app, the cocoapods
will install all the dependencies together and generate your app.
The good things of modulization
or componentization
- modules are closed between each other, and there's no way to visit the detail from another module;
- modules can be used in other project, if the module is well designed;
- instead of using git branch, now we can use version of the
for development and generate app; - using
cocoapods package
to generate binary library, fasten the app package process.
The bad things of it are (for now)
- low running performance for developing, because the more frameworks or libraries, the worse
performance get; - need a lot of utils to maintain
and their git repos, like auto generate version, auto updatePodfile
So, this function should depend on the situation of your team. ;)
Modules should register into the
when app started.if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "ModulesRegistery", withExtension: ".plist") { try! ModuleManager.default.registerModules(withConfigFilePath: url) }
The registery
file contains an array of class names, which implement module's protocol, like:// in public protocol pod: public extension ModuleIdentifier { static let auth: ModuleIdentifier = "com.klein.module.auth" } public protocol AuthServiceProtocol { func authenticate(completion: @escaping (User) -> ()) throws } // in hidden pod: class AuthModule: ModuleProtocol, AuthServiceProtocol { static var moduleIdentifier: ModuleIdentifier { return .auth } required init() { } func moduleDidLoad(with manager: ModuleManager) {} func authenticate(completion: @escaping (User) -> ()) throws { // do your work } } // in .plist array: Auth.AuthModule, ...
Call other module's method like
guard let authModule = try? self.moduleManager?.bridge.resolve(.auth) as? AuthServiceProtocol else { fatalError() } authModule.authenticate(completion: { user in print(user) })
When some modules should do some work at the start process, you will need
and regitster you opartion in it.// defined in framework public protocol ModuleInitiatorProtocol { static var identifier: String { get } static var operation: Initiator.Operation { get } static var priority: Initiator.Priority { get } static var dependencies: [String] { get } } // implement in pod repo extension AuthModule: ModuleInitiatorProtocol { static var identifier: String { moduleIdentifier } static var priority: Initiator.Priority { .high } static var dependencies: [String] { [ModuleIdentifier.application] } static var operation: Initiator.Operation { return { // do something } } }
- Custom extensions and categories.
- UI relevant class for easy accessing global UI settings.
can write log to files, and stored in sandbox.
Almost done
- Networking: cache, origin data transform to Model or View's data, priority of request.
- Mock of API's response.
- Download and upload functions in API manager.
Persistance: transform data to model or View's data after query.(don't need it now, using Realm) -
Animations, Tools and Kits: TextKit like YYText, etc. (SwiftyArchitecture won't provide those utilities, because base shouldn't have to.) - Refactoring, more functional and reative. Considering to use
. Fully use genericity. - Modulize of componentlization usage. Router.
All the source code is published under the MIT license. See LICENSE file for details.