The software is being license under MPL 2.0 license.
Breeze is a social mod for your users. It enables a dynamic wall where they can post status and comments. Comes with the following features:
- SMF 2.1.x
- PHP 8.1
- No file edits, works with all themes.
- Users individual settings, each user defines her/his own settings.
- Mentions for status and comments.
- Notifications for several features.
- General wall page for displaying your buddie's latest activity.
The mod uses the following scripts:
composer test
composer install --no-ansi --no-dev --no-interaction --no-plugins --no-progress --no-scripts --optimize-autoloader &&
zip -r Breeze breezeVendor/ Sources/ Themes/ tasks/ hooks.php install.php License package-info.xml README.txt remove.php
Feel free to fork this repository and make your desired changes.
Please see the Developer's Certificate of Origin in the repository: by signing off your contributions, you acknowledge that you can and do license your submissions under the license of the project.
- master - is the main branch, only used to merge in a "final release"
- development - is the branch where the development of the "next" version/s happens